Show #530 - Friday, December 19, 1986

Frank Hughes game 3.


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Pat Rounds, a sales trainer from Silver Spring, Maryland

Dan Schaffer, a high school teacher from San Diego, California

Frank Hughes, an account executive from Torrance, California (whose 2-day cash winnings total $20,401)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: And another in our continuing series featuring curriculum...)
    $100 1
1 of D.C.'s most popular, though once sexually incompatible duos, Hsing-Hsing & Ling-Ling are these
    $100 9
While you gotta search for the rabbit head on a Playboy, you can easily find his happy face on Mad
    $100 14
Only country mentioned in the song "Snoopy vs. The Red Baron"
    $100 21
Coal is usually classified according to how much of this element it contains
    $100 26
The highest score you can get in any frame with a spare
    $100 3
In French, it's what you "parlez-vous" when vous parlez French
    $200 2
According to Shakespeare, Cressida was unfaithful to this tragic Trojan
    $200 12
On its Jan. 1986 cover, Esquire "presented" these to Madonna, Rambo & "New" Coke
    $200 15
Al Jolson told his "Mammy", "My heart strings are tangled around" this state
    $200 22
In U.S., an average of about 19 gallons of this are extracted from every 42-gallon barrel of crude oil
    $200 27
"Bedposts" is a term for this dreaded split
    $200 4
"A votre santé" for example, or bread dipped in egg & fried
    $300 5
After this man died, Queen Victoria never entered a theater again, but had plays brought to her
    $300 13
Only "real" men, never models, are cover subjects, says this men's magazine known by its initials
    $300 16
In the musical "Oklahoma!", city where "They've gone about as fur as they c'n go"
    $300 23
Uranium production has fallen in recent years because of cancellations in building these plants
    $300 6
An evil & alluring woman, a la Barbara Stanwyck in "Double Indemnity"
    $400 7
They teasingly titled their 1985 autobiography "Lloyd on Lloyd"
    $400 19
A "trademark" of the '80s, this symbol is found on the lower left corner of most magazine covers
    $400 17
1952 Eddie Fisher song which rhymes "I adore you" with "I first saw you"
    $400 24
Of Russia, Mexico, or South Africa, nation that leads world in silver production
    $400 10
If you keep singing "Dormez vous? Dormez vous?" long enough, he's bound to wake up
    $500 8
"Nottingham's favorite frozen water walkers", they won the gold medal for ice dancing in the '84 Olympics
    DD: $300 20
In July 1986, "she" was on the front of Time & Newsweek, but TV Guide only gave her its backside
    $500 18
Elvis' 1969 hit "In The Ghetto" takes place in the ghetto of this city
    $500 25
It provides water to residents in 7 western states & for over 1/12 of the U.S. landmass
    $500 11
Dozing off during a French test, a boy might dream about the girls of this Paris music hall revue

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 12):

Frank Dan Pat
$1,300 $1,100 -$500

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Frank Dan Pat
$2,400 $2,200 -$700

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Another in our continuing series on U.S. states, this one having to do with the famous people of...)
(Alex: This last category is not about the kind of letters you mail, it's about letters of the alphabet that become lost for one reason or another. Cryptic enough?)
    $200 8
Ironically, he was named after Mexican liberator Benito Juarez
    $200 18
In the 1930's, this pet became a fashion accessory as well as a "best friend"
    $200 16
Born in Strasburg, this band leader "bubbled" on TV for 27 years
    $200 3
Film with the ad line "No. 5 is alive"
    $200 1
Term for a painting of inanimate objects like the ever-popular bowl of fruit
    $200 26
Letter lost when "color" made the trip from Britain to America
    DD: $500 9
World War II battleship that's the title subject of this song:

"For six long days and weary nights they tried to find her trail
Churchill told the people 'Put every ship a-sail
'Cause somewhere on that ocean...'"
    $400 19
In the '70s, this Swedish tennis star helped popularize headbands
    $400 17
The state was not "all there was" for this singer originally named Norma Egstrom
    $400 4
"Mad Max 2" was retitled this for its American release
    $400 2
It was Pope Julius II who invited him to do a little something with the bare Sistine ceiling
    $400 27
Action show star who lost the "ureaud" off his last name, leaving him with just 1 letter
    $600 10
Lauded for "gallantry under fire", "G.I. Joe", who carried a message that saved 1000 lives, was this
    $600 20
In the '50s, this European nation became a major fashion center for the 1st time since Renaissance
    $600 23
"Yankee" who grew up in Fargo, he holds Major League record for most home runs in one season
    $600 5
Of "Bloody Mama", "Crazy Mama", & "I Dismember Mama", 1 which starred Cloris Leachman
    $600 13
When doing a fresco, you have to apply the paint quickly before this dries
    $800 11
It's said 3 weapons won the Battle of Britain: radar, Churchill's oratory & this fighter plane
    $800 21
Until imported from India in the 17th century, this fiber was not important in European fashion
    $800 24
State's only nat'l park is named for this president whose ranch was in the Badlands there
    $800 6
1986 Best Foreign Language Oscar winner, "The Official Story", was in this language
    $800 14
It was revealed in 1986 this artist had secretly completed 240 works of a subject named Helga
    $800 28
The South Carolina city of Charleston lost this letter when its name was condensed in 1783
    $1000 12
2 days after we dropped an A-bomb on Hiroshima, this country declared war on Japan
    $1000 22
Though Paris led women's fashion in the early 1900s, this capital set men's styles
    $1000 25
U. of N.D. alumnus & Pulitzer Prize-winning author of "What Price Glory" & "Winterset"
    $1000 7
Bogie, Bette, & Ronnie (Reagan, that is) starred in this 1939 tearjerker about a dying socialite
    $1000 15
Tho this movement begun by Picasso & Braque has a "3-D" name, it strove to make reality 2-dimensional

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Frank Dan Pat
$7,700 $7,000 -$300

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Of the 6 U.S. cities with over a million people, number that currently have Black mayors

Final scores:

Frank Dan Pat
$1,399 $0 -$300
3-day champion: $21,800 2nd place: Admiral refrigerator + Radio Flyer wagons 3rd place: Kosta Boda crystal stemware

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Frank Dan Pat
$7,900 $7,000 -$300
21 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
(including 1 DD)
18 R,
2 W
5 R,
3 W

Combined Coryat: $14,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1986-09-30
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