Show #7251 - Monday, March 7, 2016


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Brent Povis, a board game designer from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Eric Grebing, an educational researcher from Raleigh, North Carolina

Natasha Gainey, an artist from Decatur, Georgia (whose 1-day cash winnings total $14,200)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: All responses will begin with those three letters of the alphabet.)
    $200 12
(Sarah of the Clue Crew holds a sparkler.) A common component of sparklers is the dust of this element, the most abundant metal in the Earth's crust; when the dirt ignites, it sparkles
    $200 19
In 1700 Massachusetts passed a law requiring all priests of this faith to hit the road
    $200 6
You'll find this lightly damaged historical object at 6th &amp; Market in Philly
    $200 25
A $550,000 fine on CBS for her revealing 2004 Super Bowl halftime show was later overturned
    $200 1
This livestock fencing has several points to make
    $200 21
Stolichinaya, a brand of this alcohol, says it's "The mule that always kicks"
    $400 26
By making them durable, Herbert Lieberman was the Henry Ford of these shiny disks seen on skaters &amp; Michael Jackson
    $400 11
Without the knowledge of Congress, James Madison took possession of West Florida from this country
    $400 16
In "The Blues Brothers", Elwood gives his address as 1060 W. Addison, which turns out to be this sporting venue
    $400 24
A $500,000 hit for a discussion about Richard Gere was one of many fines for this shock jock; no wonder he went to satellite!
    $400 2
The fruit seen here was named for this man
    $600 14
Referring to its rapid movement &amp; shiny surface, quicksilver is an old name for this liquid metal
    $600 8
It was signed in 1620 to get the Pilgrims to pull together
    $600 17
Number 10 this street was first home to a British prime minister in 1735
    $600 20
The FCC rebuked NBC for a 1937 radio skit about Adam &amp; Eve by this suggestive "I'm No Angel" blonde
    $600 3
A savage person, or Robert Howard's "Conan"
    $800 13
These artificial gems are named for a European river
    $800 7
At the end of WWI the 2 major unions in this industry were the ACWA & the ILGWU
    DD: $600 10
Folks from Oscar Wilde to Liza Minnelli have hit Jean Lafitte's Old Absinthe House at this street &amp; Bienville, y'all
    $800 22
On May 17, 1972 this comedian recorded his "7 Dirty Words" bit &amp; the FCC started dealing with that a year later
    $800 4
Boyz II Men would be an appropriate choice to play at a party after this synagogue ceremony
    $800 28
This drink of fermented honey &amp; water goes back to Biblical times
    $1000 15
Small bits of pyrite in this alliterative blue rock give the appearance of gold specks
    $1000 9
In 1848 the campaign slogan for this political party included the words "free speech, free labor, free men"
    $1000 18
1,800 men live at 1300 Metropolitan in this city in Kansas, though not by choice; they don't get out of the house much
    $1000 23
In 1989 a station was fined $2,000 for playing "Erotic City" by this funky musician
    $1000 5
Associated with stunt flying, it also means to conduct a speaking tour in many small rural towns
    $1000 27
A beer with a shot of whiskey is called this, also an occupation

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Natasha Eric Brent
$2,400 $1,600 $2,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Natasha Eric Brent
$6,200 $1,000 $5,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 21
The memorial over this sunken battleship is officially part of World War II Valor in the Pacific National Monument
    $400 1
Partially melted snow or ice, or a fund used for corrupt purposes such as graft or bribery
    $400 26
The story of this brave engineer began in Missouri in 1863
    $400 13
This book that won a Pulitzer in 1961 depicts racial injustice in a small Southern town
    $400 17
The Indian Ocean's largest island in area, it lies about 250 miles from the African mainland
    $400 5
For this 1967 Aretha Franklin No. 1 hit, you can say or spell the title
    $800 22
Here's one of these Depression-era lines as depicted in bronze at the FDR Memorial in Washington, D.C.
    $800 2
A light brown color, or a type of port wine
    $800 27
This manager of the Philadelphia A's from 1901 through 1950 came into the world as Cornelius McGillicuddy in 1862
    $800 9
In this author's "Lonesome Dove", a motley assortment of heroes, outlaws &amp; more live &amp; die in the title Texas town
    $800 20
The area north of 10 degrees south latitude is this "zone", for the wet wind system that reverses direction with the seasons
    $800 7
Adele took home a 2011 Grammy for doing this
    $1200 23
This monument in St. Louis gets its name from the city's role as one "to the West"
    $1200 3
It's the edge of a steep slope, or the point at which something is to begin
    $1200 28
"The Age of Innocence" had yet to begin when she was born into New York's high society in 1862
    DD: $4,000 10
In this novel, a Tulane law student discovers facts that people will kill for, &amp; if she doesn't get help, she might be next
    DD: $3,000 8
Northern extensions of the Indian Ocean include the Arabian Sea off India's west coast &amp; this bay to the east
    $1200 14
It was The Clash's title suggestion for livening up the medina
    $1600 25
(Alex Trebek reports from the National 9/11 Memorial & Museum in New York City.) The inscription "No day shall erase you from the memory of time" is from this work by Virgil about the legendary founder of what would become Rome
    $1600 4
From the Middle English, it's a small, miserable dwelling
    $1600 11
A young woman's passion for a priest drives much of this epic saga of 3 generations of Australian sheep farmers
    $1600 18
The Indian Ocean's deepest point, 25,000' down, is in a trench off the coast of this Indonesian island of the same name
    $1600 15
Why you gotta be so this title of a 2014 No. 1 hit by Magic!?
    $2000 24
A monument of Balto honors the sled dogs that brought a serum for this "d"isease during a 1925 epidemic in Nome
    $2000 6
This mechanical device for lifting or hauling has a drum around which a cable is wound
    $2000 12
The title bird is actually an anarchist in Tom Robbins' "Still Life with" this
    $2000 19
The Indian Ocean is home to the 2 known species of this "fossil fish" first discovered in 1938
    $2000 16
The Carpenters found the weather &amp; the calendar a drag in this 1971 hit

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Natasha Eric Brent
$11,400 $17,400 $12,400

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Collective nickname for the group who "formed the crest of the South Bend Cyclone"

Final scores:

Natasha Eric Brent
$4,900 $9,999 $24,789
3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $24,789

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Natasha Eric Brent
$11,400 $14,600 $10,800
18 R,
3 W
16 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
15 R
(including 2 DDs),
2 W

Combined Coryat: $36,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2016-01-26
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