This celebutante starred in & was the exec producer of "The Hottie & the Nottie" |
Paris Hilton
On July 26 president Truman officially desegregated this by executive order |
the military
One in Dubai has 12.1 million square feet of retail & entertainment space |
a mall
In "Lysistrata" by Aristophanes, women of Greece withhold their favors to force a peace between these 2 cities |
Athens & Sparta
Life is a circus for Pulex irritans, one of these wingless, bloodsucking insects that can hide in the folds of clothing |
a flea
On the first floor of its Sully wing, you'll find 30 rooms of Egyptian antiquities that include a huge statue of Ramses II |
the Louvre
In the mid-1980s she had 7 consecutive No. 1 hits, starting with "Saving All My Love For You" |
Whitney Houston
At a Feb. 7 ceremony at the Pentagon, Omar Bradley succeeded this man as U.S. Army Chief of Staff |
(Dwight David) Eisenhower
On July 14, 2015 43,656 watched it at Cincinnati's Great American Ballpark |
(Alex: That's it. Baseball.)
the All-Star Game
The "Orchestra" section in Greek drama was the circular dancing place of this commenting group |
the chorus
We absolutely mean to nit-pick, because we're talking about this small, flat bloodsucker that lives in human hair |
a louse
The relief seen here, known as "The Departure of the Volunteers in 1792", is one of many adorning this monument |
the Arc de Triomphe
It wasn't until she was in her 20s that this red-headed actress watched her dad on "Happy Days" |
Bryce Dallas Howard
John Huston directed Bogey in this 1948 film about gold & greed south of the border |
Treasure of the Sierra Madre
It's an old-fashioned name for April 1 each year |
All Fools' Day
In Euripides' play, Medea gets revenge on this errant husband by killing his new love Glauce with poisoned garments |
The buzz is that the gallinipper is one of the largest types of this insect known for causing malaria |
a mosquito
To take in dinner & a show at the Moulin Rouge, you'll need to travel to this hill in north Paris |
This daughter of an Alaska governor is named for the Connecticut city that's home to ESPN |
Bristol Palin
April 19 saw this nationalist Chinese leader re-elected to the presidency despite his saying he didn't want the job anymore |
Chiang Kai-shek
The prototypical open-air performance space of ancient Greece is called "the Theater of" this fertility god |
(Buzzy: What is Aphrodite?)
Deer & Rocky Mountain are types of these arachnids that draw blood through beak-like projections |
In 1994 Bernard Huet redesigned part of this avenue, converting side lanes into pedestrian zones |
the Champs-Élysées
This Oscar winner directed "The Firm", "Out of Africa" & "Tootsie", in which he also acted |
Sydney Pollack
At HUAC, Whittaker Chambers' Aug. 3 testimony named 9 ex-govt. officials, including this man who'd advised FDR at Yalta |
(Alex: Less than a minute to go.)
Alger Hiss
Fishermen like this pike, named for a feature that's prominent here |
a walleye
Aeschylus won victory in a drama tournament in 458 B.C. with this trilogy that includes "Agamemnon" |
the Oresteia trilogy
The chicken & rat types of this arachnid, which may attack humans, are .1 inch long; in other words, small |
A statue of Henry IV graces the center of this, the oldest bridge in Paris |
(Alex: Even though it's called [*], or the "new bridge".)
the Pont Neuf