Show #7156 - Monday, October 26, 2015


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Tom Flynn, a bartender from Goshen, New York

Beth Horn, a nanny from Dallas, Texas

Sean Anderson, a law professor from Champaign, Illinois (whose 1-day cash winnings total $19,199)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 18
The curry seen here features as the main protein this meat alternative made from soybeans
    $200 2
I say, I say, he's a big blowhard who thinks he runs the barnyard
    $200 6
Falconry hobbyist Helen MacDonald called her memoir of bereavement "H is for" this bird
    $200 26
Fusion energy is under study at PPPL, this New Jersey Plasma Physics Lab
    $200 12
Justice Ginsburg;
late screenwriter Prawer Jhabvala
    $200 15
"Birds of a feather flock ____"
    $400 19
A tomato & onion dish isn't called just rajah curry but this longer Indian prince one
    $400 4
This Down Under ball of energy who bedeviled Bugs Bunny went on to have his own TV show
    $400 5
Mark Twain gave a nonfiction account of his travels to Europe in the work called these people "Abroad"
    $400 27
This type of weapon has 6,500 parts; Sandia National Lab designs more than 6,300 of them
    $400 10
Pastor Osteen;
one of film's Coen brothers
    $400 22
"Still waters ____ ____"
    $600 1
Far from India, Marrakech in this country has its own version of a vegetable curry
    $600 3
Ya lily-livered varmint! This angry hombre first appeared with Bugs Bunny in "Hare Trigger"
    $600 7
Vincent Bugliosi wrote about prosecuting the Manson murders in this bestseller with a rhyming title
    $600 28
Fermilab is less than 50 miles from this metropolis, so no accidents, please
    $600 11
Rock guitarist Buck;
shutterbug Parker
    $600 23
"The shoemaker's son always goes ____"
    $800 20
Jamie Oliver calls his chicken tikka this "a brilliant curry that makes people very happy"
    $800 16
Hello my baby, it's the name of the character seen here
    $800 8
In an 1849 essay he wrote, "I heartily accept the motto 'That government is best which governs least'"
    $800 29
This 2-word region of the country is on the name of a national lab in Richland, Washington
    $800 13
The real Mr. Law;
the fictional Mr. Fawley
    $800 24
"Crosses are ladders that lead to ____"
    $1000 21
If you're having yellow curry, the curry paste is likely based on this spice that's part of the ginger family
    $1000 17
Where's the kaboom? He tried to destroy Earth because it was blocking his view of Venus
    DD: $1,800 9
Naturally, Philip Glass titled his autobiography "Words Without" this
    $1000 30
Brookhaven in New York has the Relativistic Heavy Ion this, an accelerator that smashes particles together
    $1000 14
Nicaraguan President Ortega;
conductor Barenboim
    $1000 25
"If wishes were horses, ____ ____ ____"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Sean Beth Tom
$5,800 $1,600 $400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Sean Beth Tom
$9,600 $2,800 $4,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

THE 1920s
    $400 5
Steph dishes out thank yous to cafeteria workers who he thinks made a special meal for him in an ad for this network
    $400 1
If it's first-degree & produces no blisters, flush under cool water until the pain is gone
    $400 2
In 1925 he pled not guilty to violating a Tennessee ban on the teaching of evolution in schools
    $400 9
Puck says, "Lord, what fools these mortals be!" in Act III of this play
    $400 17
The Ligurian Sea, an extension of this larger sea, is bounded on the south by the islands of Elba & Corsica
    $400 22
As a verb it can mean to leave a hive en masse
    $800 6
When Steph is making an assist, aka "dropping" this coin, he's dishing it to someone else for the score
    $800 27
If an adult victim of anaphylactic shock has an EpiPen on him, inject it in this area of the body
    DD: $4,400 3
"Undreamed of splendors", boasted newspaper headlines about this 1922 discovery
    $800 10
He was passed over for promotion in favor of Cassio, giving him a motive for revenge
    $800 18
George Takei said that Gene Roddenberry came up with his "Star Trek" character's name by seeing this sea on a map
    $800 23
Makeup applied before a battle by Native Americans
    $1200 12
If Steph dishes out 10 assists along with colleting 10 points & 10 rebounds in a game, he achieves this coveted feat
    $1200 28
If there is no danger of refreezing, soak the area affected by this in warm water until normal color comes back
    $1200 4
The silent era of Hollywood was doomed with the Oct. 6, 1927 opening of this film
    $1200 11
In Act I the witches describe him as "lesser than Macbeth, and greater"
    $1200 19
To enter this sea from the Sea of Marmara, you must pass through the Bosporus
    $1200 24
This "Rocky Horror" dance is also a sci-fi term
    $1600 15
One of Steph's best dishes at the 2015 All-Star Game was to this Maverick big man, aka the Dunking Deutschman
    $1600 29
It's caused by sinusitis or just dry air & victims should stay sitting up, to reduce pressure in the veins
    $1600 7
In 1927 he kicked the Russians out of China & soon became the generalissimo of all Chinese Nationalist forces
    DD: $2,200 13
Tamora eats a pie in this play; problem is that the pie was made with the heads of Demetrius & Chiron, her sons
    $1600 20
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew presents from the Mekong River in Vietnam.) Southeast Asia's longest river, the Mekong, starts in the Tibetan Highlands & flows 2,700 miles before emptying into the sea that we know as this, but which Vietnam wants to call the Southeast Asia Sea
    $1600 25
This word for the seats seen here can also mean foils or prevents
    $2000 16
Steph dished & dealt in the NCAA, leading this Southern state's Davidson College to the Elite Eight
    $2000 8
In 1926 she received the first NYC ticker tape parade just for a woman, after her memorable 35-mile swim
    $2000 14
The most memorable part of this play might be the stage direction "exit, pursued by a bear"
    $2000 21
Navigable only 2 months of the year, this Siberian sea shares its name with Supergirl's Kryptonian name
    $2000 26
This 1973 "Act" requires the president to consult with Congress when deploying troops abroad

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Sean Beth Tom
$23,000 $4,800 $8,400
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Appropriately, this 1984 blockbuster was the first music CD mass-produced in the United States

Final scores:

Sean Beth Tom
$29,101 $300 $0
2-day champion: $48,300 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Sean Beth Tom
$28,800 $4,800 $8,400
32 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
(including 2 DDs)
7 R,
0 W
16 R,
5 W

Combined Coryat: $42,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2015-09-15
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