Show #7436 - Monday, January 2, 2017


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Katie Carter, an attorney from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Gavin Mulligan, a software engineer from Parker, Colorado

Mukund Marathe, a music teacher and singer from Montclair, New Jersey (whose 2-day cash winnings total $31,799)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 14
You might find bubbly people in this region
    $200 9
These events, hearing from the beyond, were popular in Victorian days, when the one seen here took place
    $200 17
This group is composed of those of your same age or social position; in a courtroom, you might face a jury of them
    $200 1
The lord of the lockup, the potentate of the pen
    $400 15
Maybe you've been to this city
    $400 10
Popular since the 19th century, spirit talking board were sold in 1966 in a Parker Brothers game version under this name
    $400 7
(Mike & Mike from ESPN present the clue.) "The greatest Super Bowl had to be the 1969 game when Joe Namath led the Jets over the heavily favored Colts..." "That's not bad, but not up to the game when this guy marched the 49ers down the field in 1989 in a game-winning drive"
    $400 18
The top, crispy 1% of the bread, or the very richest part of a society
    $400 2
This strip of dirt lets an outfield know he's approaching the wall
    $600 24
We have some meaty matters to discuss here
    $600 11
Be careful when you come across one of these, a "double-goer" in German-- some can be evil & dangerous
    $600 6
In the '70s this Cowboys quarterback was called "Captain Comeback" & "Roger the Dodger"
    DD: $2,000 19
Bernie Sanders spent much of 2016 urging change to this 2-word Latin term for the existing state of affairs
    $600 3
Phrase meaning "with flaws included"
    $800 25
It's the favorite county of some of our writers
    $800 12
Also called an O.B.E., it's the sensation that one's self is in a different location from one's physical form
    $800 16
NFL quarterback Archie Manning never reached the Super Bowl, but these 2 sons have each won a Super Bowl MVP award
    $800 20
This social science focuses on the characteristics of human populations such as size, growth & distribution
    $800 22
In 1953, in a final letter to their sons, they wrote, "Always remember that we were innocent"
    $800 4
A singer, or a songbird such as the yellow-breasted chat
    $1000 26
A pungent pepper bears the name of this port
    $1000 13
From the Greek for "outer" & "form", this supernatural substance is said to exude from a medium & be used by a spirit to manifest
    $1000 8
This Vikings quarterback co-hosted "That's Incredible!" & spoke at the 2016 Republican convention
    $1000 21
Max Weber, a founder of modern sociology, wrote of this religious "Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism"
    $1000 23
After he splashed down in the Atlantic on May 5, 1961, he said, "Boy, what a ride!"--& he hadn't even orbited
    $1000 5
An area where rabbits live in burrows

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Mukund Gavin Katie
$2,800 $4,000 $1,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Mukund Gavin Katie
$3,800 $3,600 $4,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 6
It's been flame grilling your patties since 1954
    $400 27
On Chile's flag, the red is for the blood of the patriots, the blue is sky & the white is the snow of these mountains
    $400 11
Tom set up an account with so he could start doing this, writing about himself on the web
    $400 16
Sitcom is short for this
    $400 21
By Amy Schumer:
"The Girl with the Lower Back ____"
    $400 1
(Neil deGrasse Tyson shows an astronomical animation on the monitor.) Our GPS satellites experience less gravity than we do here on Earth's surface so their clocks tick a bit faster... but engineers pre-correct the GPS time for Einstein's general theory of this
    $800 7
It brings people together with its "United Colors"
    $800 28
Peru's flag was inspired by a flock of these wading birds, though it's red & white, not pink & white
    $800 12
Tom keeps getting fired from one job & landing a better one, a path called doing this upward
    $800 17
Mecha is a genre of anime typically featuring giant these resembling people
    $800 22
About the Titanic:
"A Night to ____"
    $800 2
(Neil deGrasse Tyson shows an astronomical animation on the monitor.) This planet is in the sun's habitable zone, but thick clouds of carbon dioxide trap solar radiation making it the hottest in our solar system
    DD: $1,000 8
Blue Shirt Nation was a social network for this retailer's employees
    $1200 26
The flag of this country, formerly known as British Honduras, is the only national flag depicting humans in its design
    $1200 13
The umpire penalized Tom for faking a throw to first base without stepping off the rubber, called this
    $1200 18
Some people describe a sentimental film as a "three-" this accessory picture
    $1200 23
A 2012 bestseller:
"The Light Between ____"
    $1200 3
(Neil deGrasse Tyson shows some astronomical imagery on the monitor.) More than 90% of the atoms in the cosmos are of this element &, as part of Jupiter's core, it behaves like a metal, giving the planet its immense magnetic field
    $1600 9
The company named for him began by selling computer terminals to Wall Street
    $1600 29
The stripes on the flags of Venezuela & Ecuador resembled those of this neighbor of which they were once a part
    $1600 14
In history class, Tom learned that a 1965 "Rights Act" outlawed discrimination in this process
    $1600 19
This 2000 film is the most recent Best Picture Oscar winner in the sword-&-sandal genre
    $1600 24
Jane Smiley redoes "King Lear" in Iowa:
"A Thousand ____"
    DD: $1,000 4
(Neil deGrasse Tyson demonstrates by bending a piece of paper.) Involving the folding or warping of both space & time, future space travel could be aided by theoretical shortcuts called Einstein-Rosen bridges, AKA these
    $2000 10
The seeds of its success include 1877's Surehead cabbage
    $2000 15
Tom has a new product & he's doing this-- not whipping it but publicizing it
    $2000 20
Video games with wide-open worlds & roles are named for this playground spot
    $2000 25
About microbes & quoting Whitman:
"I Contain ____"
    $2000 5
(Neil deGrasse Tyson shows an astronomical animation on the monitor.) I once co-signed an open letter to congress about the danger of NEOs, short for these, & their potential for harming life on Earth

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Mukund Gavin Katie
$7,800 $16,800 $6,200
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Between 1920 & 1939 its presidents included Leon Bourgeois, Tevfik Aras & Carlos Saavedra Lamas

Final scores:

Mukund Gavin Katie
$10,800 $15,800 $1
2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $15,800 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Mukund Gavin Katie
$9,800 $16,800 $4,800
12 R,
5 W
(including 2 DDs)
21 R,
1 W
12 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W

Combined Coryat: $31,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: Unknown
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