Show #7388 - Wednesday, October 26, 2016


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Erin Henry, a teacher from Greenbelt, Maryland

George Stuart, a payroll professional from Orlando, Florida

Lani Gonzalez, a managing director of an art bazaar from Austin, Texas (whose 3-day cash winnings total $50,600)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Name the star for us.)
    $200 11
The 451 A.D. Battle of the Catalaunian Plains was the only time this Hun went home a loser
    $200 1
This laundry substance made possible the Elizabethan fancy collar called a ruff
    $200 29
This brand's elves bake their cookies in magic ovens in the Hollow Tree (aka the Fac-Tree)
    $200 8
    $200 30
We're looking forward to attending Arizona State Sun Devils home games in this city
    $200 19
One of the largest nests ever found belonged to this national symbol--nearly 10 feet across & 20 feet deep
    $400 12
In December 1776 Washington's surprise attack on this now-N.J. capital did not lose a single man & captured 900-plus
    $400 2
The nock & the upshot are part of its vocabulary
    $400 28
Yipes, who is one of these animals, is the appropriate mascot for Fruit Stripe gum
    $400 7
"American Hustle"
    $400 27
The youngest got help from this organization, online at; it has raised over $4.5 billion to help needy students
    $400 20
The nest of this long-legged bird is seen here, & looks big enough to store a few babies for delivery
    $600 13
(Sarah of the Clue Crew shows a battle map on the monitor.) On July 21, 1861, with Manassas Junction to the south, General McDowell's Union forces sent a decoy force & a flanking force toward Confederates at this waterway, which gave its name to the battle
    $600 3
An advisor to Henry VIII, Thomas Cranmer was the first Protestant to hold this exalted position
    $600 16
We'll never "tire" of this guy who's also called Bibendum
    $600 4
"The Monuments Men"
    $600 15
We scrimped to send our son to this school, the only "college" in the Ivy League among 7 universities
    $600 25
No parents around, but we might see the distinctive blue eggs of this bird, Turdus migratorius
    $800 14
Octavian sank the forces of this man 8 ways to Sunday to win the 31 B.C. naval Battle of Actium
    $800 9
I'm quite thirsty... might be dehydrated... actually I'm flat-out this
    $800 17
In 2015 McDonald's brought back this felonious character
    $800 5
"Gone Girl"
    $800 21
One kid is training to be a rabbi at this type of orthodox Jewish college, from the Hebrew for "sitting"
    $800 24
The same nest gets renovated year after year leading to 6-foot-plus creations by these fish hawks
    DD: $2,000 26
The Earl of Northumberland's lack of aid to the Yorkists in the 1485 Battle of this was key to the outcome
    $1000 10
This conifer is common in England, where the Fourth Duke of Atholl planted 14 million
    $1000 18
The miss who represents this fruit brand on blue stickers wears a fruit-topped hat
    $1000 6
    $1000 22
Our daughter is at Montana State, this type of school established from acreage donated to states
    $1000 23
It's the best-known avian practitioner of brood parasitism, in which it lays its eggs in other birds' nests to hatch & raise

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Lani George Erin
$1,600 $4,200 $1,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Lani George Erin
$4,600 $6,600 $6,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 25
Robert wrote, this holy day "breaks, but Christ rises! Mercy every way is infinite"
    $400 27
Malibu surfer Lance Carson was an early master of this maneuver
    $400 28
He skipped 9th & 12th grades & at age 15, entered Morehouse College, where he decided to become a minister
    $400 29
In 1893 sociologist Emile Durkheim's "The Division of" this said workers who specialize more may become more alienated
    $400 30
This Canadian rapped, "Jumpman, jumpman, jumpman, them boys up to somethin', uh uh uh I think I need some Robitussin"
    $400 23
In North Africa, it's Arabic for "the victorious"
    $800 24
Elizabeth "heard last night a little child go singing 'Neath Casa Guidi windows" in this Italian city on the Via Maggio
    $800 26
Nudge, nudge--this phrase referring to a short nap dates back to the 19th century
    $800 19
This Austrian wrote polka, quadrille & march music, but it's his nearly 400 waltzes that made his name
    $800 22
Oncologists may describe cancer in these: 1-3 means it has spread to nearby tissues & 4 means it has spread far
    $800 21
In 2016 this end-of-the-alphabet refugee from One Direction debuted at No. 1 with his first solo album
    $800 20
University city 60 miles up the M11 from London
    $1200 10
The 43rd of these from Elizabeth contains the line "I love thee with the breath, smiles, tears, of all my life"
    $1200 18
Mount Holyoke & Wellesley are part of this group of women's colleges
    $1200 14
In 2011 ESPN decided, nope, we're not ready for this man to sing the opening of "Monday Night Football" anymore
    $1200 7
In pharmacology you learn about the risks of these, given in long & horrifying lists at the end of drug commercials
    $1200 4
With its (mostly) classic lineup for the 1st time in 23 years, this band ended its April 1, 2016 set with "Paradise City"
    DD: $2,000 1
Rome razed it in 146 B.C.
    DD: $2,000 11
Elizabeth called this French novelist a "large-brained woman and large-hearted man"
    $1600 17
The main road between Chicago & L.A. before the interstate highway system
    $1600 15
The 2 juniors on the current Supreme Court; one joined in 2005, the other, the following year
    $1600 8
Zoologists say this small Andean rodent prized for its pelt has the softest fur of any land animal
    $1600 5
This Scottish DJ teamed up with Rihanna for "This Is What You Came For"
    $1600 2
You'll find a great American--heck, the Great American Ball Park in this city on the Ohio River
    $2000 12
It's the town referred to when Robert wrote, "to see the townsfolk suffer so from vermin, was a pity"
    $2000 13
Well, that's the this amount of money "Question", the top prize on a quiz show when it debuted in 1955
    $2000 16
In 1981 this retired 4-star general became the second military leader to head the State Dept.
    $2000 9
In anthropology, from the Latin for "shepherd", it's the way of life based on keeping herds of animals
    $2000 6
The mid-'70s were rough for this "Tusk" band--2 member couples split & the drummer had a divorce of his own
    $2000 3
One of the world's largest freshwater aquariums is in this city on the Tennessee River

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Lani George Erin
$12,200 $14,200 $12,400

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

On her passing in 1913, Booker T. Washington called her heroic, "not unlike some of the heroic figures... in the Bible"

Final scores:

Lani George Erin
$24,400 $24,801 $1,400
2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $24,801 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Lani George Erin
$13,400 $14,200 $11,400
17 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
(including 1 DD)
22 R,
2 W
13 R
(including 1 DD),
0 W

Combined Coryat: $39,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: Unknown
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