Show #1271 - Monday, February 26, 1990

Erik Larsen game 4.


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David Marcus, an attorney from Hollywood, California

Isabel Leininger, a housewife originally from Maryland

Erik Larsen, a temporary secretary originally from Chicago, Illinois (whose 3-day cash winnings total $28,000)

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Jeopardy! Round

(in all the responses there are 3 words; you have to provide the 2 missing ones; "the" will appear in the middle in all cases)
    $100 1
This tribunal flourished in Spain for centuries until it was finally suppressed in 1834
    $100 16
These heavy black birds known for their ability to mimic human speech are a species of starling
    $100 18
The mind-boggling puzzle he invented in the 1970s made him 1 of Hungary's few self-made millionaires
    $100 11
The U.S. Dept. of Agriculture says this by-product of sugar will last 2 years on the shelf
    $100 23
Holy Tailpipes! This car was really just a modified Lincoln Continental
    $100 6
If you know the ropes, you'll know this is slang for "get married"
    $200 2
4 days after this battle, Napoleon signed his 2nd -- & final -- abdication
    $200 17
Falcons kill their prey by doing this
    $200 19
Though unrelated, aeronautical record-breakers Jeana & Chuck both have this last name
    $200 12
Paintbrushes & rollers can be cleaned with soap & water when this water-based house paint is used
    $200 24
1 of 2 rotund comics whose weekly variety shows featured the June Taylor Dancers
    $200 7
Steal a bottle of liquor, or keep quiet constitutionally
    $300 3
This mystic ate his last meal at the home of Prince Feliks Yusupov, one of the men who killed him
    DD: $1,500 28
Despite its name, this type of swan does have a voice, but it's not a very pretty one
    $300 20
His dad served 34 years in Congress, his mom was "born again" & his brother nicknamed him "Pat"
    $300 13
Type of door that's divided in half horizontally so that the top & bottom open independently
    $300 25
Kate Bradley owned this hotel in Hooterville in the rural sitcom "Petticoat Junction"
    $300 8
1960s slogan calling for the elimination of nuclear weapons
    $400 4
Some 25 years before our Civil War, this country freed the slaves on Jamaica
    $400 29
The moas of New Zealand probably became extinct because these people hunted them for food
    $400 21
World Book's photo of Carry Nation shows her with a Bible in one hand & this in the other
    $400 14
In a formal table setting, the water glass should be placed directly above this utensil
    $400 26
In the title of Dennis Weaver's 1983-84 series "Emerald Point, N.A.S.", it's what the "N.A.S." stood for
    $400 9
Witness Edison's invention, or come to an understanding of a situation
    $500 5
It's widely believed that this great pharaoh is the one written about in the Book of Exodus
    $500 30
Birds evolved from dinosaurs during this geologic era, "The Age of Reptiles"
    $500 22
Interest rates can't fall sharply unless the gov't budget is reduced, says this Federal Reserve chrmn.
    $500 15
It's a short drapery that drapes across the top of the other draperies
    $500 27
On this '60s sitcom, Don Rickles once played Bald Eagle, an Indian
    $500 10
Someone risking danger to benefit others is said to do this, as Aesop's mouse did to a dangerous feline

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Erik Isabel David
$2,800 $500 $200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Erik Isabel David
$3,500 $800 $900

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 27
The Suez Canal is generally considered Asia's border with this continent
    $200 7
The U.S. equivalent of Italian "frittelle", German "pfannkuchen" & French "crepes"
    $200 1
Medieval artists gave triangular ones to the trinity, round to the angels & rectangular to living holy people
    $200 17
She was lively & talkative, unlike her husband who was famous for his reticence
    $200 2
Shelagh Delaney was a teenager when she wrote the play "A Taste Of" this
    $200 16
In English dictionaries there are fewer listings under this letter than any other
    $400 28
Though there were a million casualties, this 8-year Mideast war ended in stalemate in 1988
    $400 8
The name of this dish derives from the poverty of the 18th century Welsh
    $400 12
Originally full of light & color, his 1642 work was so darkened by grime & smoke it's now called "The Night Watch"
    $400 18
Her parents were Republicans, but she married a Democrat anyway, on Sept. 12, 1953
    $400 3
In titles of plays, this word stands alone or follows "The Shoemaker's" & "Death Takes A"
    $400 22
On January 20, 1986, the U.S. 1st observed a day in his honor
    $600 29
Daimyos were powerful landholding magistrates in this country from about the 10th C. until 1868
    $600 9
Literally "outside the work", it's an additional dish served before a meal
    DD: $1,500 13
Artist who was the initiator & leader of the impressionist movement; he's famous for his haystacks
    $600 19
Julia Dent & this future president met in St. Louis where he was stationed with the 4th Infantry Regiment
    $600 4
Michael Kidd & Agnes De Mille were the 1st 2 people to win Tony Awards in this category
    $600 23
L.L. Bean sells these brightly colored blankets named for an old North American trading company
    $800 26
2 countries share this name; the capital of one is Sana, & the capital of the other is Aden
    $800 10
Sauerkraut didn't originate in Germany but was brought from this country by the Tatars
    $800 14
Flemish painter known for his "Venus & Adonis"; he negotiated a 1630 peace treaty between England & Spain
    $800 20
The 1st name of either of Woodrow Wilson's wives; they both began with (the letter) "E"
    DD: $2,000 5
Songs from this 1965 musical include "The Dubbing" & "Dulcinea"
    $800 24
Legally, a will written entirely in the handwriting of the one who makes it, not in 3-D
    $1000 30
Of the 3 countries of Indochina, the 1 that's landlocked
    $1000 11
Souvlakia is this country's equivalent of shishkebab
    $1000 15
This nihilistic movement in the arts is named for a French word for hobby horse
    $1000 21
John Philip Sousa & The Marine Band played at their White House wedding in 1886
    $1000 6
Sophocles' plays were 1st performed on the Acropolis in the theater named for this god
    $1000 25
It was officially adopted in 1825, making it the world's 1st national anthem

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Erik Isabel David
$12,900 -$100 $5,100
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

After Rhode Island & Delaware, it's the next smallest state in area

Final scores:

Erik Isabel David
$14,400 -$100 $0
4-day champion: $42,400 3rd place: Merillat Shelving System 2nd place: Flatware set & Flooring

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Erik Isabel David
$11,700 $1,400 $6,600
30 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
6 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)
16 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $19,700

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1989-10-11
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