Sadly, Mrs. McKinley became one September 14, 1901 |
Norse goddesses called norns include 3 who decide men's fates, each in charge of one of these 3 aspects of time |
past, present, future
3 words: George Mallory's 1923 reply to "Why did you want to climb Mt. Everest?" |
"Because it's there"
In the early 17th c. the Duke de Lerma helped expel the Moriscos, or Christian Moors, from this country |
Colin emerged as a bona fide heartrhrob after his wet shirt scene in this BBC adaptation |
Pride & Prejudice
The North Pole is above this 2-word delineator of Earth's northern frigid zone |
the Arctic Circle
Unburnable, like some safes |
This father of Icarus was hired to construct the Labyrinth & was then held prisoner |
5 words: 2002 Rock & Roll Hall of Fame inductees seen here |
(Alex: With less than a minute to go, you are right.)
Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers
In 1880, 1886 & 1887 British statesman the Duke of Devonshire turned this job down--who needs the headaches? |
the prime minister
A meridian is a line of this |
From the Greek for "time", this adjective can describe a medical disorder of long duration |
This Egyptian god's evil brother Set tricked him into lying down in a box that was thrown into the river |
(Alex: Don't you love it when you're able to drag some important bit of information out of thin air?) (Addison: They're--they're out there, somewhere.) (Alex: They are!) (Addison: Um, MYTHOLOGY--) (Alex: We--we have our own Jeopardy! cloud up there somewhere. Pick again.)
3 words: Classic Avis slogan extolling the company work ethic |
"We try harder"
Second Consul of the French Empire, the Duke de Parme helped draft this egalitarian (for males) 1804 code |
the Napoleonic Code
Scottsbluff & Fort Robinson are in this western extension of Nebraska |
the panhandle
It's a German word for a beer hall, often in a basement |
Athena gave this Gorgon slayer a shield to use as a mirror when confronting Medusa |
(Jami: Hercules? Who is Hercules?)
2 words: "Silent Cal" Coolidge's reply to a woman who'd bet she could get him to say at least 3 words |
"You lose"
The Duke of Northumberland (1504-1553) arranged for his son to marry this unfortunate lady in 1553; oops |
(Addison: [Whispers] Unfortunate lady... [Exhales] Who is... Bloody Mary?) (Alex: No, who is [*]? [*].) (Addison: [Whispers] Of course.) (Alex: All right, the cloud was not accessible this time.) (Addison: No, no, see, it--) (Alex: Go again.) (Addison: There's some weather patterns up here.)
Lady Jane Grey
Colin Firth played Vermeer in this film with the name of a Vermeer painting |
[The end-of-round signal sounds.]
The Girl with the Pearl Earring
Don't slip into this glacial fissure |
a crevasse
The Romans equated this god with the Norse god Wotan; both lent their names to the same day of the week |
(Jenny: What is Tuesday?) ... (Alex: We're going for the Roman god. The French word for Wednesday is mercredi. So the god is [*]. Back to you, Addison.)
One word: The motto of ever-optimistic Rhode Island |
Henry IV was just Henry Bolingbroke, Duke of Hereford, when he pushed this cousin off his throne |
Richard II
Amanda Bynes figures out that Colin Firth is her dad in this movie, also the name of a Christina Aguilera song |
What a Girl Wants
A deep ravine or gulch, like the one mentioned in the name of a water impeder in Washington State |
(Alex: The Grand [*] Dam.)
a coulee