All five of his children were delegates to the 1988 Republican convention |
George Braque said this "exists, only falsehood has to be invented" |
This voluptuous blonde said, "I may be a country bumkin, but I'm a smart country bumkin" |
Dolly Parton
Upon seeing this author in the audience, a 19th c. actor worked "Nevermore, nevermore" into his dialogue |
(Edgar Allan) Poe
Over half the rubber used in the world is used to make these |
Bob Molitor at Spalding pioneerd the change from white to yellow balls in this sport |
Bone, Crossbeak & Bonnet, or, as the Eskimos called them, Pontu, Siku & Kannick |
gray whales that were trapped
Ben Franklin said, "After 3 days men grow weary, of a wench, a guest" & this weather condition |
He was elected mayor of Palm Springs 1 day after his ex-wife won an Oscar |
Sonny Bono
Disgusted with novels of his time, this "Deerslayer" author took up writing to show he could do better |
(Alex: Right, and according to Mark Twain he didn't do better.)
James Fenimore Cooper
Mayan Indians made shoes by dipping their feet in this rubber tree sap & letting it dry |
In a parody of "On Top of Old Smokey", a sneeze caused this to be lost |
This royal child was born at 18 minutes past 8 p.m. on the 8th day of the 8th month in 1988 |
Princess Beatrice of York
The title of this Dale Carnegie book appears as an entry in Bartlett's Quotations |
How to Win Friends and Influence People
Rumors said she wrote the song "You're So Vain" about ex-love Warren Beatty |
Carly Simon
William Manchester's "The Last Lion" is the 2nd volume of a biography of this Englishman |
(Diane: Who is Richard I or the Lion-Hearted?)
(Winston) Churchill
The name of this process to make rubber stronger & more resilient comes from the Roman god of fire |
Francis Johnson of Darwin, Minn. holds the Guinness record for making a ball out of this |
(Alex: 40 feet in circumference. How about that?)
Dick Thornburgh, the former governor of this state, succeeded Edwin Meese as att'y general |
Criticizing Norman V. Peale, A. Stevenson said "I find Apostle Paul appealing, & the Apostle Peale" this |
Arne Naess Jr., described as a "Norwegian zillionaire", is married to her |
Diana Ross
Shortly before dying, this New England Quaker poet uttered the words, "My love to the world" |
John Greenleaf Whittier
A person or government agency that routinely gives its approval is likened to this device |
rubber stamp
Though no rule specifies it, every regulation ball for this sport has 108 double stitches |
This convicted killer wrote about the causes of crime in "They Always Call Us Ladies" |
(Alex: We've got less than a minute to go.)
Jean Harris
In 1951 he told a joint session of Congress, "In war there is no substitute for victory" |
Douglas MacArthur
Ken Curtis sang with the Sons of the Pioneers but is best known for this role on "Gunsmoke" |
(Hugh: Uh, who is Chester?)
Emerson employed this controversial friend & essayist as a handyman around the house |
Over 90% of the world's supply of natural rubber comes from this continent |
The RAF began using this instrument in 1944 because it didn't leak at high altitudes |
ballpoint pen