According to the 12th Amendment, if you're ineligible to be president, you can't be this either |
vice president
The Franklin Mint is selling a jewelry collection named after this Atlanta media mogul |
Ted Turner
In 1599 Shakespeare became a co-owner of this famous London theatre |
the Globe
An aquatic bug called the water boatman uses its long, flat hind legs as these |
(Chris: What is to propel itself as paddles?)
Persians called their homeland "Land of the Aryans", from which we get this name for Persia |
As spokesman for this Calif. product, "Head of the Class"'s Tony O'Dell got the license plate "GRAPVIN" |
(Chris: What are grapes?) (Alex: Dried grapes.)
These 1st 3 words of the Preamble were written really big |
We The People
Czar Alexander III commissioned Peter Faberge to make the 1st of these jeweled holiday gifts |
(Chris: What are eggs... Faberge eggs?) (Alex: No, I'm not going to accept that.)
Easter eggs
This comedy opens with a duke planning his wedding to an Amazon |
"A Midsummer Night's Dream"
Most common in the early spring, they're also called "dayflies" because of their short lives |
The palace at ancient Susa was built with silver from Egypt & cedars from this land |
Adding 3 of these beans to Sambuca Romana liqueur supposedly brings good fortune |
coffee beans
The 1st amendment to be added in the 20th century allowed Congress to tax this |
(Alex: Boo! Hiss! on them!)
Term for the ornamental metalwork made by twisting together fine wires of gold or silver |
2 of 3 Verdi operas based on Shakespeare's plays, all with 1-word titles |
(Nancy: What are "Falstaff" & "Aida"?)
(2 of) "Falstaff", "Othello" & "Macbeth"
In the Orient, the males of these insects are caged for their songs, this Buddy Holly group wasn't |
At its peak, the ancient Persian empire included land on this many continents |
3 (Asia, Africa & Europe)
"Japan" is a lacquer of this color that can make your furniture look Japanese |
It became law on December 15, 1791 |
the Bill of Rights
Cloisonne jewelry consists of different colors of this separated by metal strips |
In the last scene of "Hamlet", Hamlet's mother dies by accidentally doing this |
drinking a cup of poison
By definition, insects that are oviporous do this |
lay eggs
On January 10, 1920 Persia became one of the original members of this group the U.S. wouldn't join |
League of Nations
This word can refer to a soft cushion or a soft, young pigeon |
Only this many states sent delegates to the convention in 1787 |
(Greg: What is 9?) ... (Alex: Rhode Island was the only state not to send delegates.)
Though you may walk like an Egyptian while wearing these, their name is from Hindi for "glass bracelets" |
Shakespeare said "to paint" this flower "is wasteful and ridiculous excess" |
Oxidation of luciferin in insects causes them to produce this |
Even though he lost to the Greeks at the Battle of Marathon, he's still considered a "great" king |
(Chris: Who was Cyrus?)
West Yellowstone, the "Snowmobile Capital of the World", is in this "Treasure State" |
(Chris: What is Idaho?)