Show #4651 - Monday, November 22, 2004

2004 College Championship final game 1.


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Ari Schoenholtz, a senior at Williams College from Bethesda, Maryland

Rachel McCool, a sophomore at Dickinson College from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Kermin Fleming, a junior at Carnegie Mellon University from Lexington, Kentucky

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 2
It can precede "anemone" or "cow"
    $200 9
In 2002 Melissa Gilbert was reelected president of this guild formed by actors of the silver screen
    $200 29
Just west of Davenport, the Iowa-80, one of these refuges for big rigs, features a dentist & barber shop
    $200 30
To convert pints into these metric units of liquid measure, multiply by .47
    $200 4
This light wood gets its name from the Spanish for "raft" because people in the tropics have used its logs for rafts
    $200 1
This Puerto Rican Hall of Fame outfielder won 12 consecutive Gold Gloves during his 18-year career
    $400 6
This leopard lives at nearly 20,000 feet in Central Asia
    $400 10
The flag of the Organization of American States has 35 different ones of these on it
    $400 28
Going west from Fargo, it's a 193-mile straight shot (about as straight as it gets) on I-94 to this state capital
    $400 24
This unit of weight used for gemstones equals 200 milligrams
    $400 20
The gigantic statue at Rhodes, one of the 7 ancient wonders, gave us this adjective meaning gigantic
    $400 3
A 10-time Pro Bowl defensive tackle, he wasn't so "Mean" when he tossed a kid his jersey in a Coke ad
    $600 14
Over 1,500 species of worm are named for this habitat
    $600 11
The great-grandson of a slave, he was the first black mayor of Washington, D.C.
    $600 25
In Santa Fe, visit the USA's only art museum of international stature devoted to a single woman: her
    $600 15
This unit for measuring type size was invented in 1737 by Pierre Simon Fournier
    $600 21
Originally used to designate an errand boy, it was introduced into Scotland by golfer Mary, Queen of Scots
    $600 5
This "Miracle on Ice" coach was the Penguin's head man in 1999 & 2000
    $800 18
Grassy field that joins with "lark"
    $800 12
The very farthest west you can drive in the Florida Keys is to this island
    DD: $2,000 26
There's a hang-gliding school named for this 2-word North Carolina town that became famous in 1903
    $800 16
Both the ounce & this unit of measure get their names from the Latin uncia, "twelfth part"
    $800 22
The Greek word "iota" gave us this 3-letter word that means to write down hastily
    $800 7
Thomas Henderson said this Steeler QB "couldn't spell cat if you spotted him the C & the A", but he still won 4 Super Bowls
    $1000 19
This word refers to extreme opposites or a type of bear
    $1000 13
(Cheryl and Sofia of the Clue Crew shoot some skeet.) "Pull!" You should know the name of the person who releases the target in trap shooting
    $1000 27
You can camp at Mazam Village when visiting this Northwestern body of water seen here
    $1000 17
By pedaling with all your might for a few minutes you can generate 250 watts, or barely one-third of this unit
    $1000 23
They got their name from the wooden sandals worn by the French court to protect shoes on rainy days
    $1000 8
You might see why this coach, seen here, tends to lead with this chin

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Kermin Rachel Ari
$1,200 $2,800 $1,200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Kermin Rachel Ari
$9,400 $5,000 $1,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: You guys probably never use them.)
(Alex: That's a great category, particularly if you have a cell phone.)
    $400 10
The poet & his buddy Virgil spend some time in Hell, a fate you avoided by buying our version of this classic
    $400 21
When this singer rings, it means she needs a partner for her Kabbalah class
    $400 2
"Drool Brittania" might have been a better anthem for this English king who went insane & also lost the American colonies
    $400 15
A Rhodes Scholar, Howard Florey, led a research team at Oxford that discovered a way to mass-produce this antibiotic
    $400 1
A "Steel-drivin' Man" who helped dig the Big Bend tunnel in the 1870s is said to be the basis of this folklore legend
    $800 11
John Bunyan classic that we suspect has sold more "Cliffs Notes" copies than the real thing
    $800 3
This French dictator's sister Pauline was so scandalous, you might say her specialty was "Foreign Affairs"
    $800 16
Robert Reich met this man on the voyage to Oxford, where both were Rhodes Scholars, & later served as his Secretary of Labor
    $800 24
In Britain, if you need these well-placed friends to land a job, they'd be spelled with an X instead of the CT
    $800 4
In 1718 the British Navy took a little too much off the top of this pirate, captain of the Queen Anne's Revenge
    $1200 14
Any 1 of the 3 Moliere plays which--admit it--you've only read in "Cliffs Notes"
    $1200 25
It's "The Long Road" back to Canada when this band calls
    $1200 7
Julia, the daughter of this first Roman emperor, was so outrageous he had her banished from Rome
    $1200 18
This 2004 presidential hopeful graduated first in his class at West Point and was a Rhodes Scholar
    $1200 22
Add an X to a word meaning "a system of laws" to get this term for an early type of book
    $1200 5
Maxing out at about 4 feet tall, this largest type of penguin can weigh 100 pounds
    $1600 13
Unlike Pangloss, this title character finally wises up, like you did when you got our version of this classic
    $1600 8
Called "The Merry Monarch", this English king had 14 children by mistresses, but failed to sire a legal heir
    $1600 19
This American astronomer for whom a telescope is named studied law as a Rhodes Scholar
    $1600 23
In Roman numerals, one-fifth of CL is this saucy-looking result
    DD: $2,000 6
Set in a coastal town in Cornwall, this Gilbert and Sullivan operetta premiered in 1879
    $2000 12
Joyce classic about the Earwicker family... uh, maybe... okay, we admit it; we haven't read it either
    $2000 9
This Hungarian piano virtuoso was scandalously involved with the married princess Carolyn Sayn-Wittgenstein
    $2000 17
This International Exchange Scholarship is named for the U.S. Senator, a Rhodes Scholar, who sponsored it
    $2000 20
In 1901, merging with this steeler, J.P. Morgan said, "I congratulate you on being the richest man in the world"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Kermin Rachel Ari
$17,400 $5,800 $8,800

Final Jeopardy! Round

At the dedication of a fountain at Radcliffe College in 1960, she began her speech with the single word "Water"

Final scores:

Kermin Rachel Ari
$13,800 $2,000 $2,600

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Kermin Rachel Ari
$15,800 $5,800 $8,800
25 R
(including 2 DDs),
3 W
14 R,
4 W
10 R,
1 W

Combined Coryat: $30,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2004-10-10
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