Anthony Hopkins & Diana Rigg played this scintillating Scottish couple at the Old Vic in 1972 |
Lord & Lady Macbeth
In 1952 a bridge was completed over this bay, linking Annapolis with the eastern shore |
Chesapeake Bay
In February 1801, after 36 ballots in the House, Jefferson was declared president, this man vice president |
Aaron Burr
A feast called the seder highlights this Jewish celebration |
Completes the line by John Howard Payne, "Be it ever so humble,..." |
there's no place like home
This "I Left My Heart in San Francisco" singer's career has flourished under his son Danny's guidance |
Tony Bennett
George's dad on "Seinfeld" & Ben Stiller's father in real life, he played Trinculo in "The Tempest" in 1955 |
Jerry Stiller
This state's Sakonnet River is really a saltwater arm of Narragansett Bay |
Rhode Island
This JFK vice president served as chairman of the National Aeronautics & Space Council |
Lyndon Johnson
It's the state religion of Thailand |
The rhyme scheme of "Georgie Porgie" |
(Laura: What is trochaic?) (Carl: What is a couplet?)
Madeleine Albright, the U.S. permanent representative to this body, was born in Czechoslovakia |
the United Nations
Before "Jurassic Park", this "Tall Guy" acted in Central Park in "Twelfth Night" with Michelle Pfeiffer |
Jeff Goldblum
This arm of the Pacific in Washington state divides into Hood Canal & Admiralty Inlet |
Puget Sound
He once called protesting students & intellectuals an "effete corps of impudent snobs" |
Spiro Agnew
This Methodist founder's brother Charles composed over 7,000 hymns |
(Laura: What is Wesley?) (Alex: Which one?)
John Wesley
Alexander Pope dedicated his poem "The Dunciad" to this author of "Gulliver's Travels" |
Jonathan Swift
In 1974 this heiress said she had chosen "to stay and fight" with the Symbionese Liberation Army |
Patricia Hearst
Horror film stars Peter Cushing & Christopher Lee appeared in this British actor's 1948 film "Hamlet" |
Sir Laurence Olivier
This state's 2 largest lakes, Harry S. Truman Reservoir & Lake of the Ozarks, were both created artificially |
At age 71, this running mate of Harry Truman was the oldest vice president to take office |
(Carl: Who was Alf Landon?)
Alben Barkley
This founder of Taoism was a court librarian & the author of "Classic of the Way and its Virtue" |
Lao Tzu
Stephen Vincent Benet won a 1929 Pulitzer Prize for this epic poem about the Civil War |
"John Brown's Body"
Malcolm Fraser was a grazier, or rancher, in Victoria before becoming prime minister of this country |
(Kalyan: What is Canada?)
What's love got to do with it? He played Ike Turner in 1993 & Othello in 1995 |
Laurence Fishburne
From Rainy Lake to Lake of the Woods, the Rainy River provides this state's border with Canada |
The vice presidency under James A. Garfield was his first elective office |
(Laura: Who was Theodore Roosevelt?)
Chester Arthur
During a pilgrimage to Mecca, a Muslim is required to walk 7 times around this square building |
the Kaaba
The 4 cantos of this Lord's "Childe Harold's Pilgrimage" were published over a period of 6 years |
George Gordon Lord Byron
This "Ageless Body, Timeless Mind" author left hospital work in 1985 to promote the Ayurvedic movement |
Deepak Chopra