Show #7114 - Thursday, July 16, 2015


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Christianne Gadd, an adjunct professor of history and American studies from Bethlehem, Pennsylvania

Jennifer Morrow, an editorial assistant from New York, New York

Ben Hemmens, a stay-at-home dad from Falls Church, Virginia (whose 2-day cash winnings total $43,200)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: You have to name the current state where the main action in the film occurs.)
WE 3
    $200 23
In 1924 Howard Carter &amp; the Egyptian government fought over the mummy case of this boy king
    $200 1
"Saturday Night Live" has a visiting one for every show, including J.K. Simmons in January 2015
    $200 3
This piece of clothing got its name around 1990
    $200 12
"The Jayhawkers"
    $200 26
In a nursery rhyme, "rub-a-dub-dub" we're the 3 men in a tub
    $400 7
Leave leftovers in the top section of the icebox too long &amp; they can get this result caused by loss of surface moisture
    $400 4
Nau offers a sleek take on a mix between a trench coat &amp; this loose-fitting Asian robe
    $400 15
How these title items "tinkle, tinkle, tinkle, in the icy air of night!"
    $400 11
"Little Big Horn"
    $400 19
Octavian, Marcus Lepidus &amp; Mark Antony, formed the second one of these in 43 B.C.
    $600 8
Term for strict discipline on a child or addict as a means of expressing control &amp; concern
    $600 5
OTK boots are all the rage, darling, OTK standing for this prepositional phrase, of course
    $600 10
"The angels, whispering to one another, can find... none so devotional as that of" this relative
    $600 13
"Deadwood '76"
    $600 20
Siblings famous for singing, "Don't Sit Under The Apple Tree With Anyone Else But Me"
    DD: $3,200 18
In effect the last battle of the Wars of the Roses was on this field on August 22, 1485
    $800 9
To play a title role in "The King and I", you might need this head covering seen here
    $800 6
Forever 21 has slim-fit jeans for men &amp; uses this synonym of slim for body-hugging women's jeans
    $800 2
"O God! Can I not save one from the pitiless wave? Is all that we see or seem but a" this "within a" this
    $800 14
"Bells of Capistrano"
    $800 21
The Creator, the Preserver &amp; the Destroyer, we 3 make up the Hindu trimurti
    $1000 24
Despite the name, this period of American history, around 1817-1824, was marked by complacency &amp; isolationism
    $1000 25
It's the state song of the "Granite State"
    $1000 17
Yes, General Sherman, it's the portmanteau fashion item seen here
    $1000 16
"I was a child and she was a child" in a kingdom by the sea, "she" being this title maiden
    $1000 22
During the 1800s we wrote under the pen names of Acton, Currer &amp; Ellis Bell

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Ben Jennifer Christianne
$3,200 $2,200 $1,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Ben Jennifer Christianne
$6,200 $6,800 $800

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: And finally, not the German version of the category in the first round...)
"V" 3
    $400 1
Mary "Tipper " Aitcheson
    $400 14
Par-tay! "Song of" him says, "I have drunk my wine with my milk: eat, O friends; drink, yea, drink abundantly"
    $400 21
In 1912 Shipbuilder magazine said it was "practically unsinkable" due to the watertight compartments
    $400 6
On Aug. 2, 1939 this scientist wrote to the U.S. president to recommend that atom bombs be made, to his later regret
    $400 16
Yawning is considered this type of reflex, meaning we can't really control it
    $800 2
Lynne Vincent
    $800 28
When you said let's go to the islands, I didn't know you meant the Pribilof Islands in this state or I'd have brought a sweater
    $800 12
In Genesis 19, this man's daughters ply him with wine; in their defense, they'd just seen mom morph into a salt lick
    $800 26
In April 1633 Chief Inquisitor Father Vincenzo da Firenzuola told this astronomer that the Sun orbited the Earth
    $800 9
Patsy Mink, a long-time House member, represented this state for much of the '60s, '70s &amp; '90s
    $800 17
In men's track &amp; field, this measures at least 8 feet 5 inches long
    DD: $2,000 3
Jill Jacobs
    $1200 24
If you want to live long and prosper, keep your distance when Vulcan is active, in this island country, abbreviated PNG
    $1200 8
"Rejoice and be glad... thou shalt be drunken, and shalt make thyself naked" seems out of place in this "mournful" book
    $1200 23
In 1989 chemists Pons &amp; Fleischmann announced they had created a new energy source, cold this; it was soon debunked
    $1200 10
In 1995 this Nation of Islam leader organized &amp; led the Million Man March in Washington, D.C.
    $1200 18
Their reservation covers 16 million acres in Arizona, New Mexico &amp; Utah
    $1600 4
Marilyn Tucker
    $1600 27
Running through Indonesia, Wallace's line divides islands with Asian fauna from ones with this continental type
    $1600 7
Hey, that invitation didn't say BYOW! In John 2, Jesus livens up a wedding reception in this Galilee town
    $1600 22
In 1957 Ford G.M. Richard Krafve said this new model would exceed sales expectations; it failed miserably
    $1600 11
This director of "M" left Germany after Joseph Goebbels suggested that he make films for the Nazi government
    DD: $2,112 19
The ancient Romans may have used the fragrant flowers of this plant to bathe with, hence its name
    $2000 5
Joan Adams
    $2000 25
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew shows a map on the monitor.) Coral reefs grow best in warm water, so they're found mostly in tropical locales; one exception is this island, at 32 degrees north latitude, warmed by the Gulf Stream
    $2000 13
In 2 Samuel, David gets this man drunk--&amp; that's after sleeping with his wife &amp; before sending him to his death
    $2000 15
In 1920 explorer &amp; statesman Fridtjof Nansen headed this country's delegation to the League of Nations
    $2000 20
In 1881 this theatre was built in London to showcase the works of Gilbert &amp; Sullivan

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Ben Jennifer Christianne
$9,000 $18,912 $9,600

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Alfred Dreyfus was among the thousands who marched through the streets of Paris in his 1902 funeral procession

Final scores:

Ben Jennifer Christianne
$18,000 $19,200 $0
2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $19,200 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Ben Jennifer Christianne
$9,000 $16,000 $8,800
17 R,
3 W
19 R
(including 2 DDs),
1 W
12 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W

Combined Coryat: $33,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2015-04-20
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