Kindergarten-age young misses in this organization are called Daisies, after Juliette Gordon Low's nickname |
Girl Scouts
Peyton Manning, 2013 |
the Denver Broncos
St. Gregory VII, then known as Hildebrand, hadn't yet been ordained when he got made this in 1073 |
the pope
Walter Reed led the team that proved that yellow fever was spread by these creatures |
"He was like an eagle chained to the ground" is an example of this type of comparison |
a simile
These very brief denim shorts are named for a female resident of TV's Hazzard County |
Daisy Dukes
Cal Ripken Jr., 1991 |
the Baltimore Orioles
St. Nuno Alvares Pereira, who led this country's fight for independence from Spain, was canonized in 2009 |
(Matt: What is Argentina?) ... (Alex: Ankoor, back to you with less than a minute now.)
Who better to write the foreword to Barry Williams' "Growing Up Brady" than this actor, his TV dad |
(Matt: Who is... Rex Reed? No.)
Robert Reed
It's a passing reference in a story to a familiar person, place or thing that the writer expects to be recognized |
an allusion
4 eggs are needed to make 14 cakes; with a dozen eggs, this many cakes can be made |
(Alex: You're good at math.)
Princess Daisy is the love interest of this brother of video game plumber Mario |
Ichiro Suzuki, 2001 |
the (Seattle) Mariners
St. Clare of this Italian town was influenced by St. Francis, also from there; she didn't think poverty was for the birds |
In 1920 this American Communist traveled to Azerbaijan & contracted fatal typhus |
John Reed
A category like Westerns, romance or pulp; literary fiction is often contrasted with this type of "fiction" |
(Ankoor: What is historical?)
2.345 divided by 0.001 equals this number |
(Matt: What is 234,500?) (Ankoor: What is $234,050?) ... (Kat: What is [*]?) (Alex: That's it. Yes.) (Kat: Awesome.) (Alex: They narrowed it down for you. Awesome indeed. Go again.) (Kat: Thank you, gentlemen.)
In 2015 the Daisy Company celebrated the 75th anniversary of this air rifle named for a comic strip cowboy |
Red Ryder
LeBron James, 2013 |
the Miami Heat
St. Cyprian was bishop of this old foe of Rome during a persecution of Christians; make that St. Cyprian the Martyr |
(Ankoor: What is Constantinople?)
Virginia Reed wrote in 1847 of this party's trip that hers was "the only family that did not eat human flesh" |
the Donner Party
In grammar, to inflect a verb in its various forms to denote number, person, voice, mood & tense |
There are 7 tables with 3 kids & 4 adults at each table, making for this many people total |
These cheerful perennials bloom in many colors & have thick, sturdy stems |
Gerbera daisies
LeBron James, 2009 |
the Cleveland Cavaliers
St. Stephen earned sainthood the hard way, telling off the Sanhedrin before getting this to death, literally |
(Ankoor: What is crushed?) (Matt: What is pressed?)
Named for Simeon & Amanda, Reed College in this state has dispensed with frats, sports & traditional grades |
Publishing a short excerpt in a review doesn't violate copyright & is considered this 2-word phrase |
(Kat: What is public domain?)
fair use
4 1/2 x 1/5 equals this fraction |
(Ankoor: Um, what is... 4... 4/10?) ... (Alex: It's amazing when you're under pressure how even simple arithmetic can cause problems. It did for me in school.)