Show #1289 - Thursday, March 22, 1990


Gabriella Anderson, a teacher from Albuquerque, New Mexico

John Cunningham, a hot dog vendor from San Antonio, Texas

Valerie Williams, a marketer from Brooklyn, New York (whose 1-day cash winnings total $14,800)

[next game >>]

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 2
Slang for a large amount, it's also the past tense of "slay"
    $100 1
This Scottish discoverer of the Victoria Falls was "found" by Henry Stanley in November 1871
    $100 27
Superstition says that to ensure good luck a bride must wear these 4 items
    $100 13
She's won 4 "Best Supporting Actress in a Comedy" Emmys as Carla on "Cheers"
    $100 3
The first bobsled races were held in this mountainous country
    $100 19
On Dec. 25, 1492, his ship the Santa Maria was wrecked off Hispaniola
    $200 6
It's a small harpsichord or piano, not a small spinning wheel
    $200 5
In 1895 this British diamond king had a colony named for himself
    $200 28
A bride's principal attendant
    $200 15
For 25 years this director of the St. Louis Zoo hosted "Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom"
    $200 4
In 1910 the Intercollegiate Athletic Association changed its name to this
    $200 22
In 1950 Scottish nationalists stole the 336 lb. Stone of Scone from this British coronation site
    $300 7
It can be a merry adventure, a harmless prank or a bird
    $300 11
To protect against piracy in the 18th century, the U.S. made payoffs to this group of North African states
    $300 26
At Japanese weddings the bride & groom seal their union with sips of this alcoholic beverage
    $300 16
He was a panelist on "To Tell The Truth" for 9 years; now he's George Utley on "Newhart"
    $300 8
A 5 iron is a mashie, a 9 iron is a niblick & this is a mashie niblick
    DD: $400 23
On Dec. 25, 1868 this president pardoned "all who... participated in the late rebellion"
    $400 20
This word for a form of Japanese dance-drama isn't negative, it means "talent"
    $400 12
In 1975 this country's colony of Angola became the last European colony to gain independence
    $400 29
Child attendant who carries a pillow in the procession
    $400 17
She was "The Girl from U.N.C.L.E."
    $400 9
Devised by Owen Patrick Smith, this sport was legalized in Florida in 1931
    $400 24
He was crowned on December 25th in the year 800
    $500 21
Type of bag carried by soldiers or sailors, or a simple song
    $500 14
This dynasty ruled Egypt from 323 B.C. until the suicide death of Cleopatra in 30 B.C.
    $500 30
These notices of intent to marry in the Catholic Church are published to make sure each party is free
    $500 18
This brother & sister played a brother & sister on "The Donna Reed Show"
    $500 10
Australian Rules, American & Association describe sports that are all named this
    $500 25
In 1777 British explorer James Cook discovered this island

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 13):

Valerie John Gabriella
$600 $1,000 $500

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Valerie John Gabriella
$1,800 $3,200 $2,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 23
Locusts are short-horned or short-antennaed varieties of these
    $200 3
Canada's Ontario province shares the Thousand Islands with this U.S. state
    $200 10
Completes the John le Carre title "Tinker, Tailor,..."
    $200 18
Noted with a dot on the score, it's the opposite of legato
    $200 1
One proverb says, "6 hours" of this "for a man, 7 for a woman & 8 for a fool"
    $200 5
In ancient China & in classical antiquity, this accessory was made of polished metal, not glass
    $400 24
Developed by astronomer A.E. Douglass, dendrochronology determines age in this way
    DD: $1,200 6
The 3 states represented in the name of the city of Texarkana
    $400 11
"Marco Polo if You Can" is one of this "National Review" founder's forays into spy novels
    $400 19
English title of Paul Dukas' symphonic piece "L' Apprenti sorcier"
    $400 2
William Congreve coined the oft-misquoted proverb, "Music has charms to soothe" a "savage" one
    $400 15
They were first called "Fashion Babies", but until the 19th c. many of them looked like adults
    $600 7
Each December the Paul Bunyan Sled Dog Races are held in Bemidji in this northern state
    $600 12
His most recent bestseller is "The Icarus Agenda", published in 1988
    DD: $600 20
Most people know its first 4 notes; these are its last notes:
    $600 4
"Blessed is he who expects" this, "for he shall never be disappointed"
    $600 16
In medieval armor, the part of the body protected by the "pauldron" or "epauliere"
    $800 29
Einstein's famous equation states energy equals mass times this squared
    $800 8
The Amana Colonies in this state are known for the manufacturing of refrigerators & other appliances
    $800 13
He wrote "The Odessa File" & "The Fourth Protocol" as well as "The Day of the Jackal"
    $800 21
Stalin's death the next day pushed this "Peter & The Wolf" composer's obit off the front page
    $800 26
"The hand that" does this "is the hand that rules the world"
    $800 17
One of the older types of cooking vessels, it figures importantly in Act IV of "Macbeth"
    $1000 28
When swinging a rock on a string in a circle, this force pulls the rock inward
    $1000 9
Bordering on Kentucky, this easternmost of the 12 midwestern states also has a bluegrass region
    $1000 14
Singular pseudonym of Rodney Whitaker, who authored 2 "Sanction" books, "Loo" & "Eiger"
    $1000 22
Friml gave us the "Donkey Serenade", but he gave us the whole "Carnival of Animals"
    $1000 27
"They that sow the wind shall reap" this
    $1000 25
The name of this chair is said to have come about when George III ordered some made for his castle

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Valerie John Gabriella
$3,200 $6,000 $3,400

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

This president was the last surviving signer of the U.S. Constitution

Final scores:

Valerie John Gabriella
$6,400 $8,000 $199
2nd place: Software City 286 desktop computer New champion: $8,000 3rd place: Regal Kitchen Nutrition cooking system

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Valerie John Gabriella
$3,200 $5,100 $3,400
16 R,
6 W
18 R
(including 2 DDs),
1 W
14 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W

Combined Coryat: $11,700

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1989-11-06
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