Show #7338 - Wednesday, July 6, 2016


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Emily Hillard, a systems coordinator from Evansville, Indiana

Matt Hoffer-Hawlik, an investment banker and strategy consultant from Boston, Massachusetts

TJ Bateman, a software Q.A. lead from Charlottesville, Virginia (whose 1-day cash winnings total $5,199)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 28
John Turner is the only 20th century PM not born in Canada; he was born in this mother country
    $200 29
For awhile, this musician went by the symbol seen here
    $200 9
In cards you can't have a blackjack without it
    $200 2
It was the happening movement in Greenwich Village in the '50s, man
    $200 30
This upscale gym chain is named for one of the moments of the year when the sun is exactly above the equator
    $200 1
Part of the White House's West Wing is this unique room
    $400 18
In Halifax' Holy Cross Cemetery, you can visit Sir John Thompson, who in 1892 became the first PM of this religion
    $400 22
Let's "Get The Party Started" by saying this singer uses an exclamation point to replace the "I" in her name
    $400 10
It's what you need to row, row, row your boat
    DD: $7,000 26
It was once called the "New Negro Movement"
    $400 27
Here's the logo of this dance-fitness workout, done to Latin & world rhythms
    $400 24
A good source of B vitamins & iron, these kidney-shaped nuts are lower in total fat than most others
    $600 8
I'd like to thank 1930s PM Richard Bennett; he established the commission that became this radio & TV entity
    $600 19
In 2014 time ran out for the dollar sign in this "Tik Tok" singer's name
    $600 11
It's a synonym for color, or a shade of color
    $600 14
Donne & Milton were part of a group named for these strict Protestants
    $600 4
Crunch Gym offers a class that focuses on the lower body called B.L.T., standing for butt & these related parts
    $600 15
This triangular Swiss chocolate bar features the Matterhorn on its label
    $800 12
During Joe Clark's tenure (1979-80), 6 Americans trapped in this country were able to escape using fake Canadian papers
    $800 20
The Roots of the issue? Q or an actual question mark have both been used in the name of this drummer
    $800 16
This is what it sounds like when doves cry softly
    $800 3
A group of mid-20th century British writers were these "Young Men"--it's not "Jolly"
    $800 5
Sounding like the name of a seed company, it's a squat thrust that's started & finished in a standing position
    $800 23
The 5 impressive towers of Cambodia's Angkor Wat temple are shaped like the buds of this sacred water lily
    $1000 13
This 1870s PM had the same name as the Scottish explorer who mapped the longest river within Canada
    $1000 21
Clams Casino & Danger Mouse helped produce the rap album that featured "Goldie" by A$AP him
    $1000 17
In sushi speak, it's unagi
    $1000 7
He was the giant of Sturm und Drang with works like "Gotz von Berlichingen"
    $1000 6
The bodybuilding documentary "Pumping Iron" brought attention to this gym that started in Venice, California
    $1000 25
(Sarah of the Clue Crew shows an anatomical animation on the monitor.) Hearing, which can be described as nerves responding to sound waves, takes place in this spiral-shaped structure of the inner ear

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

TJ Matt Emily
$1,000 $6,000 $1,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

TJ Matt Emily
$4,200 $15,000 $2,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: And I'll give you a little heads-up on that. "Genus" will not be one of the correct responses.)
    $400 6
Asked to retract his fables on his deathbed in Venice in 1324, this explorer said he had only told half of what he saw
    $400 12
Baja, California, is a good place to see the ocotillo, also known as the "vine" this, but be careful
    $400 27
Be sure to visit this Asian capital's National Stadium, also known as the Bird's Nest, which is almost exactly on the 40th
    $400 29
Natasha Henstridge played half-human/half-alien Sil in this movie series
    $400 30
In "Wuthering Heights", Hareton is likened to an "unfledged dunnock"; unfledged is not covered with these
    $400 1
Jerry Seinfeld said these 3 letters on a Ford stood for "limited", as in "how many of these damn things we can sell"
    $800 7
Tintoretto finished his biblical painting of this subject just a few months before his death in Venice
    DD: $3,000 15
In the early 19th century, Scottish botanist Robert Brown showed how grains of this could be used to classify plants
    $800 23
In the U.S. the 40th parallel north sets the border between Nebraska & this state due south
    $800 28
Anjelica Huston & Raul Julia were creepy & kooky in this 1991 film
    $800 22
The narrator of "My Antonia" gets quinsy, an inflammation of these in the throat
    $800 2
It's no myth that Acura introduced this luxury sedan in 1986
    $1200 8
The early opera composer Monteverdi was music director at this cathedral in Venice from 1613 to his death in 1643
    $1200 16
In 1888 Liberty H. Bailey established the first horticulture lab in the U.S. at this school in East Lansing
    DD: $6,000 20
If you want to stand on the 40th parallel in this capital, go to Ataturk Forest Farm & Zoo; you'll be pretty close
    $1200 24
Rise from the ashes & name this Harry Potter film with a taxonomic title
    $1200 11
In "Daisy Miller", the phrase "a glass in one eye" refers to this type of eyeglass
    $1200 3
You'll look presidential in the Navigator SUV from this brand
    $1600 9
Before dying in Venice, Canaletto painted scenic views of the city for tourists, like the one of this bridge seen here
    $1600 17
Dutch elm disease is caused by a fungus that's spread by the bark type of this insect
    $1600 14
The highest mountains of this Italian island just south of Corsica straddle the 40th parallel
    $1600 25
In a 2008 title Indiana Jones had to deal with this royal realm
    $1600 13
Princess Betsy in "Anna Karenina" serves tea from one of these Russian-named silver urns
    $1600 4
This founder of a sports car with a raging bull emblem was born a Taurus in Italy in 1916
    $2000 10
After his release from a mental hospital, this American "Cantos" poet lived out his days in Italy, dying in Venice in 1972
    $2000 18
This "colorful" family of flowers, Caryophyllaceae, includes the corn cockle & members of the genus Dianthus
    $2000 19
After this river joins with the Jarama River in Aranjuez, Spain at the 40th, it flows on into Portugal
    $2000 26
It's father vs. daughter in the courtroom as Gene Hackman tilts with Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio in this legal thriller
    $2000 21
Swift says Gulliver made "a voyage or two into the Levant", which is on the shores of this sea
    $2000 5
With 381 horsepower, the 2016 model of this Toyota behemoth can haul 8 passengers

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

TJ Matt Emily
$14,800 $22,600 $4,000

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Brought to our attention by a 1984 film, this Italian had success with the 1780s operas "Tarare" & "Les danaides"

Final scores:

TJ Matt Emily
$4,800 $29,601 $8,000
3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $29,601 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

TJ Matt Emily
$12,600 $11,200 $4,000
19 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
23 R
(including 2 DDs),
4 W
6 R,
0 W

Combined Coryat: $27,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2016-03-30
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