A sword stroke becomes a watery impact |
slash & splash
In the years preceding his 1827 death, he carried a slate on which people could write any remarks addressed to him |
(Alex: [*]--because he was deaf.)
2015 brought the first visit by an Indian PM to this island in 28 years, though it's a very short trip |
Sri Lanka
In 1501 Michelangelo returned to this city, his hometown, & began work on "David" |
Voltaire: "If God did not exist, it would be necessary to ____ him" |
create (or invent)
In 2011 he "Jump"ed to No. 8 on Rolling Stone's list of the 100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time |
Eddie Van Halen
A word meaning "one & the other" becomes a thin soup |
both & broth
Referring to his first "Pomp And Circumstance" march, he said, "I've got a tune that will... knock 'em flat!" |
Sir Edward Elgar
Victoria Harbor separates Kowloon Peninsula from this Chinese island |
Hong Kong
This colony was founded in North America in 1587, only to be "lost" 3 years later |
Nietzsche: "I teach you the ____. Man is something to be surpassed" |
He kicked butt in the movies "Until Death", "Wake of Death", "6 Bullets", I could go on... |
Jean-Claude Van Damme
An amiable young woman becomes a tool that twists a bolt |
wrench & wench
The first part of his "Symphonie fantastique" was originally a part of a piece he had written as a youngster |
Hector Berlioz
This country's Phu Quoc Island is famous for its black pepper |
Called "the Magnificent" in the West & "the Lawgiver" in the East, he was Ottoman sultan from 1520 to 1566 |
Hobbes: "The life of man, solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and ____" |
He's the founder of Natural Balance Pet Foods, Inc. but he's better known for playing Tom Bradford on "Eight Is Enough" |
Dick Van Patten
To char becomes to remove wool |
sear & shear
The first Czech composer to gain world renown, around 1878 he composed the "Slavonic Dance" heard here |
Antonín Dvořák
The world's third-largest island, it's home to the Rafflesia, the world's largest flower |
Led by Altan Khan, around 1550 these people invaded China & laid siege to Beijing |
the Mongols
Aristotle: "Man is by nature a ____ animal" |
(Bridget: What is solitary?)
Anderson Cooper must have good jeans: his mom is this heiress & designer |
(Gloria) Vanderbilt
A section of a window becomes something that makes you look! up in the sky |
pane & plane
This Russian piano master wrote his last major work, "Symphonic Dances", in 1940, 3 years before his death in the USA |
It's the least developed & northernmost of Japan's 4 main islands |
(Bridget: What is Ryukyu?)
In 1534 this explorer claimed the region that's now Quebec for France |
Jacques Cartier
Albert Camus: "There is only one really serious philosophical question, and that is ____" |
(Sawyer: What is "Why?")
This singer's 2003 album "Dance with My Father" earned him four Grammys |
(Luther) Vandross