Show #757 - Tuesday, December 15, 1987


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Robin Maisel, an attorney from Long Beach, California

Winona Phillips, a limousine service owner originally from Manhattan Beach, California

Stephanie Johns, a writer from Morristown, New Jersey

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: And "D-A-R-K" will appear in all the correct responses.)
    $100 1
The English word for a Buddhist monk, from the Tibetan “blama”
    $100 14
21-year-old Lynda Kuerth swallowed 23 of these ballpark treats in 190, seconds without the buns
    $100 28
The Union suffered its 1st defeat of this war at Charleston’s Fort Sumter
    $100 6
In a fraction, the numerator is the dividend, & this is the divisor
    $100 20
In 1986, she took over Charlotte Rae’s post taking care of the girls on “Facts of Life”
    $100 9
Brian De Palma directed the video of this Bruce Springsteen 1984 hit
    $200 2
The name of this Italian dish comes from the Greek word for chamber pot, “lasanon”
    $200 17
John McPherson did this to 4444 women in just 8 hours, at the rate of 1 every 6.48 seconds
    $200 27
The British suffered 1 of their 1st defeats of this war at Charleston’s Fort Moultrie
    $200 7
Of a rhombus, pentagon, or parallelogram, the one not a quadrilateral
    $200 19
The I.M.F., it was led by Dan Briggs until Jim Phelps took over in the 2nd season
    $200 10
Song that begins, “I’ll be down to get you in a taxi, honey”
    $300 3
Big wheels play this gambling game whose name means “little wheel”
    $300 21
In 1976, a 4-woman team did this to 12 chickens in 32.9 seconds
    $300 26
The most damaging of these geologic disasters ever in eastern U.S. hit Charleston in 1886
    $300 8
This type of calculator was used by early Romans, then the Chinese, & the Japanese, who still use it
    $300 15
After “replacing” Lynn Redgrave on “House Calls”, she replaced Meg Foster on “Cagney & Lacey”
    $300 11
Appropriate title for Cher’s 1974 #1 hit
    $400 4
These long-tailed birds got their name from a river in the Caucasus, the Phasis
    $400 22
The world's most common single-letter surname is this one, found in the 2nd word of this clue
    DD: $100 29
Though written in ’35 & set in Charleston, this show, featuring the following, didn’t play there until ’70:

"There's a boat dat's leavin' soon for New York /
Come wid me /
Dat's where you belong..."
    $400 24
Number of zeros you need to write three hundred fifty thousand in numerals
    $400 18
Between Barbara Bel Geddes & Barbara Bel Geddes, she played Miss Ellie
    $400 12
“Relative”ly speaking, this 1970 song was a big hit for Tom Jones
    $500 5
This adjective meaning “tearfully sentimental” was derived from the Bible's Mary Magdalene
    $500 23
The only man ever to drive 48 of these in a single hitch was Dick Sparrow of Zearing, Iowa
    $500 25
Type of angle that falls between obtuse & acute
    $500 16
It was Meredith MacRae who replaced Gunilla Hutton as Billie Jo Bradley on this ’60s series
    $500 13
Theme song from the 1984 movie “Eddie & the Cruisers”

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 13):

Stephanie Winona Robin
$800 $400 $1,300

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Stephanie Winona Robin
$2,700 $2,400 $1,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: In this category, you must spell the important word in each response.)
    $200 1
Mahatma Gandhi's weight fell to 80 lbs. during a 3-week fast protesting ostracism of these "outcastes"
    $200 16
He was the only president born on July 4th, though he probably kept silent about it
    $200 21
The Encyclopedia of Sports calls it "A goal game, usually played in a swimming pool, w/7 men on a team"
    $200 3
Some say Japan's transformation into a modern nation was based on producing this luxury fabric
    $200 4
The only element on the periodic table that starts with "K", its symbol is Kr
    $400 2
Time reported that children of Hameln, Germany proclaimed on his birthday in '33 "You are now our Pied Piper"
    $400 18
Though his inauguration speech was the longest, his term was the shortest
    $400 22
While subject of debate, most authorities place the origin of ice hockey in this country
    $400 9
Apollo astronauts wore garments made of yarn coated with this DuPont non-stick substance
    $400 5
The "A" in DNA
    $600 13
On Dec. 5, when predominantly Mormon Utah became 36th state to consent, this came to an end
    $600 17
President whose oath of office was administered by judge Sarah T. Hughes
    $600 23
One who loves this sport is a "toxophilite", Greek for "bow loving"
    $600 11
EA says this hat material was once made by wetting fibers with water or whey & beating them with sticks
    $600 6
Temperature scale in which the freezing point of water is 0°
    $800 14
Over 2 million New Yorkers turned out for election which chose him the city's 99th mayor
    $800 19
"When they say 'Mr. President', I...turn around and expect to see Roosevelt", he said after his election
    $800 24
In 1976, this bowl game was moved from Tulane Stadium to the Louisiana Superdome
    $800 10
French for "caterpillar", it's associated with bathrobes & bedspreads
    $800 7
Temperature scale in which the freezing point of water is 32°
    $1000 15
It was reported in June that Americans were hoarding $604 million worth of this, defying a 2-month-old law
    $1000 20
In 1874, 5 years after leaving office, he was elected to the Senate, becoming the only former pres. to do so
    DD: $500 25
The ITTF, the International Federation for this sport, holds a World Championship every 2 years
    $1000 12
The word "textile" comes from the Latin "texere", meaning to do this
    $1000 8
The opposite of the type of exercise featured at Fonda's, it means "in the absence of oxygen"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Stephanie Winona Robin
$4,100 $1,200 $8,100

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

The only 2 countries whose capitals end in "K", their names both end in "land"

Final scores:

Stephanie Winona Robin
$0 $0 $8,000
2nd place: Keller bedroom furniture + Helix TV/clock radio 3rd place: Krementz his & her signet rings New champion: $8,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Stephanie Winona Robin
$4,400 $1,200 $8,600
17 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
15 R,
5 W
18 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W

Combined Coryat: $14,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1987-09-14
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