Show #7374 - Thursday, October 6, 2016


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Sarah Flamini, an author and administrative assistant from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Randi Rae Arnold, a freelance writer from Kalamazoo, Michigan

Margie Eulner Ott, a consultant and rideshare driver from Bethesda, Maryland (whose 1-day cash winnings total $34,000)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: You have to spell it.)
    $200 1
"Reggiano" is part of the Italian name of this hard cheese that's grated over pasta dishes
    $200 22
On May 31 the tribe spoke for the very first time on this CBS show
    $200 17
For May 29, 1660 he wrote, it's "the King's birthday... it is thought, the King do enter the city of London"
    $200 9
    $200 6
For Uranus:
This moon named for a Shakespearean sprite in "The Tempest"
    $400 2
You might surmise that the gratable cheese known as capricious is made from this animal's milk
    $400 23
In 2000 the Emmy for Best Variety, Music or Comedy Series went to "Late Show" with him, & we miss you, sir
    $400 18
This essayist's Oct. 22, 1837 first entry says, "To be alone I find it necessary to escape the present"
    $400 12
    $400 16
"Drop", as in the gun won't go off just because you drop it, is one type of this gun part that prevents accidental firing
    $400 7
This planet:
    $600 3
A-S-I-A are the first 4 letters of this hard cheese, but it's not from Asia, it's from the Veneto foothills in Italy
    $600 24
Were you a Miranda? Maybe a Charlotte? Either way, this HBO comedy was in the midst of its 6-year run
    $600 19
This Czech writer's diaries include thoughts like 1910's "I write... very decidedly out of despair over my body"
    $600 13
    $600 8
This one named for a mythical mischief-maker who should've left things a-jar
    $800 4
Caerphilly, a cheese named for a town in this U.K. country, is known as "the crumblies"
    $800 25
IPS driver Doug Heffernan, played by this comic, was "The King of Queens"
    $800 20
On Nov. 25, 1976 this artist "Drove... to the Wyeths' door, with just one phone call for directions (phone $.10)"
    $800 14
    $800 27
(Kelly of the Clue Crew shows an animation on the monitor.) Propulsion, flight & impact are some of what is studied by this science that looks at a discharged bullet's path
    DD: $2,000 10
This "continental" one aka Jupiter II
    $1000 5
The cheese called "pecorino" this "capital" name was written about by Pliny the Elder
    $1000 26
Before wearing a metal suit, he wore a business one when he played attorney Larry Paul on "Ally McBeal"
    $1000 21
His 1944 diary says fellow general & fellow George "Marshall even harked back to" a 1942 incident--"a forgiving S.O.B."
    $1000 15
(more in bygone times than today)
    $1000 28
It's not technically a firearm, but a weapon that uses compressed CO2 to propel a projectile
    $1000 11
This biggest one

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Margie Randi Sarah
$800 $1,600 $7,800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Margie Randi Sarah
$2,800 $4,800 $10,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: New York City.)
(Alex: And finally, in keeping with the new technology...)
    $400 26
The Hall opened May 5th, 1891, as this first world-famous Russian composer, on his only U.S. trip, conducted his own work
    $400 21
In 1959 Greece reached an agreement with Britain & Turkey to make this British Crown colony independent
    $400 20
From a French word meaning "alone", it's a single diamond in a setting, be it a ring or a pendant
    $400 1
This New York island is named for the fact that it extends almost 120 miles
    $400 2
Robert Ludlum wrote the first 3 novels featuring this spy; the last 10 were written by Eric van Lustbader
    $400 10
The work seen here is titled "The Young" this lad "Learning a Skilled Trade"
    $800 27
In 1964, the Beatles brought rock 'n' roll to Carnegie Hall & opened with this song that's a bit cheeky to a great composer
    $800 22
In 2015 Greece signed a 3-year bailout program & this fund agreed to help if Europe restructured the debt
    $800 15
Over 40 carats, the largest diamond found in the U.S. was discovered in 1924 in what is now this state's Crater of Diamonds park
    $800 4
Washington's? That would be Whidbey Island in this sound
    $800 3
This submarine tale was the first of Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan novels
    $800 11
Placating another's demands to pacify him
    $1200 28
His 1983 special at Carnegie Hall included his last recorded version of one of his most famous bits

"After a while, I realized that I was needlessly restricting myself to seven words and only to the ones that weren't allowed on TV"
    $1200 23
Many thought Greece would get the Olympics again in this centennial year of the games, but it happened 8 years later
    DD: $5,200 16
For movie publicity photos in 1961, she wore the 128.5-carat Tiffany Diamond
    $1200 7
Ohioans call Kelleys Island in this lake "the Walleye Capital of the World"
    DD: $4,000 5
Neil Armstrong provided the title of this 1975 Jack Higgins novel about a Nazi plot to kidnap Winston Churchill
    $1200 12
3-syllable word for any court considering the reversal of legal decisions
    $1600 29
In 1906, Mark Twain presided at this great educator's Tuskegee Institute Silver Anniversary lecture
    $1600 24
In 480 B.C. this son of Darius invaded Greece but the Greek navy defeated him at the Bay of Salamis & he returned to Persia
    $1600 17
The world's largest producer of diamonds by value is this South African company, formed by Cecil Rhodes
    $1600 8
California's Santa Cruz island is one of this group; the British Isles have a group of the same name
    $1600 6
1991 's "The Secret Pilgrim" was the last of John le Carre's 8 novels featuring this spy
    $1600 13
The act of taking something for one's own use
    $2000 30
The greatest classical artists have been Hall regulars, including this cellist, who's on the board of trustees
    $2000 25
In the 5th century B.C., Sparta led a league of city-states on this peninsula to combat Athens' Delian League
    $2000 18
Popular diamond cuts or shapes include the round, the marquise & this one named for another gemstone
    $2000 9
Home to the town of Bar Harbor, Maine is Mount this island
    $2000 19
This author's 2015 bestseller "The English Spy" is the 15th to feature the spy & assassin Gabriel Allon
    $2000 14
Hardy breed & official state symbol seen here

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Margie Randi Sarah
$1,200 $6,800 $17,800
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

The 2 Secretaries of State who received B.A.s in political science from Wellesley, 10 years apart

Final scores:

Margie Randi Sarah
$0 $6,000 $21,800
3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $21,800

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Margie Randi Sarah
$6,400 $10,800 $16,600
14 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)
16 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)
20 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W

Combined Coryat: $33,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2016-07-27
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