Show #7369 - Thursday, September 29, 2016

Seth Wilson game 9.


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Anne Campbell, a homeschool educator from Frederick, Maryland

Damien Shirley, a digital consultant from Arlington, Virginia

Seth Wilson, a Ph.D. candidate from Chicago, Illinois (whose 8-day cash winnings total $191,701)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 14
"A scout is trustworthy...", then this word describing one faithful to a leader or friend
    $200 4
Harper Lee's "Go Set a Watchman" features characters from this novel set 20 years earlier
    $200 1
"Weekend at Barney's",
"The Best Man"
    $200 20
It would be natural for her, Prince Charles' second wife, to be intimidated by her mother-in-law (Queen Elizabeth)
    $200 12
Jesus' words "Whosoever shall smite thee on thy right" one, "turn to him the other" have been taken as a pacifist message
    $200 17
In this Western state capital, the City Hall went up in 1894 & was controversial because it rivaled the Temple
    $400 27
This synonym for frugal is also the name of a car rental company
    $400 5
In 1932 Pearl Buck's "Sons" was a No. 3 bestseller; this other Buck book held the top spot
    $400 2
"Citizen Keaton",
"Alex Doesn't Live Here Anymore"
    $400 23
This handbag designer, sister-in-law to comedian & actor David, recently changed her last name to Valentine
    $400 15
His first major nonviolent satyagraha action was protesting salt taxes imposed by the British
    DD: $500 10
One of the world's tallest buildings when completed in 1901, Philly's City Hall is 548 feet tall & topped by a statue of this man
    $600 28
Immaculate is a synonym for this word that can precede "getaway" or a "sweep"
    $600 8
"GEB" is devotees' name for Douglas Hofstadter's "Godel, Escher," this composer
    $600 3
"Daddy Dre-Care",
"Keeping Up with the Johnsons"
    $600 24
For a brief time, Janet Jackson was sister-in-law to this daughter of "the King"
    $600 16
This religious group founded in the 1600s is dedicated to pacifism & to following the "inward light"
    $600 11
Completed in 1928, Asheville, North Carolina's City Hall is a masterpiece of this style, named for a Parisian expo held in 1925
    $800 9
"So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish" was a 1984 offering from this British satirical sci-fi writer
    $800 6
"Coffee, Tea or Jack",
"Roper's Niece"
    $800 25
Frederic Joliot, winner of a Nobel with wife Irene, could hold his own at the dinner table with her, his mother-in-law
    $800 18
2-word military draft registration status that means you can serve, but without fighting
    $800 21
You can't visit this ancient wonder at Halicarnassus, but behold the tower of Los Angeles City Hall, designed to resemble it
    $1000 13
Norman Mailer said a novel by this man didn't have the right stuff: "It is a 742-page work that reads as if it is 1,500"
    $1000 7
"Smother's Day",
"Family Takes Care of Beverly"
    $1000 26
As Henry IV of France was married to Margaret of Valois, this influential Medici was his mother-in-law
    $1000 19
Last name of brothers Daniel & Philip, pacifist priests known for their opposition to the Vietnam War
    $1000 22
The building housing this burg's City Hall also houses the offices administering Cook County

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Seth Damien Anne
$2,200 $300 $2,800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Seth Damien Anne
$5,200 $1,900 $4,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

"SQ"s ME
    $400 18
December 10, 1915 marked a milestone with the production of the one millionth car from this company
    $400 21
The award in these sciences is technically not a Nobel Prize but the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Memory of Alfred Nobel
    $400 7
Courtney Robertson gave us the ins & outs of her time on this reality TV show in "I Didn't Come Here to Make Friends"
    $400 1
    $400 2
After the Nazis sing "Die Wacht Am Rhein" in "Casablanca", Laszlo tells the band to play this French anthem
    $400 26
By shooting out its feeding tentacles, a giant one of these sea creatures can catch prey over 30 feet away
    $800 13
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew shows a graph on the monitor.) In 2016, the Washington Post showed lead in parts-per-billion in Michigan; with the normal level of cause for concern being 5, in Troy, it was 1.1, in Detroit, it was 2.3, & in this city, a staggering 27
    $800 22
An Academy Award is named for this boy wonder movie producer who died at 37
    $800 8
"Every Day I Fight" is the memoir of this late ESPN anchor & his battle against cancer
    $800 3
    $800 10
In "Moulin Rouge" Ewan McGregor is taunted with a rendition of this Police song
    $800 29
In TV ads it's what Mr. Whipple always told customers not to do to "the Charmin"
    $1200 14
In 1925 Gertrude Brown was the first this pie fruit queen & Traverse City's annual festival was born
    $1200 23
A social media account called Goats of Anarchy was a 2016 winner of one of these, honoring Internet excellence
    $1200 9
Holly Madison's "Down the Rabbit Hole" is her cautionary memoir of her time as one of these lagomorphs
    $1200 4
    $1200 11
At the riff-off in this 2012 movie, the Treblemakers sing "Feels Like The First Time", while the Bellas go with "No Diggity"
    $1600 19
A city up north is named for this French priest who founded Michigan's first permanent Eur. settlement c. 1668
    $1600 24
The Natl. Assoc. of Broadcasters came up with these radio awards in 1938 as the equivalent of a Pulitzer
    $1600 16
She followed up her memoir "A Stolen Life" with "Freedom: My Book of Firsts"
    $1600 5
    $1600 12
In the third installment of this comedy, Ken Jeong as Mr. Chow sings "I Believe I Can Fly" while flying over Vegas
    $1600 27
The sight of blood makes some people this, meaning easily nauseated
    $2000 20
FDR's 1940 phrase "the great" this "of democracy" was later applied to Detroit as it turned out jeeps, tanks & bombers
    DD: $1,500 25
Napoleon created it in 1802 as a general military & civil order of merit
    $2000 17
This former Fed chairman wrote the 2015 memoir "The Courage to Act: A Memoir of a Crisis and its Aftermath"
    DD: $1,000 6
    $2000 15
In a scene from "Almost Famous", the Stillwater tour bus sings this Elton John tune
    $2000 28
In medieval times a young nobleman who served a knight was called this

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Seth Damien Anne
$14,100 $5,500 $9,000

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Banished from Athens, this inventor found trouble on Crete too, but escaped

Final scores:

Seth Damien Anne
$18,100 $1 $12,499
9-day champion: $209,801 3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Seth Damien Anne
$15,600 $6,000 $10,000
21 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)
9 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)
14 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W

Combined Coryat: $31,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2016-07-26
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