Show #7152 - Tuesday, October 20, 2015

WE ASKED: Actress Bellamy Young.


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Alison Saunders, an architectural historian from Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Robert Arrowood, a former realtor from Provincetown, Massachusetts

Dean Meyer, a scientific editor from Winder, Georgia (whose 1-day cash winnings total $18,700)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Sounds intimidating.)
(Alex: You have to give us the correct word in that response. We, uh, kind of messed with it a little bit.)
    $200 1
(Hi, I'm Bellamy Young, and I play First Lady Mellie Grant on Scandal.) In 1962 millions of Americans tuned in as this First Lady took viewers on a televised "Tour of the White House"
    $200 3
The name of this Mexican food favorite is Spanish for "little donkey"
    $200 12
So as not to disturb his cat who slept on his left arm, southpaw Albert Schweitzer taught himself to be this
    $200 11
Odysseus blinded Polyphemus, one of these one-eyed giants
    $200 18
You should feel a state of this noun meaning imperativeness, so ring in now! now!
    $200 13
"Night of the Living Jeopardy!"
    $400 2
She was born in Chicago, Illinois on October 26, 1947
    $400 4
This sandwich with a towering variety of meats, cheeses and other things is named for a comic strip character
    $400 27
This Greek sun god loved Hyacinthus, a beautiful young man
    $400 19
Amir Khosrow was the first major poet in this language
    $400 14
"Bride of Jeopardy!"
    $600 6
In 1800 she complained that she could find no one willing to chop firewood for the White House
    $600 5
Blue Suede Chardonnay & Jailhouse Red Merlot came from the wine cellars bearing the name of this home
    $600 23
"Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds" says, "Somebody calls you, you answer quite slowly, a girl with" these "eyes"
    $600 26
Polydeuces is another name for this twin brother of Castor
    $600 20
Name this bloke from the metropolis of Whangarei
    $600 15
"Jeopardy! the Great and Powerful"
    $800 7
After graduating from high school, she completed a 2-year secretarial course at Georgia Southwestern College
    $800 9
In an Italian restaurant, if you ask for "pane e burro" before the meal, you'll get this pair
    $800 25
Hell hath no fury like this woman scorned--when Jason left her, she murdered their children & Jason's new love
    $800 21
Range where you'll find Mount Karpinsky
    $800 16
"There Will Be Jeopardy!"
    $1000 8
The Woman's Christian Temperance Union funded her official portrait that was presented to the White House in 1881
    $1000 10
It's the "national" name for the coffee maker aka a plunger pot
    $1000 28
The angel Gabriel's announcement to the Virgin Mary that she would conceive Jesus
    $1000 24
In Greek myth, they're wood nymphs that live in trees
    $1000 22
Its 2013 GDP per capita was $16,350
    $1000 17
"Jeopardy! is Beautiful"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Dean Robert Alison
$400 $1,000 $1,200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Dean Robert Alison
$2,800 $3,000 $4,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: We'll give you the characters, you identify the play for us.)
1970s TV
    $400 18
This song says, "I once was lost, but now am found, was blind, but now I see"
    $400 21
A rift valley is an elongated trough formed between dip-slip types of these fractures
    $400 1
Frankie Valli, Bob Gaudio, Nick Massi
    $400 12
In 1641 New Hampshire became part of this colony but King Charles II separated them in 1679
    $400 6
This Robin Williams title alien was introduced on "Happy Days" as he tried to kidnap Richie Cunningham
    $400 11
One who gives, perhaps a kidney
    $800 23
Title of the song that begins, "Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord"
    DD: $3,000 25
The Canary Current flows north to south along the edge of this continent
    $800 2
Art historian Heidi Holland, some guys in her life
    $800 13
The city of Nashua has a college named for this orator, but none for the devil
    $800 7
Quincy Jones wrote the theme heard here, aka "The Streetbeater", for this Redd Foxx sitcom
    $800 14
Biblical king whom God gave "wisdom and knowledge"
    $1200 24
It's the line that follows "Jesus loves me, this I know"
    $1200 26
(Sarah of the Clue Crew gives the clue from Easter Island.) The Moai statues of Easter Island are made of tuff & basalt, & some of the statues feature topknots made of red scoria; all of the rock on the island is of this basic type
    $1200 3
Physician William Chumley, Veta Simmons, Elwood P. Dowd
    $1200 19
Sunset on Squam Lake shows you why it was chosen to film this 1981 Hepburn/Fonda movie
    $1200 8
Full name of the show on which Bill Bixby became angry, became too big for his shirt & became Lou Ferrigno
    DD: $3,200 15
This architectural style originated in early 18th century France
    $1600 29
"When other helpers fail and comforts flee, help of the helpless, O" do this
    $1600 27
From the Greek for "without shape", this term refers to a mineral that has no definite crystalline structure
    $1600 4
High school science teacher Bertram Cates, defense attorney Henry Drummond, prosecutor Matthew Brady
    $1600 20
Picturesque & old-timey, the Monadnock corner of the state is nicknamed after printmakers Currier & him
    $1600 9
In "Pulp Fiction", Jules says he's "gonna walk the Earth" like this guy in "Kung Fu" who began walking the Earth in 1972
    $1600 16
The Higgs one is the source of the mass that most particles carry
    $2000 30
"So I'll cherish" this "till my trophies at last I lay down; I will cling to" this "and exchange it some day for a crown"
    $2000 28
The name of this flat-topped hill smaller than a mesa is from the French for "low hill" or "mound"
    $2000 5
Condemned killer Earl Williams, reporter Hildy Johnson, editor Walter Burns
    $2000 22
Strawberry Banke, an outdoor history museum in this seaport, features restored colonial homes & craft shops
    $2000 10
Officers Ponch & Jon first hit Calif. freeways on this show in 1977, which also shot right here on our Sony stage
    $2000 17
The high-pitched voice of this ape may sound like a bird's

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Dean Robert Alison
$12,000 $13,000 $7,200

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

A line from this 1995 novel is "The infant glistened a scandalous shade of pale emerald"

Final scores:

Dean Robert Alison
$24,000 $25,500 $14,300
2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $25,500 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Dean Robert Alison
$10,000 $13,000 $10,200
14 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
20 R,
4 W
12 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $33,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2015-09-09
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