Show #1006 - Monday, January 9, 1989


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Bruce Kendall, a graduate student from San Francisco, California

John Booher, a retail manager originally from Baltimore, Maryland

Dianne Bubb, a personal assistant originally from London, England (whose 1-day cash winnings total $12,800)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 17
Legend says that he dug Lake Michigan as a water hole for Babe, his Blue Ox
    $100 1
You can climb it in Switzerland or ride through it in Fantasyland
    $100 23
Cole Slaw is made from cabbage, & the name of this cabbage-like vegetable is a variant of "cole"
    $100 6
The gospels say Jesus was crucified the day after he observed this holiday
    $100 11
Born Nellie Pauline Burgin in Knoxville, Tn., she played Robert Mitchum's wife in "The Winds of War"
    $100 13
Look in this book to find all the words, not just the 10-letter ones
    $200 19
She met her husband Frank Butler when she beat him at a shooting match
    $200 2
In St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, tourists can tour Davy Jones' locker in the Atlantis III, which is this
    $200 27
Of the huckleberry, boysenberry or loganberry, the one not named after a person
    $200 7
Completes the passage from Mark 10, "What therefore God hath joined together, let no man..."
    $200 12
Michael Sinnott, whose comedies were the "keystone" of silent films
    $200 14
After their freshman year, all students at the U.S. Naval Academy all hold this rank
    $300 20
A 1950 commemorative 3-cent stamp honoring railroad engineers bore his portrait & Engine No. 382
    $300 3
Stowe is one of the many ski resorts in this state that leads New England in skiing
    $300 28
We heard it through the grapevine that this is the top raisin-growing state
    $300 8
It's said Paul wrote 13 of these, John 3, George & Ringo--none
    $300 24
Sarah Jane Fulks, the First Lady of "Falcon Crest"
    $300 15
    DD: $500 21
Legend says he staked out New Mexico, fenced in Arizona & dug the Rio Grande
    $400 4
Moosehead Lake is one of this state's most popular attractions for hunters & fishermen
    $400 9
After Martha exclaimed "He stinketh for he hath been dead 4 days," Jesus raised him
    $400 25
Alexandra Zuck, who was once married to Bobby Darin
    $400 16
The activity that serves as your regular source of income, or the conquest & control of a country
    $500 22
Called "A cowboy gone bad", this "Robin Hood of Texas" is the subject of a famous ballad
    $500 5
You can tour a museum at the S.F. mint or actually watch folks make money at mints in these 2 cities
    $500 10
In Matthew chapter 1, he's the last man listed as having been begat
    $500 26
Francis Phillip Wupperman, the wonderful "Wizard of Oz"
    $500 18
In 1978 this group had their first No. 1 hit with "Three Times A Lady"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 12):

Dianne John Bruce
$300 $1,100 $0

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Dianne John Bruce
$1,300 $1,300 $700

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 5
The last words of this novel are "He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother."
    $200 23
It used to be St. George, but since 1815 it's Hamilton
    $200 12
An army of Chinese peasant rebels captures this imperial city in 1644
    $200 2
In 1895 Charles Fey of San Francisco invented this machine that has a lot of pull in Vegas
    $200 1
Salt Lake City's "This is the place" monument was sculpted by his grandson Mahonri Young
    $200 16
An Oriental sword falling off Gilbert's wall helped inspire this work
    $400 6
Part II of this fantasy trilogy is entitled "The Two Towers"
    $400 26
Even in fine restaurants, the most elegant men in Bermuda often wear these "Bermuda" garments
    $400 13
Exploration & settlement of this Russian area has been compared to the American taming of the old west
    $400 3
Country called the "Home of the state lottery", it financed its famous opera house that way
    $400 18
The French name for this Rodin statue is "Le Penseur"
    $400 21
To research this play, Gilbert visited the H.M.S. Victory in Portsmouth
    DD: $1,000 7
British miniseries based on Paul Scott's "The Raj Quartet"
    $600 28
Bermuda families are allowed to have only one of these, & tourists aren't allowed to rent them
    $600 14
It is said these 13th c. conquerors of China could live on mare's milk alone when necessary
    $600 4
Number that appears on American slot machines but not European ones
    DD: $1,700 19
The Staatliche Museum in West Berlin boasts the most famous sculpture of this woman, seen here:
    $600 24
"The Yeoman of the Guard" opens at this British landmark, shortly before a beheading
    $800 8
He dedicated "Myra Breckinridge" to author Christopher Isherwood
    $800 15
This 17th c. cardinal was the 1st theologian to write religious material in French
    $800 10
French for "railroad", it's a card game similar to baccarat
    $800 20
In Botticelli's "Birth of Venus", Venus is partially covering herself with her hands & with this
    $800 25
In a famous song from "The Pirates of Penzance", a character says "I am the very model of" this
    $1000 9
He wrote 3 books about the Prizzis, "Prizzi's Honor", "Prizzi's Family" & "Prizzi's Glory"
    $1000 17
Now a beach resort of less than 30,000 people, it was capital of California under Spain & Mexico
    $1000 11
In horse racing, the kind of pool where the betting sets the odds
    $1000 22
Master Jonathan Buttall is the subject of this 1770 portrait by Thomas Gainsborough
    $1000 27
For a century this "opera company", known as the "savoyards", was famous for doing Gilbert & Sullivan

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Dianne John Bruce
$4,500 $5,000 $3,500

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

2 presidents who didn't go to college

Final scores:

Dianne John Bruce
$8,000 $999 $7,000
2-day champion: $20,800 3rd place: Panasonic word processor 2nd place: Set of matching chairs and ottoman and a glass fire screen and fire set

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Dianne John Bruce
$4,500 $4,900 $4,000
13 R,
1 W
16 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
(including 1 DD)
14 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $13,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1988-10-10
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