By custom, books printed in the U.S. carry this library's card catalogue number on the copyright page |
Library of Congress
A simple one of these consists of a small weight swinging to & fro on the end of a string |
Paris was known by its Celtic name "Lutetia", when he took it from the Parisii tribe in 52 B.C. |
Julius Caesar
Providence County is this state's largest county in both area & population |
Rhode Island
It "makes all men equal" & "makes the world go round" |
He fled the Potala, his palace in Tibet, when Chinese forces invaded Lhasa in 1959 |
The Dalai Lama
Of 4-6 pages, 14-20 pages or 40-60 pages, the size of the typical Soviet daily newspaper |
4-6 pages
The process by which a substance changes from liquid to a gas is called this |
(J: What is sublimation?) (A: Sublimation is a substance changing from a solid to a gas)
Cleopatra had 4 children out of wedlock, 3 fathered by this Roman |
Marc Antony
Symbols of the Cherokee, Chickasaw, Creek, Choctaw & Seminole Indian nations are on its seal |
He coined the saying, Early to bed & early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy & wise" |
Benjamin Franklin
From 1561-1567, Holyrood Palace in Edinburgh was the home of this queen of Scotland |
Mary Stuart
"The Talk Of The Town" is a weekly feature of this magazine also known for its drawings |
The New Yorker
The planets that are smaller than Earth are Mercury, Venus & these two |
(J: What are Neptune & Pluto?)
Mars & Pluto
The earliest known civilization, it was home to the Sumerians & Akkadians |
State whose motto "Eureka", meaning "I have found it" is attributed to Archimedes |
They're the "Windows of the Soul" |
The Eyes
King of Bavaria whose Neuschwanstein Castle might be called a monument to his madness |
Ludwig II
"The Budget" is a weekly paper published nationally for members of this Mennonite sect |
An LED; it's used for displaying readings on digital watches & calculators |
Light Emitting Diode
The Hebrew kingdom split into Judah & Israel after the death of this king |
This "Tree Planters State" in the midwest has the only 2 man-made national forests in the U.S. |
Proverb that was the title of a Kaufman/Hart play about an unconventional family |
(M: What is "By The Skin Of Our Teeth?")
"You Can't Take It With You"
Huis Ten Bosch Palace, home of Holland's Queen Beatrix, is in this city |
The Hague
"News You Can Use" & "Worldgram" are registered trademarks of this magazine |
U.S. News & World Report
When this scientist discovered oxygen, he called it dephlogisticated air |
(Dan: Who is Lavoisier?)
Joseph Priestley
The ruins of Ur are in a desert because this river, which once ran near it, changed course |
The Great Serpent Mound near Hillsboro in this state is an ancient Indian burial site |
In a Thomas Gray poem this precedes " 'Tis folly to be wise" |
(D: I don't know.) (we have about a minute to go in the round...)
Where Ignorance Is Bliss
Hiram Bingham claimed he found a castle of the Incas in this remote fortress city he excavated |
Machu Picchu