Show #2524 - Thursday, July 20, 1995

1995-A Seniors Tournament final game 1.


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Elliot Shteir, an attorney from Somerville, New Jersey

Susan Schubert, a retired teacher from Phoenix, Arizona

Aaron Klein, a religious school director from Des Plaines, Illinois

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 2
One species of this "reclusive" crab lives in sections of old bamboo cane
    $100 1
In the 1980s Debi Thomas won 2 U.S. Championships & 1 world title in this sport
    $100 10
Unofficially, it's the "Everglade State"
    $100 9
These found on the east coast include the Cape Cod, Lynnhaven & Bluepoint
    $100 13
With some reluctance, Thomas Becket became Archbishop of this in 1162
    $100 16
A popular play may be SRO, meaning this
    $200 5
On average this breed of goat yield about 8 pounds of mohair each year
    $200 3
Before moving to Candlestick Park in 1960, this NL baseball team played its home games at Seals Stadium
    $200 15
Look for Buffalo Bill's grave atop Lookout Mountain near Golden in this state
    $200 14
Course for which you'd serve trifle
    $200 23
Sir Robert Walpole was the first prime minister to live at this London address
    $200 17
Financially speaking, AMEX is this stock exchange
    $300 6
Anteaters feed almost entirely on ants & these insects
    $300 4
With 88, Kathy Whitworth leads all men & women in tournament wins in this sport
    $300 21
It's state tree is the Black Hills spruce
    $300 28
19th century English doctor whose "steak" is a broiled ground beef patty with onions & seasonings
    $300 25
Robert Catesby was the chief conspirator in this 1605 plot to blow up the Houses of Parliament
    $300 18
When an application form wants your YOB, it's asking for this
    $400 7
The demise of Australia's Tasmanian wolf has been blamed on this wild dog
    $400 11
In 1986 9-year-old Marc Behan became the youngest ever to win this annual race in Akron, Ohio
    $400 22
Historic lodgings in this state include the Old Riverton Inn, the Old Lyme Inn & the Old Mystic Inn
    $400 29
This naturally effervescent water is named for a German town
    DD: $1,000 26
During the siege of a castle in 1199, this courageous king was struck by an arrow & died
    $400 19
Frl. is this German title corresponding to our Miss
    $500 8
The eggs of this large flightless South American bird can weigh up to 2 pound
    $500 12
In 1912 & 1920 Hall of Famer Duke Kahahamoku won Olympic gold medals in this sport
    $500 24
1636, the date on Rhode Island's state seal, is the year he founded Providence
    $500 30
Sercial is the driest type of this wine named for a Portuguese island
    $500 27
In 1719 the Royal Academy of Music was founded with this German composer as its director
    $500 20
ob. can stand for obstetric or for this musical instrument

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Aaron Susan Elliot
$500 $1,400 $300

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Aaron Susan Elliot
$1,600 $2,800 $3,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 23
In 1951 Orson Welles went to London to portray this tragic Moor
    $200 18
The lancet style of these glass structures is tall, thin & pointed
    $200 9
The shortest distance across this ocean is between Senegal in Africa & Brazil
    $200 1
A composition of several restatements of a theme; famous ones are the "Enigma" & "Goldberg"
    $200 6
During WWII this author of 'The Naked and the Dead" was an infantry rifleman
    $200 13
Saintly, like Swiss cheese
    $400 24
At Elsinore in 1937 Vivien Leigh played this role opposite Laurence Olivier's Hamlet
    $400 19
A campanile, which is often freestanding, is this kind of tower
    $400 10
This resort lake on the California-Nevada border was discovered by John C. Fremont in 1844
    $400 2
Precursor to the opera buffa, the intermezzo was a comic opera performed at these times
    $400 7
In 1965 he was overheard telling mafia stories & was offered $5,000 for a book about the underworld
    $400 14
Enthralled, or covered with paper
    $600 25
In a 1977 production of "A Midsummer Night's Dream", Maggie Smith doubled as Hippolyta & this fairy queen
    DD: $800 28
From the Latin for "sun", it's a glass-enclosed room or porch that's exposed to the Sun
    $600 20
This longest river of southeast Asia enters the South China Sea south of Ho Chi Minh City
    $600 3
He co-owned a Memphis publishing firm that published his "St. Louis Blues" but not his "Memphis Blues"
    $600 8
His "The Carpetbaggers" has gone through over 80 printings, selling over 10 million copies
    $600 15
A French cooking thickener, or a French street
    $800 26
Jack Palance had "a lean and hungry look" when he played this role in "Julius Caesar" in 1955
    $800 29
Many of his best designs, like Fallingwater & the Guggenheim were based on forms found in nature
    $800 21
The Yukon River empties into this sea at Norton Sound
    $800 4
The Spoleto Festival U.S.A. was founded by this "Amahl and the Night Visitors" composer
    $800 11
This author of "North and South" wrote the lyrics to the 1970 musical comedy "Dracula, Baby"
    $800 16
A subterranean dwarf in folklore, or a port city on the Seward peninsula
    $1000 27
Diana Rigg & Vanessa Redgrave have both played Viola in this comedy named for a holiday
    $1000 30
This Moorish palace complex in Granada is known for its delicate marble columns & ornamentation
    DD: $1,200 22
Noted for its salt deposits, the Kara-Bogaz-Gol Gulf in Turkmenistan is an arm of this sea
    $1000 5
This Respighi work is about those of Vale Giulia, Tritone, Trevi & Villa Medici
    $1000 12
As of 1994, 5 of his novels had been filmed, 4 with Helena Bonham Carter, including "A Room with a View"
    $1000 17
A twilled smooth suit fabric, or to rise like a wave

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Aaron Susan Elliot
$8,400 $5,200 $9,400

Final Jeopardy! Round

1 of 2 presidents who had military service in 4 wars

Final scores:

Aaron Susan Elliot
$6,400 $3,200 $4,400

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Aaron Susan Elliot
$8,200 $5,200 $8,600
21 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
17 R,
1 W
18 R
(including 2 DDs),
1 W

Combined Coryat: $22,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1995-02-28
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