Show #7477 - Tuesday, February 28, 2017


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Leanne Vincent, a geospatial analyst from Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Rob Liguori, a research editor from Brooklyn, New York

Kirstin Cutts, a graduate student from Austin, Texas (whose 4-day cash winnings total $49,403)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Sarah: A drive to central Massachusetts, a step back in time to the early 19th century.)
    $200 26
Today part of Israel, the Valley of Elah is where these 2 fought as recounted in the first book of Samuel
    $200 19
"____ Ugly"
    $200 6
EP stands for this lofty position on a film or TV show
    $200 1
Oddly charming
    $200 22
These 2 robots from a galaxy far, far away first appeared in a 1977 hit movie
    $200 9
(Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from Old Sturbridge Village, Massachusetts.) A bustling place in the 18th century, used as everything from a parade ground to a town dump, by the early 1800s, the center of the typical New England village was becoming we think of as the peaceful manicured green, or as they call it in Boston, this
    $400 27
Lincoln signed the bill protecting this Calif. valley in 1864 & Benjamin Harrison signed the bill making it a natl. park in 1890
    $400 18
"The Water ____: Legend of the Deep"
    $400 7
MFA is this graduate degree
    $400 2
Those uneasy feelings
    $400 13
Many computer tablets use this operating system created by Google & named for a humanoid robot
    $400 10
(Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from Old Sturbridge Village, Massachusetts.) The miller made his living by keeping 1/16th of what he milled, as village residents would bring grain to be turned into flour; this word "to the mill", you might say
    $600 28
The vast wheat fields of Canada's Manitoba province are found in the valley of this "colorful" river "of the North"
    $600 15
"What's Up, ____ Lily?"
    $600 8
The car automatically adjusts its speed with ACC, the adaptive type of this
    $600 3
Edible clam type
    $600 14
A design for a self-propelled robot vehicle was drawn up by this man around 1478; built in 2004, it worked
    $600 11
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew reports from Old Sturbridge Village, Massachusetts.) 1830s villagers wanting personal protection had the same main option as in Revolutionary War times--this type of gun named for the type of stone that sparks its firing mechanism
    DD: $1,600 29
Once a national monument, this valley in Wyoming became part of Grand Teton National Park in 1950
    $800 16
A 2003 animated film:
"Brother ____"
    $800 20
The Federal Circuit has one of these intermediate bodies, C.O.A. for short
    $800 4
A real quandary or a real bog
    $800 23
Like its pal Opportunity, this robotic rover, launched into space June 10, 2003, has roved for miles on Mars
    $800 12
(Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from Old Sturbridge Village, Massachusetts.) During the same era recreated at Old Sturbridge Village, this poet honored the honest sweat of the village blacksmith & wrote that children loved to see the flaming forge
    $1000 17
"____ Rider"
    $1000 21
G.I., this index, is the measure of how fast & how much a food raises blood sugar levels
    $1000 5
Serpent Toltec god
    $1000 24
In "I, Robot", a sci-fi collection by this author, a robot becomes self-aware & begins to feel emotions
    $1000 25
(Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from Old Sturbridge Village, Massachusetts.) At Old Sturbridge Village, the meeting house is thought of as belonging to this denomination, a mouthful of a name the descendants of the Puritans adopted because it represented the local group of worshippers

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):

Kirstin Rob Leanne
$1,800 $3,200 $1,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Kirstin Rob Leanne
$4,200 $7,000 $0

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: We'll give you a country. You name the nation across its longest western border.)
    $400 26
Left of Spain
    $400 4
In 1986 he celebrated his 82nd birthday with the publication of "You're Only Old Once!"
    $400 16
A statue of him in Central Park shows him reading from "The Ugly Duckling"
    $400 11
A close-up of Springsteen's denim-clad backside in front of Old Glory
    $400 8
In 66 A.D. victory by Jewish forces over a Roman army at Beth-Horon led to a brief liberation of this capital city
    $400 1
A stagette party in Toronto is called this south of the border
    $800 27
Left of Argentina
    $800 5
In this 1988 bestseller, James Michener told the story of the 49th state
    $800 22
This "Die Hard" character made AFI's list of the 100 greatest movie heroes & villains of all time
    $800 14
The pink Beverly Hills Hotel, shot at sunset
    $800 9
This commander's victory over Pompey in 48 B.C. at Pharsalus took him to the pinnacle of power
    $800 2
If it's cold in Calgary, put on your bunny hug, one of these items that are also popular Stateside
    $1200 6
In 1981 he checked into the bestseller list with "The Hotel New Hampshire"
    $1200 25
We're counting on you to know that he gave his name to the device seen here
    $1200 13
A naked baby underwater reaches towards a dollar bill on a string
    $1200 10
7,000 Thebans at the Battle of Leuctra in 371 B.C. broke the power this Greek city had enjoyed for a generation
    $1200 3
When dining on poutine, keep handy une serviette, this
    $1600 7
His 1987 novel "Texasville" reintroduced the characters of "The Last Picture Show", all 30 years older
    $1600 24
He's composed music for more than 100 films, including "The Dark Knight" & "Interstellar"
    $1600 12
On a black background, light goes through a prism & comes out a rainbow
    DD: $1,000 17
Defeat at the 207 B.C. Battle of the Metaurus River ended this man's efforts to conquer Italy
    DD: $2,000 20
Originally a derogatory term for Depression-era gasoline thieves, today it means any foolish or uncivilized person
    $2000 19
The top fiction book of 1985 was Jean Auel's novel about these Ice Age "Hunters"
    $2000 23
Hans Sachs was this type of crooner of Nuremberg, later a Wagner title character
    $2000 15
David Bowie sports a makeup lightning bolt across his face
    $2000 18
It was Cor vs. Cor when this most northerly of the Ionian islands took on Corinth in ancient Greece's first naval battle
    $2000 21
Got a Chesterfield inside that Regina mansion? It's one of these, not a cigarette

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Kirstin Rob Leanne
$9,800 $12,600 -$600

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Famous Catholics who've publicly answered this question include Susan Boyle (sweets) & Paul Ryan (beer)

Final scores:

Kirstin Rob Leanne
$12,601 $19,601 -$600
2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $19,601 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Kirstin Rob Leanne
$9,800 $12,600 $3,600
12 R,
0 W
21 R,
2 W
14 R
(including 1 DD),
8 W
(including 2 DDs)

Combined Coryat: $26,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: Unknown
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