Show #1770 - Friday, April 17, 1992

Bruce Simmons game 5.


Al Badger, a software engineer from Monterey, California

Keith Marr, a student and writer originally from Seattle, Washington

Bruce Simmons, a grad student from Minneapolis, Minnesota (whose 4-day cash winnings total $63,599)

[next game >>]

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 2
Like Annie Oakley, he performed this type of act in Buffalo Bill's Wild West show
    $100 16
The object of Ponce de Leon's famous quest
    $100 17
Richard Pryor had a small part in this 1968 John Wayne film about the Vietnam War
    $100 26
Of peonies, hyacinths or tulips, the one not grown from bulbs
    $100 1
In 1991 he rejoined the Heartbreakers for a new album
    $100 10
From the Greek word for "life", it can precede -logical, -graphical or -degradable
    $200 3
For a while Hickok drove one of these on the Santa Fe & Oregon Trails
    $200 18
On January 1, 1968 he jumped the Caesar's Palace fountains on a motorcycle
    $200 19
His role as lawyer George Hanson in "Easy Rider" helped make him a star
    $200 28
A member of the violet family, its name is a corruption of pensee, the French word for "thought"
    $200 6
On "C.P.O. Sharkey", Don Rickles played a chief officer of this noncommissioned rank
    $200 11
Meaning half or partly, it can precede -god, -tasse or -monde
    $300 4
After the Civil War Hickok acted as a scout for this ill-fated lieutenant colonel
    $300 23
Architect Nicola Salvi designed this, often called the last great baroque monument in Rome
    $300 20
Mel Brooks film in which Gene Wilder & Zero Mostel put on a musical called "Springtime for Hitler"
    $300 29
The flowers of this member of the water lily family are sacred to Buddhists
    $300 7
As opposed to financiers, shopkeepers are described as this type of "bourgeoisie"
    $300 12
When it precedes -adjusted or -nutrition, it means ill or poorly
    $400 5
In 1871 he held this post in Abilene, Kansas
    $400 24
A fountain in front of this kids' cable network's studios in Orlando spurts out green slime
    $400 21
Woodhouse is the last name of the character Mia Farrow played in this Roman Polanski film
    $400 27
Gardeners use this spongy & absorbent moss to keep young plants from drying out
    $400 8
During the 1970s he won the Daytona 500 4 times
    $400 13
This prefix which can precede -harmonic or -anthropic means "a love for"
    $500 15
His real first name was neither Wild nor Bill, but this
    $500 25
This statue in the Louvre once stood in a fountain on the Greek isle of Samothrace
    $500 22
In this Antonioni film, David Hemmings thinks he spots a murder in a photo he's developing
    DD: $1,500 30
Members of this plant family include peas, clover & lentils
    $500 9
From the French for "small", in needlepoint a small stitch is this type of point
    $500 14
Latin for "as if", this prefix preceding -stellar or -judicial means seemingly

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):

Bruce Keith Al
-$500 $500 $1,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Bruce Keith Al
$1,200 $700 $4,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
No one is sure where Ophir was located, but it was famous in ancient times for this precious metal
    $200 21
Like Adolfo, Luis Estevez was born in this island country better known for cigars than fashion
    $200 11
Title character whose parents were the former Elizabeth Mollineaux & Walter Shandy
    $200 6
On May 26, 1978 Resorts International Casino opened its door for the 1st time in this city
    $200 16
The guitar & mandolin are members of this ancient family of stringed instruments
    $200 22
He downed 5 Japanese planes on February 20, 1942 & Chicago named an airport after him
    $400 2
The ancient astronomer Anaximander concluded that this planet was the center of the universe
    $400 30
Hugo's last name, or an office's head honcho
    $400 12
His novel "You Can't Go Home Again" was published after his death
    $400 7
It was founded in 1666; the international airport came later
    $400 17
This symbol is placed next to a note to extend it by half its original length
    $400 23
Over 1500 kamikaze flyers lost their lives trying to defend this largest of the Ryukyu Islands
    $600 3
We don't know if this Babylonian had a "code" name for his chief rival, Rim-Sin of Larsa
    $600 29
Verri, Venturi & Versace are all based in this city which rivals Paris as a fashion center
    $600 13
This prime minister may have based the title character in his novel "Vivian Grey" on himself
    $600 8
The old barracks in this city were home to British troops during the Revolution
    $600 18
According to the title, it's where Dvorak's Symphony No. 9 is "From"
    $600 24
It was the alias of Nguyen Tat Thanh, who led & organized the Viet Minh
    DD: $1,300 4
The Bible calls these ancient seagoers "Sidonians"; Sidon was one of their cities
    $800 28
Salvatore Ferragamo was most famous for designing these, not dresses
    DD: $4,300 14
"Tanglewood Tales" was his 1853 sequel to "A Wonder Book for Girls and Boys"
    $800 9
The last leaves of grass Walt Whitman saw were in this town known for its soup
    $800 19
An 1858 Jacques Offenbach number, or a 1953 Cole Porter musical
    $800 25
This former SS officer died in France in September 1991
    $1000 5
Egyptian women favored this dark eye make-up made from soot, antimony or Galena, a form of lead ore
    $1000 27
Born Donna Faske, she uses this name professionally
    $1000 15
He's a lifelong resident of Albany, New York & "Ironweed" was the 3rd novel in his Albany Cycle
    $1000 10
This "Cape" is famous for its Victorian houses & lighthouse
    $1000 20
This city's 1st school centered around Beethoven, Haydn & Mozart, the 2nd around Berg, Webern & Schoenberg
    $1000 26
Under Eisenhower, this British commander led the ground forces at Normandy

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Bruce Keith Al
$9,200 $1,300 $11,400

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

It was founded in Baghdad, Iraq in September 1960

Final scores:

Bruce Keith Al
$14,000 $0 $19,400
2nd place: trip on Aerocancun to Cancun, Mexico & stay at Hotel Oasis Cancun 3rd place: Vita-Mixer, 4000 & Nintendo Entertainment System with Super Jeopardy! & Wheel of Fortune + InfoGenius game packs for Nintendo Game Boy New champion: $19,400

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Bruce Keith Al
$5,200 $1,300 $10,400
18 R
(including 2 DDs),
6 W
8 R,
3 W
25 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W

Combined Coryat: $16,900

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1991-12-17
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