Show #2800 - Friday, November 1, 1996


Tim Malec, an assistant district attorney from Newton, Massachusetts

Margaret Sankey, a graduate student from Emmett, Idaho

Kalyan Farrington, a retired engineer from Honolulu, Hawaii (whose 2-day cash winnings total $14,628)

[next game >>]

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: I want you to name the family; I'm going to give you a list of names.)
    $100 7
An estimated 60 million people watched his "Checkers" speech September 23, 1952
    $100 22
He published "A Baby's First Year" in 1954 & "Feeding Your Baby and Child" in 1955
    $100 17
When one of your checkers reaches the opposite end row, it becomes one of these
    $100 1
Lumbering remains the principal industry of Quebec's Anticosti, an island in this gulf
    $100 26
Defoliation refers to the premature loss of these by a plant, perhaps from drought or high wind
    $100 3
Jock, Miss Ellie, J.R., Bobby, Lucy
    $200 8
He announced he was running for president 1 month before leaving the Georgia governorship
    $200 23
This ancient Greek practiced medicine on the island of Cos
    $200 18
You can do this in gin rummy if your deadwood totals 10 or less
    $200 2
About 180 indigenous people inhabit Alaska's Little Diomede Island in this strait
    $200 27
Metaldehyde is the most common chemical used to control slugs & these shelled relatives
    $200 12
Morticia, Gomez, Pugsley, Wednesday, Grandmama
    $300 9
He was vice president for just 6 weeks before Lincoln's death
    $300 24
This inflammation of the mucous lining of the lungs' air passages may be acute or chronic
    $300 19
The scoresheet in contract bridge has 2 columns, one labeled "We" & the other labeled this
    $300 4
Fuerteventura is the closest member of this Spanish island group to the African mainland
    $300 28
Papaver rhoeas is the scientific name of the Flanders or field type of this flower
    $300 15
John, Olivia, Erin, Elizabeth, Ben, Jason, Mary Ellen, Jim-Bob, John-Boy
    $400 10
It cost Grover Cleveland $150 to hire a substitute when drafted to fight in this war
    $400 16
The American Medical Association is headquartered at 515 North State Street in this city
    $400 20
One Hoyle book begins its rules for this game, "From a regular pack discard one queen"
    $400 5
Ajaccio, capital of France's Corse-de-Sud department, lies on the western coast of this island
    $400 29
When this vegetable's head first appears, tie its leaves around it to keep it white
    $400 14
Shirley, Keith, Laurie, Danny, Chris, Tracy
    DD: $700 11
On September 2, 1944, he was shot down near the Japanese-held island of Chichi Jima
    $500 25
Also called parotitis, this contagious disease is caused by a virus found in saliva
    $500 21
In this board game, once you get all your stones home, you start the process of bearing off
    $500 6
The Bataan Peninsula is a mountainous area of this Philippine island
    $500 30
Half-long varieties of this root crop, like Nantes, grow well in a few inches of loose soil
    $500 13
Sheriff Andy, Opie, Aunt Bee

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):

Kalyan Margaret Tim
$400 $1,400 $900

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Kalyan Margaret Tim
$1,300 $2,500 $1,100

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 14
This kaiser was forced to abdicate November 9, 1918, 2 days before the armistice
    $200 19
He ran a gym in Brussels before starring in films like "Sudden Death" & "Timecop"
    $200 8
John Kenneth Galbraith wrote a 1955 book on "The Great Crash" of this year
    $200 23
Most of the area between the Rockies & the Appalachians, 1,250,000 square miles, is drained by this river
    $200 1
His brother Buck Barrow helped him & Bonnie Parker rob a Minnesota bank May 16, 1933
    $200 6
Before "Little Women", she wrote tales like "Pauline's Passion and Punishment" for money
    $400 13
After her army was defeated in 1567, she was forced to abdicate in favor of her infant son James VI
    DD: $2,000 15
Items of apparel donated to the Hard Rock Cafe by the singer seen here:
    $400 9
Abbreviated GDP, it differs from GNP; for one thing, it doesn't include income from foreign investments
    $400 24
Large ships can travel up this river as far as Washington, D.C.
    $400 2
On Oct. 6, 1866 the Reno brothers committed the first robbery of one of these in America
    $400 10
He used the rags-to-riches formula he hit upon in "Ragged Dick" for more than 100 books
    $600 12
Prime minister Stanley Baldwin engineered the abdication of this king who wanted to marry a divorcee
    $600 20
In 1996 this singer celebrates 40 years in show biz, & "Chances Are" he'll go on for many more
    $600 28
OPEC is one of these groups that set prices & output through collusion; they're illegal in the U.S.
    $600 25
This state's Boise River is used extensively for irrigation
    $600 3
Jurors, rumored to be bribed, failed to agree at this Tammany leader's 1st trial; he got 12 years at his 2nd
    $600 18
In 1982 he wrote "Foundation's Edge", a sequel to his "Foundation" trilogy
    $800 11
When this Swedish queen abdicated in 1654, she named her cousin Charles X Gustav as her successor
    $800 21
This late-night TV personality & former host of "Talk Soup" made his film debut in 1995's "Sabrina"
    DD: $2,500 29
Economic theory is divided into these 2 parts, one looking at the big picture, the other at the small
    $800 26
This Virginia river was the site of the first permanent English settlement in America
    $800 4
The organization of hit men used by Meyer Lansky & others in the '30s was dubbed this by the press
    $800 17
The title of her "Northanger Abbey" refers to the family home of Henry Tilney, a young clergyman
    $1000 7
In 1955 he abdicated the Cambodian throne in favor of his father & took charge of the country's affairs
    $1000 22
This new age performer who recorded "Live at the Acropolis" was once on the Greek national swimming team
    $1000 30
John Maynard Keynes took part in the 1944 New Hampshire conference here that set up the IMF
    $1000 27
It flows into the Gulf of California after a journey of 1,450 miles
    $1000 5
Crime ran rampant when this U.S. city's policemen went on strike September 9, 1919
    $1000 16
It's said a production of his "Eumenides" so terrified the audience some had convulsions

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Kalyan Margaret Tim
$9,000 $6,100 $4,500

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

When formed in 1798, it consisted of 32 drummers & fifers

Final scores:

Kalyan Margaret Tim
$12,327 $12,200 $9,000
3-day champion: $26,955 2nd place: Lane cedar armoire & Service Merchandise gift certificate 3rd place: Integra exercise equipment

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Kalyan Margaret Tim
$7,300 $8,100 $5,200
17 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
20 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)
16 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $20,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1996-09-03
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