Show #7539 - Thursday, May 25, 2017


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Jon Groubert, a former attorney from Denver, Colorado

Melanie Tannenbaum Hepler, a fitness instructor from Newark, California

Mackenzie Vogt, a systems analyst from Point Pleasant, New Jersey (whose 1-day cash winnings total $12,600)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: In the traditional version of the dishes we will give you.)
    $200 7
In Salzburg that summer, he composed his "Serenade No. 7" for a wedding
    $200 1
In this film, the first in a series, Shailene Woodley stars as Tris, who discovers that she's not like the others
    $200 20
Pommes frites
    $200 6
Before it referred to 2 baseball games played on the same day, it was a train pulled by 2 locomotives
    $200 25
It's the elected medical official whose job it is to investigate deaths not due to natural causes
    $200 16
Yes, you can stay at a Hilton resort on this island on South Carolina's Port Royal Sound
    $400 8
In 1776 he captained the Resolution in search of the NW Passage but later should not have taken a Hawaiian vacation
    $400 2
In "Her", Joaquin Phoenix falls in love & has a relationship with a computer operating system voiced by her
    $400 21
    $400 12
"Keeping up with" this family dates back to a 1913 comic strip
    $400 29
This emblem of death is used as a warning sign on poisons, ya scalawag!
    $400 17
With a Celtic heritage, the "Isle of" this off the northwest coast of England has its own kilt with a national tartan
    $600 9
In a work by Edward Gibbon from 1776, this pair of problems precedes "of the Roman Empire"
    $600 3
This 1995 film with Kevin Costner as The Mariner became a Universal Studios "tidal wave of explosive action"
    $600 22
The 2 main vegetables in succotash
    $600 13
This word comes from the Latin for "little book"; when a Roman wanted to defame another, he issued a book of his foe's misdeeds
    $600 28
Someone who dies intestate does so without one of these at the time of death
    DD: $1,200 18
Gomera in this Spanish group was the last stop for Columbus before he headed across the Atlantic to the New World
    $800 10
The Treaty of Purandar was signed by the Maratha & the "Supreme Government" of this U.K. company
    $800 4
NTIs, or non-terrestrial intelligences, live very, very deep in the ocean in this 1989 James Cameron film
    $800 23
    $800 14
One of the 2 blacksmith tools used in an expression that means to fight with all one's resources
    $800 26
One kind of muscle stiffness you don't want is this 2-word Latin type that happens soon after death
    $800 19
In 2009 Boggy Peak on this companion isle to Barbuda was renamed Mount Obama
    $1000 11
Founded in 1775 but soon abandoned, this mission north of San Diego named for St. John was re-founded for good in 1776
    $1000 5
The name of this title substance combines the 2 legumes that it's said to contain
    $1000 15
This word for a gin cocktail comes from a tool used for boring holes
    $1000 27
This ultimate accounting of souls is a common subject in European art; here's Hans Memling's take
    $1000 24
It's the largest permanently populated Mexican island

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Mackenzie Melanie Jon
$3,200 $800 $600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Mackenzie Melanie Jon
$3,800 $1,800 $4,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 3
Who better to duet with Barbra on "New York State Of Mind" than this piano man
    $400 13
There are 3 main types of coral reefs: fringing, atolls & this, like the one off Australia
    $400 20
Holocaust survivor Aharon Appelfeld wrote of the impending horror in "Badenheim" this year
    $400 7
Fred Thompson supplemented his Senate salary by joining the cast of this TV procedural in 2002
    $400 15
American ____ Liberties Union
    $400 1
If you think culture is a waste of time, you may be one of these, mentioned in 1 Samuel
    $800 4
Barbra & Michael Crawford recorded a rendition of "The Music Of The Night" from this musical
    $800 14
The Virginia Institute of Marine Science's tidewatch program studies the tides of this huge bay
    $800 21
The title of a 1958 Leon Uris novel about Israel's birth isn't "Genesis", but this
    $800 9
For 24 years as a popular surgeon in this "ghostly" city, Sen. John Barrasso was "Wyoming's Doctor"
    $800 16
Wounded ____ Project
    $800 2
To fool around with someone not your spouse
    $1200 25
Barbra & this "Miami Vice" star had a thing going when they recorded "Till I Loved You"
    $1200 28
Parts of the Agulhas current flow southward past Mozambique & curve around this cape to the Atlantic Ocean
    $1200 22
In Amos Oz' novel "The Hill of Evil Counsel", 2 boys grow up in Jerusalem under this country's post-WWI mandate
    $1200 10
In 1978 this retired NBA star was elected U.S. senator for New Jersey
    $1200 17
Medecins ____ Frontieres
    DD: $2,000 5
This tree-climbing plant is adapted to the relative darkness of the rain forest, so it thrives indoors
    $1600 26
This Bee Gee not only co-produced Barbra's "Guilty" album--the title duet also earned them a Grammy
    $1600 23
This "Tales of the South Pacific" author's novel "The Source" is a tale of Israel from ancient times up to the 20th century
    DD: $3,000 11
3 states have 2 female senators: California, Washington & this one with Jeanne Shaheen & Maggie Hassan
    $1600 18
Council on ____ Relations
    $1600 6
In 1948 this TV manufacturer launched a "Television Playhouse"
    $2000 27
Sung with Jamie Foxx, the last duet on Barbra's 2016 "Encore" album is this song that concludes "The Sound of Music"
    $2000 24
Aharon Megged's "Foiglman" looks at the conflicts between fathers & sons, Israel & the Diaspora & these 2 languages
    $2000 12
Born in Chicago, she became Illinois' first female senator and later served as ambassador to New Zealand
    $2000 19
Southern ____ Law Center
    $2000 8
Demosthenes delivered several of these bitter orations, named for a king of Macedonia

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Mackenzie Melanie Jon
$11,200 $1,800 $13,400

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

The Brooklyn mural seen here is an homage to this fictional group whose first appearance came in 1984

Final scores:

Mackenzie Melanie Jon
$22,400 $0 $22,401
2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $22,401

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Mackenzie Melanie Jon
$11,800 $1,800 $12,800
16 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
(including 1 DD)
13 R,
4 W
17 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W

Combined Coryat: $26,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2017-02-21
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