Show #2400 - Friday, January 27, 1995


[<< previous game]

Dave Sanders, a physician from Strathroy, Ontario, Canada

Bruce Marshall, an astrologer from Cleveland Heights, Ohio

Claud Argall, a financial services manager from Sparks, Nevada (whose 2-day cash winnings total $25,398)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 18
A walkway separates this city's capitol building from Iolani Palace
    $100 1
Arnold Schwarzenegger played this sword-wielding warrior in 2 films
    $100 11
On this game's card, the smallest numbers line up under B; the largest under O
    $100 2
Bronchiectasis, which can be a congenital defect, affects the bronchial tubes & this pair of organs
    $100 15
Sardo is another name for this Romance language spoken on an Italian island
    $100 26
For years an elephant of this color was on Thailand's flag; then we guess they finally unloaded it
    $200 19
Frankfort, Kentucky's capitol rotunda & dome were copied from this French emperor's tomb
    $200 7
James Cagney starred as this "Yankee Doodle Dandy"
    $200 12
In craps, the person throwing the dice is called this
    $200 3
Global epidemics have been caused by the Spanish, Asian & Hong Kong strains of this virus
    $200 14
Although Tibetan is the traditional language of Tibet, this is its official language
    $200 27
If you have hallucinations from drinking, you've seen these
    $300 20
Henry Hudson is among those depicted in carvings on a staircase in this city's capitol building
    $300 8
In 1991 this actress made her directorial debut with "Little Man Tate"
    $300 13
When playing this game in Las Vegas, you can usually double down on any initial 2-card holding
    $300 4
Quinsy is an abscess around one of these oval masses found at the back of the throat
    $300 22
Karamojong & Suk are 2 of the Nilotic languages of this continent
    $300 28
Better known as this, the aepyornis, like the dodo, is extinct
    $400 21
The capitol building in Jefferson City stands on a hill overlooking this river
    $400 9
Steven Bach's 1985 book "Final Cut" detailed the making of this 1980 Michael Cimino flop
    $400 16
Term in poker for a hand of 5 cards all the same suit
    DD: $500 5
Nephrosis, a chronic disease of these organs, is characterized by fluid retention
    $400 23
In dictionaries this language is often abbreviated Fris.
    $400 29
The corms of elephant's ear, which is also called this, are the main ingredient in poi
    $500 25
The state capitol building in this SW city is shaped like the sun symbol of the Zia Indians
    $500 10
This "Terms of Endearment" co-star made her debut in the 1977 film "Slumber Party '57"
    $500 17
In this fancy card game, a 2-card total of 9 is a natural & cannot lose
    $500 6
Graves' disease is a disorder in which this gland becomes overactive
    $500 24
In 1786 King Gustav III founded an academy to promote literature & writings in this language
    $500 30
In Hinduism, Ganesha is the elephant-headed son of Parvati & this destroyer

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Claud Bruce Dave
$2,500 $500 $1,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Claud Bruce Dave
$2,100 $1,200 $2,300

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
George Washington Goethals was the first governor of this zone
    $200 6
A mock-up of artist Grant Wood's house can be seen in the Davenport Museum of Art in this state
    $200 9
In 1974 this French firm known for its pens introduced the disposable razor
    $200 27
Exodus 7:7 mentions that this brother of Moses was 3 years older
    $200 16
Hernan Cortes founded Veracruz in this country to serve as a base for his conquest
    $200 14
Dickinson's best poems were produced during this war
    $400 2
Capital city that was a major bombing target of Operation Desert Storm
    $400 7
In 1994 the L.A. County Museum of Art exhibited this Spaniard's "Weeping Women"
    $400 10
A brewer began publishing this book in 1955 to help settle arguments in British pubs
    $400 28
His name in Hebrew means "Father of Many Nations"
    $400 17
Al-Qahirah, meaning "The Victorious", is the Arabic name for this Egyptian city
    $400 15
About 10 in her lifetime including "Success is Counted Sweetest", although she wrote over 1700
    $600 3
The main witness in a 1963 Senate investigation of organized crime, his "papers" were published in 1969
    $600 8
The Hillwood Museum in Washington, D.C. has 2 of his Easter eggs
    $600 11
In 1909 this American opened his first "Three and Sixpence" store in England
    DD: $1,000 26
Of the 12 disciples, the one who wasn't present when Jesus appeared on the evening of his resurrection
    $600 19
This most populous city of Ireland is only 45 square miles in area
    $600 18
"Because I could not stop for" this "he kindly stopped for me"
    $800 4
This defense "line" was expanded to the Aleutians in 1959 & across Greenland in 1961
    $800 22
The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art in Kansas City has a garden of 13 of this Brit's sculptures
    $800 12
In 1955 in Des Plaines, Illinois, he opened the first McDonald's franchise
    $800 29
The first line of Daniel mentions this Babylonian king who came to Jerusalem & besieged it
    $800 20
This capital city of Hong Kong is sometimes called Hong Kong
    $800 24
Emily spent her life in her father's house in this city, many of the years in self-imposed seclusion
    $1000 5
Agha Muhammad Yahya Khan resigned as president of this country in 1971 after he lost Bangladesh
    $1000 23
"Where" this author's "Wild Things Are" is at the Rosenbach Museum & Library in Philadelphia
    DD: $1,000 13
This large maker of over-the-counter painkillers is headquartered in Leverkusen, Germany
    $1000 21
The tomb of William the Silent can be seen in this Dutch city that's famous for its pottery
    $1000 25
Emily's lifelong friend was Helen Fiske, who under this name wrote "Ramona" & a book based on Emily

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Claud Bruce Dave
$3,900 $4,800 $7,300

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

He said "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains...must be the truth"

Final scores:

Claud Bruce Dave
$7,799 $7,801 $9,601
3rd place: set of Caribou luggage 2nd place: Gibson 3-piece kitchen + Kitchen Aid appliances New champion: $9,601

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Claud Bruce Dave
$4,900 $4,400 $7,200
19 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)
15 R
(including 1 DD),
5 W
18 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W

Combined Coryat: $16,500

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1994-11-08
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