Show #978 - Wednesday, November 30, 1988

Yael Sofaer game 5.


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Jack Lechner, a freelance writer originally from Arlington, Virginia

Laura Winters, a teacher from Northridge, California

Yael Sofaer, a programmer and analyst originally from Israel (whose 4-day cash winnings total $47,401)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 1
"Sweet Thursday" was his sequel to "Cannery Row"
    $100 21
This joint is the juncture of the femur, tibia & patella
    $100 26
Teddy Roosevelt said, "In life, as in" this sport, "the principle to follow is: hit the line hard"
    $100 3
He guesses he's had about 5,000 room keys thrown his way during performances
    $100 11
In a TV interview she apologized to Vietnam vets for any hurt her anti-war activities caused them
    $100 16
The only place in the U.S. where you can use its stamps for postage is at its post office in New York City
    $200 2
Robert Louis Stevenson's unfinished masterpiece "Weir of Hermiston" was set in this, his native country
    $200 22
Almost all oxygen needed by the body is carried by the hemoglobin in these cells
    $200 27
State in which the Preakness is run
    $200 6
Rickie Lee Jones' only Top 10 hit told us "Chuck E.'s in" this
    $200 12
Raisa Gorbachev reportedly carries this credit card, even though we know who she is
    $200 17
MoMA sells cookie cutters shaped like the Sears Tower, the Guggenheim Museum & this Sydney landmark
    $300 4
This book is so long some people quit reading it before Pierre marries Natasha
    $300 23
This tube connects the back of the throat to the middle ear
    $300 28
This former Laker guard is second only to Kareem Abdul-Jabbar in NBA playoff scoring
    $300 7
He wrote the theme songs for "The Bill Cosby Show", "Roots" & "Sanford and Son"
    $300 13
Recently L. Minnelli joined this famous, formerly all male club, but they haven't roasted her yet
    DD: $900 18
2 of the 4 signs of the Zodiac which aren't mammals
    $400 5
Anna Sewell's only book, it was published just months before her death
    $400 24
An axon is the extended fiber of this type of cell
    $400 29
Manager who won more World Series games than any other
    $400 9
"Relative" moniker of Louis Marshall Jones, longtime favorite on "Hee Haw"
    $400 14
A group led by Madalyn Murray O'Hair wants to get these words removed from U.S. currency
    $400 19
A presidential candidate in 1948, this 85-year-old senator has represented South Carolina for over 33 years
    $500 8
His novel "The Third Man" was written originally as a screenplay
    $500 25
This secretion from the liver passes on to the gall bladder then to the small intestine
    $500 30
In soccer, this starts play at the beginning of a period or after a goal
    $500 10
Dubbed "The Dietrich of the New Decade", this provocative Jamaican has stunned crowds worldwide
    $500 15
She resigned as Screen Actors Guild president to produce a movie based on her autobiography
    $500 20
Encyclopedia Americana calls it the 1st real lighthouse; World Book calls it the tallest

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Yael Laura Jack
$600 $300 $3,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Yael Laura Jack
$2,800 $400 $3,900

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: That's always popular on "Jeopardy!".)
    $200 2
1st animal alphabetically, its Afrikaans name comes from Dutch for "earth" & "little pig"
    $200 12
The reason this country gave for expansion was "lebensraum", or "living space" for a crowded populace
    $200 18
The 1815 Treaty of Vienna guaranteed this policy which Switzerland had adopted some time before
    $200 1
This traditional Christmas dish contains suet, currants & raisins but no plums
    $200 7
In 1983 she published "Hey, Get Back to Work", the autobiography of Roseanne Roseannadanna
    $400 3
The Indus, the chief river of Pakistan, gave its name to this Indian religion
    $400 13
During his U.S. visit in 1959, Khrushchev visited her at Hyde Park
    $400 19
Much of the milk produced in Switzerland is used to make emmentaler, which is this popular export
    $400 14
The 3 major types of this are sulphured, unsulphured & blackstrap
    $400 8
This dancer said of break dancing, "You can't dance on your's like flying a plane on the ground"
    $600 4
The word "short" in shortbread is a shortened form of this word
    $600 15
The 1st commercial phone call sent via 1 of these was placed by LBJ to west European leaders in 1965
    $600 28
Its east entrance was guarded by cherubim
    $600 20
Switzerland's international airline, it's one of the few in Europe that's privately owned
    $600 23
It was a song title by itself, followed "My boy..." & was paired with roses
    $600 9
A player with fewer than 10 points in unmatched cards can lay down his hand in this game
    $800 5
Slip-on shoe with a rope sole, its name comes from spartum, a rope-producing plant
    $800 16
On August 24, 1939 "Lepke" Buchalter, "president" of this criminal org., surrendered to Walter Winchell
    $800 26
This false god was fashioned out of old jewelry
    DD: $1,000 21
These 2 major rivers whose names differ by only 1 letter both rise in Switzerland
    $800 24
The name of this custard dessert with a caramel glaze is French for "burnt cream"
    $800 10
"If I've done anything, I've brought passion to television news," said this controversial talk show host
    $1000 6
In Latin, it referred to a child in school or reflected in someone's eye
    $1000 17
It's not known if the 1948 death of this country's foreign minister, Jan Masaryk, was murder or suicide
    $1000 25
The 1st time Moses went up Mt. Sinai to take down God's word, he spent this much time there
    $1000 22
This Latin name for Switzerland appears on Swiss postage stamps
    $1000 27
This fruit is the main ingredient in the sauce served over peach melba
    DD: $5 11
Group that had its last Top 10 hit with the following:

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Yael Laura Jack
$5,995 $4,000 $4,500

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Surveyor general of India from 1830-43, in 1865 a mountain was renamed in his honor

Final scores:

Yael Laura Jack
$2,989 $7,750 $9,000
3rd place: DIA leather chair 2nd place: Jenn-Air grill-range & Maytag Jetclean dishwasher New champion: $9,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Yael Laura Jack
$6,400 $4,000 $4,500
21 R
(including 1 DD),
6 W
(including 2 DDs)
9 R,
1 W
19 R,
4 W

Combined Coryat: $14,900

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1988-09-14
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