Show #7087 - Tuesday, June 9, 2015


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Holly Cooper, a junior project manager from Henderson, Nevada

Phil Arevalo, a Ph.D. candidate in microbiology originally from Springfield, Virginia

Chris Wonderly, a visual information specialist originally from Kansas City, Missouri (whose 2-day cash winnings total $35,600)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: As defined by Martianus Capella. I don't know who he was.)
(Alex: Each correct response will begin and end with an "R".)
    $200 1
South Pacific angling includes fishing for the bigeye & skipjack varieties of this food fish
    $200 6
The list, compiled in the 5th century, includes geometry & this branch of math where you add & subtract
    $200 21
In 2010 Spain's cup runneth over after it won this tournament & trophy for the first time
    $200 11
In 1860 she established a school for nurses at St. Thomas' hospital
    $200 16
At a convention, it's a person chosen to represent a state in the nomination process
    $400 2
Useful in fly fishing, the nail & surgeon are types of these
    $400 7
This one of the liberal arts concerns linguistic rules
    $400 22
Seen here, it was actually modeled after New York University football player Ed Smith
    $400 12
This 18th-century Russian ruler hinted that none of her three children was fathered by her hubby--ouch
    $400 17
The Nov. 8, 1972 L.A. Times headline was this type of huge "Victory for Nixon"
    $600 3
It's a fishing lure with an oval metal blade attached that revolves when drawn through water
    $600 8
This art form may be "of the spheres"
    $600 23
The Naismith Trophy is given to the men's & women's college players of the year in this sport
    $600 13
Lucrezia Borgia was the daughter of a corrupt man who got this title in 1492
    $600 18
Alliterative term for a procedure counting up spoken yeas & nays
    $600 28
This provision is added to a legislative bill to get it adopted along with the bill
    $800 4
Bottom fishing is a good way to catch these, like the North American "Big Three"--blue, flathead & channel
    $800 9
Mr. Spock would be pleased that this study of reasoning makes the grade
    $800 24
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew stands with a famous trophy.) Since 1851, the America's Cup trophy has been won by just six yacht clubs--New York, San Diego, Golden Gate, one from Switzerland, & clubs from these two southern-hemisphere countries
    $800 14
(Hi, I'm Ken Burns.) My documentary "Not for Ourselves Alone" explored the lives of Susan B. Anthony & Elizabeth Cady Stanton, 2 of our country's greatest these, from the Latin for "voting tablet"
    $800 19
Phrase meaning shifting the burden of responsibility; Harry Truman said it stopped with him
    $800 27
At one period this German dog was used to pull carts for butchers
    $1000 5
Specialized equipment used in this type of fishing can include pronged arrows attached to a line
    $1000 10
Sometimes accused of being "empty", it's the art of using language to persuade
    $1000 25
In addition to a trophy, the winner of the Masters tournament gets this iconic piece of apparel
    DD: $1,000 15
In 1914 she began distributing a pamphlet called "Family Limitation" that outlined her views
    $1000 20
It's a fundraiser who gathers lots of smaller donations into a big package of money for a candidate
    $1000 26
It's the profession of a con man played by Burt Lancaster in a 1956 film set in drought-ridden Kansas

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Chris Phil Holly
$2,600 $2,000 $1,200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Chris Phil Holly
$3,600 $4,600 $2,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: And I hope you picked up on the theme...)
    $400 1
Christopher Marlowe gained fame for blank verse, iambic pentameter that doesn't do this
    $400 26
Double pneumonia means trouble in both of these organs
    $400 6
Founded in 1851, this university has a medical campus in Pensacola & is a "Seminole" institution
    $400 11
Here's a view of this pretty city from the Rialto Bridge
    $400 16
This groovy international man of mystery "put the grr! in swinger, baby!"
    $400 21
Transportation for a flame-breathing beast
    DD: $500 2
Just because this Dickens novel has 2 consecutive "Z"s in the title doesn't mean you will fall asleep reading it
    $800 27
2-word term for the application of more stringent requirements to one group than to another
    DD: $2,000 7
This Pennsylvania college opened its doors for women in 1885 but seems to frown upon the use of excessive vowels
    $800 12
Cole Porter loved this city "In The Springtime" & "In The Fall"
    $800 17
Treat Williams played a hippie named Berger in this groovy movie based on a '60s Broadway musical
    $800 22
A heated & impassioned daily journal
    $1200 3
Swift's "A Modest Proposal" satirically suggests that, to eliminate poverty, these should be eaten
    $1200 28
Double vision is a symptom of these; the NFL says it cut them almost in half by moving up the kickoff
    $1200 8
Sam Adams signed an act establishing this school in 1794 & the end of it is pronounced "uhn", not "oyn"
    $1200 13
Here, you can see several of the "Painted Ladies" Victorian homes in this U.S. city
    $1200 18
Don't let the Blue Meanies bum you out in this psychedelic animated film
    $1200 23
A restraining strap made of tanned animal skin
    $1600 4
His spooky 2013 effort "The Ocean at the End of the Lane" was voted National Book of the Year in England
    $1600 29
Someone collecting a retirement pension & at the same time a salary is doing this
    $1600 9
More often than not, this Catholic liberal arts college in Spokane seems to play a big role in NCAA "March Madness"
    $1600 14
You can see a Michelangelo in Bruges, a pretty little city in this European country
    $1600 19
Director Cameron Crowe's experience as a teenage rock journalist inspired this movie set in the early 1970s
    $1600 24
The bulkiness of our planet
    $2000 5
"Presents, I often say, endear absents", wrote this "sheepish" essayist in 1822
    $2000 30
I spy with my little eye for the country I defected from; I'm one of these
    $2000 10
In 1946 this N.Y. university founded Utica College, which became independent in 1995
    $2000 15
Autumn is an especially beautiful time to visit the temples of this city, Japan's capital until 1868
    $2000 20
Peter Fonda & Dennis Hopper take a real trip, man, in this 1969 anti-establishment classic
    $2000 25
The bird Alauda arvensis singing in urban green space

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Chris Phil Holly
$10,800 $11,800 $11,900

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Echoing the Morse code for V, in WWII the BBC's "V for Victory" campaign used this classical work as a theme

Final scores:

Chris Phil Holly
$20,800 $23,600 $5,900
2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $23,600 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Chris Phil Holly
$12,800 $11,800 $13,400
18 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)
14 R,
1 W
15 R,
4 W
(including 2 DDs)

Combined Coryat: $38,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: Unknown
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