Show #7361 - Monday, September 19, 2016

Seth Wilson game 1.

WE ASKED: L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti.


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Seth Wilson, a Ph.D. candidate from Chicago, Illinois

Dorcas Alexander, an analytics consultant from Bethel Park, Pennsylvania

Siddharth Hariharan, a student from Herndon, Virginia (whose 2-day cash winnings total $28,135)

[next game >>]

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: You have to identify the motion picture.)
(Alex: Name the maker of the product for us.)
(Eric Garcetti: I'm Eric Garcetti, the 42nd mayor of Los Angeles, with clues about our great city.)
    $200 5
CIA agent Bob Barnes, who has experience in the Middle East
    $200 16
A young bovine
    $200 6
Morehead Planetarium, which opened in 1949 at this school in Chapel Hill, was the 1st planetarium owned by a college
    $200 21
The WorkCentre 5325, makin' copies! Copyin' for the office! Makin' '90s "SNL" references!
    $200 11
She wrote "The Underland Chronicles" before her "Hunger Games" trilogy
    $200 26
(His Honor, the Mayor Eric Garcetti delivers the clue.) Just north of Hollywood &amp; Vine, the studios at Capitol Records have been used by Frank Sinatra, Green Day, Sam Smith &amp; this band, who recorded their "Surfin' Safari" album in the tower
    $400 1
Fishing boat captain Billy Tyne
    $400 17
You've got to hand it to this tropical tree
    $400 7
America's first Catholic college was this one founded in 1789 in Washington, D.C.
    $400 22
The 4-color mini ballpoint pen
    $400 12
The "Me" in the title of this novel set in Pittsburgh is Greg Gaines; the title also refers to Rachel, who has leukemia
    $400 27
(His Honor, the Mayor Eric Garcetti delivers the clue.) The Hollywood Sign was originally the Hollywoodland Sign, a $21,000 billboard in 1923, for this 2-word type of development owned by the publisher of the L.A. Times
    $600 2
Financial TV host Lee Gates
    $600 18
The 4 equal parts of a relay race
    $600 8
In the 118-lb. class, Northern Illinois' Brenda Maxey became the first woman to win in an NCAA match in this sport, in 1984
    $600 23
Carla in human resources brought in this alliterative brand's Smirk &amp; Wink doughnuts
    $600 13
Gene &amp; Phineas are students at the fictional Devon School in New Hampshire in this classic by John Knowles
    $600 28
(His Honor, the Mayor Eric Garcetti delivers the clue.) Using the term "California romanza" to mean "freedom to make one's own form", this 3-named architect's first L.A. project, Hollyhock House, was completed in 1921
    $800 3
Everett, an escaped convict in the 1930s South
    $800 19
To face &amp; endure something unpleasant, even nauseating
    DD: $2,000 9
In 1971 he became the first president to establish his library on a college campus
    $800 24
Scotch heavy duty shipping tape
    $800 14
Liesel Meminger is sent to live with Hans &amp; Rosa Hubermann in the town of Molching in this WWII-set novel
    $800 29
(His Honor, the Mayor Eric Garcetti delivers the clue.) At L.A.'s Griffith Observatory, the Astronomers Monument features 6 giants of the field: Hipparchus, Copernicus, Kepler, Newton, Herschel &amp; this Italian genius
    $1000 4
Matt King, whose family has lived in Hawaii for generations
    $1000 20
Nerve or impertinence; in a 1904 novel Lord Elmsdale says, "That chap's got some"
    $1000 10
The "elevation of female character" was J.J. Shipherd's goal when he made this "O" school in Ohio the first coed U.S. college
    $1000 25
"The world's best pencil"
    $1000 15
This novel by Lois Lowry begins, "It was almost December, and Jonas was beginning to be frightened"
    $1000 30
(His Honor, the Mayor Eric Garcetti delivers the clue.) Between 1921 &amp; 1955 Italian immigrant Simon Rodia constructed a collection of 17 structures he called Nuestro Pueblo or "Our Town"; today, it's a National Historic Landmark known as this

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Siddharth Dorcas Seth
$0 $1,000 $8,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Siddharth Dorcas Seth
$1,800 $2,400 $10,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: ...of each correct response.)
    $400 4
In 2013 the asteroid Chariklo became the 1st nonplanet found with these, 2 surrounding it with a 6-mile gap between them
    $400 5
Following a 1990 reunion, its population is 81 million
    $400 10
The substance that the observable universe is made of
    $400 20
Director Ben "Bugs" Hardaway inspired the name of this carrot lover
    $800 3
Don't forget--it was the 3-word battle cry used by Sam Houston's men at the Battle of San Jacinto, won in just 18 minutes
    $800 16
In the title of his 1859 book, Charles Darwin used this 2-word term to describe the process &amp; means of evolution
    $800 6
It's in between Ethiopia &amp; Tanzania, "K"?
    $800 12
Idiomatically, the "pick of" this is certainly the best
    DD: $2,500 21
Carrots are a great source of beta-carotene, which the human body turns into this vitamin
    $800 28
Pronouns abound in "Who's on First?", a classic comedy routine by this duo
    $1200 1
In a 1920 speech this Russian leader made his position clear--"We shall not hesitate to shoot thousands of people!"
    $1200 17
(Sarah of the Clue Crew drops an egg and it goes "splat".) To calculate the speed of a falling egg from a resting position, use V = G x T, where T is time, G is the acceleration of gravity, measured at 32 feet per second squared, &amp; V stands for this
    DD: $4,400 7
Between Morocco &amp; Tunisia, it's almost 3.5 times the size of Texas
    $1200 13
Dog breed or volleyball lofter
    $1200 22
This sliced carrot dish isn't named for being a puppet of the Nazis but for being cooked in the water of a French city's spa
    $1200 25
With a snorting laugh, Lily Tomlin tormented callers as phone operator Ernestine on this '60s sketch comedy TV show
    $1600 2
On his campaign "scream", this Vermont gov. said, "There's not a lot I regret... I still use the speech once in a while"
    $1600 18
A hydrogen atom has one of these as its nucleus, with a single electron orbiting it
    $1600 8
Urdu you think you are? Mamnoon Hussain, president of this country where that's the official language
    $1600 14
To leisurely occupy one's self around the house
    $1600 24
Purple carrots contain anthocyanins, which act as these particles to help prevent cell decay
    $1600 27
Hosting the 1968 Oscars, he quipped, "Welcome to the Academy Awards, or, as it's known at my house, Passover"
    $2000 11
In 1955 this conservative thinker &amp; editor wrote that Natl. Review "stands athwart history, yelling stop"
    $2000 19
(Kelly of the Clue Crew demonstrates with Sarah standing far in the background.) Abbreviated F.P., this optical illusion makes for some very odd visual-size relationships
    $2000 9
Directors like Mungiu &amp; Puiu have made this Balkan nation one of the centers of 21st century filmmaking
    $2000 15
A shackle
    $2000 23
French word for a mixture of carrots, onions &amp; celery sauteed in butter
    $2000 26
To the command "Your money or your life", this comic paused, then responded, "I'm thinking"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Siddharth Dorcas Seth
$7,000 $16,800 $14,900

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

In 1948 he wrote he had an idea for a novel in which 2 guys hitchhike to California "in search of something they don't really find"

Final scores:

Siddharth Dorcas Seth
$9,000 $3,799 $29,800
2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $29,800

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Siddharth Dorcas Seth
$7,000 $13,600 $16,200
9 R,
1 W
13 R
(including 1 DD),
0 W
25 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $36,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2016-07-20
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