You might start seeing the double "G" on the loafers of the 12,000 Arabs who bought 47.8% of this company |
The only known bird with nostrils in the tip of its bill is this New Zealand variety |
The Painted Desert is part of this park known for Indian ruins & rock-hard wood |
Petrified National Forest
Form of corporal punishment the old lady in the shoe gave to her many children |
If you are familiar with reference books, you will know that OED stands for this |
(Terry: What is...Old English...?)
Oxford English Dictionary
At the end of '88 Sony will release the Video Walkman, a portable TV with this built in |
Working in this field of science kept Edwin Hubble up nights |
Talk about bad ideas--a 19th century doctor set up a TB hospital in this Kentucky cavern |
(Alex: [reading the clue]... this Kentucky tavern, cavern) [Laughter.] (Mark: What is Mammoth Caves?) (Alex: [*], yes.)
Mammoth Cave
If you "hush, li'l baby, don't say a word, daddy'll buy you" this, which will make noise enough |
An MOR radio station plays music of this type |
middle of the road
One of four Triangle Publications magazines bought by Rupert Murdoch in 1988 |
(1 of) TV Guide (Daily Racing Form, Good Food or Seventeen)
In biology it's cells splitting & making identical offspring, but in physics, it's nuclei splitting, making energy |
(Terry: What is meiosis?)
Colorful lava walls tower 2,000 ft. above this deep blue lake in Oregon |
Crater Lake
The 2 crooked creatures that lived in the crooked house with the crooked man |
(Mark: What is a dog & a mouse?)
cat & a mouse
Those who don't take ROTC courses in school can later attend OCS, which is this |
officer's candidate school
Home video game makers have been hit hard in '88 by a shortage of SRAMs, which are these |
memory chips (static random access memory chips)
Liquified petroleum gas is usually a mixture of these 2 gases |
propane & butane
This mountain park in the Southeastern U.S. drew more visitors in 1987 than any other national park |
(Alex: [before the wager] We've got about a minute to go by the way.)
(Great) Smoky Mountains National Park
"Betwixt the two of them, they licked the platter clean" |
Jack Sprat & his wife
The word geometry is from the Greek words "ge" & "metron", meaning to measure this |
[The end-of-round signal sounds.]
the earth
q.i.d., seen on prescription labels, is an abbreviation for Latin "quarter in die" which means this |
4 times a day
It's the 1st automobile in 10 yrs. to get a "not acceptable" rating from Consumer Reports |
[Applause for Mark running the category.]
Suzuki Samurai
True segmented worms include earth-worms & these, formerly used for medicinal purposes |
In "It's Raining, It's Pouring", it's the why the old man couldn't get up in the morning |
he bumped his head
1 of 2 words for the unproven but accepted assumptions on which geometry is based |
(Terry: What is a hypothesis?) (Mark: What is a theorem?)
(1 of) axioms or postulates
4 years after you take your SATs, you might take the GMAT which stands for this |
graduate management admission test