Show #719 - Thursday, October 22, 1987


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Laura Glendinning, a writer originally from Houston, Texas

Brian Nelson, a teaching assistant originally from Maryland

Beth Phillips, a photographer from Santa Fe, New Mexico (whose 1-day cash winnings total $3,000)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 1
This 4-letter Gaelic word for poet is often used to describe Shakespeare
    $100 4
Famous people with unfamiliar faces urge you, "Don't leave home without it"
    $100 26
Analyst Tony Trabert's racket was getting elected to the National Hall of Fame in this sport
    $100 5
In 1835, Zachary Taylor's daughter married this future president of the Confederacy
    $100 8
Clocked at 41.7 mph, this fastest breed of dog can outrace racehorses
    $100 18
No one would stick it under a chair except an uncouth mug
    $200 2
No matter what she does, poor Lady Macbeth can't get this off her hands
    $200 9
In a '63 film, Danny Kaye was the man from this credit card company
    $200 6
This president's grandfather Abraham was shot to death by an Indian in 1786
    $200 12
The Rhodesian ridgeback was developed in Africa & specialized in tracking down this big cat
    $200 19
When you're sentenced to jail for life, you might use this to get out
    $300 3
In the play-within-a-play in "A Midsummer Night's Dream", he played Pyramus
    $300 10
In 1986, Sears introduced this credit card to compete nationally with Visa & MasterCard
    $300 7
G. Washington's great-grandniece married Prince Achille Murat, nephew of this French emperor
    $300 13
This breed was originally called the Aberdeen terrier
    $300 20
1st name of the actress who was married to Harpo in "The Color Purple"
    $400 11
"This was the noblest Roman of them all"
    $400 23
The former name of MasterCard
    $400 16
JFK's sister, she married Peter Lawford
    $400 14
Once known as the St. John's dog, this popular retriever was actually bred in Newfoundland
    $400 21
It would stun you to know how many of these I can eat at one sitting
    $500 15
"I had rather hear my dog bark at a crow than a man swear he loves me," said she to Benedick
    $500 24
The Visa Card started out as this card
    $500 17
Teddy Roosevelt's 1st wife died 2 days after the birth of this daughter
    $500 25
Tradition says dogs were represented on Noah's Ark by a pair of these long-haired hounds
    DD: $800 22
This "Star Wars" star has "genuine class"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 11):

Beth Brian Laura
$500 $400 $500

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Beth Brian Laura
$700 $1,700 $1,300

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 14
After Antarctica, which has none, this continent has fewest number of countries
    $200 16
Famed military marquis whose 1st name was Marie
    $200 9
In "My Summer in a Garden", humorist C.D. Warner said "Politics make" this type of "bedfellows"
    $200 2
The real first name of this singer is Riley; the "B.B." stands for "Blues Boy"
    $200 1
Fog is simply these, so low they touch the ground
    $200 7
1st line of the Don McLean hit, "Vincent" it includes the title of a famous Van Gogh work
    $400 17
He was the son of a Huguenot refugee, Apollos de Revoire
    $400 11
According to George Santayana, this will happen to "Those who cannot remember the past"
    $400 3
For this dancer who starred in it, "White Nights" had elements of autobiography
    $400 6
They say it's never done this in L.A. on Sept. 7, & it's never snowed, hailed or sleeted either
    $400 8
Published after their deaths, his letters to this relative are considered literary treasures
    $600 18
In his last speech before he died in 1799, this firebrand pleaded for American unity
    DD: $600 12
Line from Scottish poet Robert Burns that's found in the following patriotic song:

"You’re a grand old flag /
You’re a high-flying flag /
And forever in peace may you wave /
You’re the emblem of /
The land I love /
The home of the free and the brave /
Every heart beats true /
‘Neath the red white and blue /
Where there’s never a boast or brag..."
    $600 4
His "Greatest Hits" album was on Billboard's list for over 9 years, but it's not for me to say
    $600 10
Term for maximum horizontal distance under existing weather conditions at which you can identify objects
    $600 15
Vegetable in title of Van Gogh's famous 1885 painting of peasants
    $800 19
The last U.S. President in the 18th c.
    $800 13
Defense Sec'y Charles Wilson's 1953 quote: "I thought what was good for the country was good for" them
    $800 5
During the 1950s, he held his ballroom "Dance Party" on ABC, CBS, NBC, & Dumont
    $800 22
The National Weather Service is part of this cabinet department
    $800 23
So. French city in which Van Gogh lived & which was basis for many of his later works
    $1000 20
"That great object of universal devotion" which W. Irving called "almighty"
    $1000 21
He's artistic director of the nation's 1st bicoastal resident ballet company

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Beth Brian Laura
$2,500 $300 $4,900

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Term for what jewelers in London's Goldsmiths' Hall stamped on their work to verify quality

Final scores:

Beth Brian Laura
$4,500 $299 $2,900
2-day champion: $7,500 3rd place: Speed Queen washer & dryer + Jeopardy! computerized version or box game 2nd place: trip on Eastern to Grand Bahamas and stay at Bahamas Princess Resort & Casino + Jeopardy! computerized version or box game

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Beth Brian Laura
$2,500 $1,700 $4,900
14 R,
4 W
13 R,
6 W
(including 2 DDs)
12 R,
2 W

Combined Coryat: $9,100

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1987-08-18
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