Show #7045 - Friday, April 10, 2015

Alex Jacob game 1.


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Alex Jacob, a currency trader from Chicago, Illinois

Laura Kohlenberg, a global talent management associate originally from Pemberville, Ohio

Chris Hurt, an actor and grants analyst from New York, New York (whose 1-day cash winnings total $30,801)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex Trebek: Each correct response will have two "W"s in it.)
    $200 4
A monument in this capital depicts Sir Walter Scott with his dog
    $200 13
This group with a construction worker, cop, G.I., cowboy & Indian sang "San Francisco (You've Got Me)"
    $200 1
The "Yes, Virginia" editorial was the most famous read in the 117-year run of this city's Sun newspaper
    $200 9
On April 3, 1865 the defenses of this Confederate capital were broken & General Grant took the city
    $200 18
"Non-spherical" taxation system that hits everyone, regardless of income, with the same rate
    $200 30
This interjection can be a verb meaning to thrill
    $400 7
Philip Roth bus tours take you to his boyhood home & high school in this largest New Jersey city
    $400 29
"I'm Your Boogie Man" by KC & this group hit No. 1, but their "Boogie Shoes" could only dance to No. 35
    $400 2
Led by stars like Kevin Johnson & Tom Chambers, this NBA team has won 2 Western Conference titles
    $400 14
This wicked awesome Boston venue hosted its first game on April 9, 1912, just a few days before the Titanic went down
    $400 19
This basic human need comes after "tax" when you're talking about a 401k
    $400 22
Rewarding or beneficial; your correct response makes it all...
    DD: $1,000 6
You can visit the Belfast buildings where as a child this author saw a lion door knocker & an elaborate wardrobe
    $600 28
To everything there is a season: the first Top 40 hit for this "Queen of Disco" was "Love To Love You Baby"
    $600 15
In the 200s B.C. Aristarchus of Samos first put forth this idea later made famous by Copernicus
    $600 23
In big trouble with the Catholic Church, as his trial began in April 1521, he refused to recant his writings & teachings
    $600 24
A type of tax on certain commodities, or a way to remove a tumor
    $600 11
On or toward the lee side
    $800 3
In 2010 this late author's museum & interpretive center opened in Henning, Tennessee, where he had deep "Roots"
    $800 27
The Trammps wanted to "burn that mother down" with this song from "Saturday Night Fever"
    $800 16
The leader of the Nationalists, he died in 1925 after overthrowing China's monarchy
    $800 8
On April 11, 2002 this president of Venezuela was ousted in a coup d'etat; by April 14 he was back in power
    $800 25
Beginning & ending with the same letter, this type of "tax asset" may be used for a company's future tax liability
    $800 12
Deglutition is the process of doing this, perhaps hundreds of times a day
    $1000 5
You can rent Casa Genotta, the Sea Island, Georgia home of this "Ah, Wilderness!" playwright
    $1000 20
Don't "Freak Out", but Queen's "Another One Bites The Dust" has a bass line similar to "Good Times" by this "stylish" band
    $1000 17
This winter sports resort area in Central Idaho is found along the Big Wood River
    $1000 10
At one point on April 12, 1961, this Soviet pilot was traveling more than 17,000 miles per hour
    $1000 26
This tax is assessed on gross properties prior to distribution to the heirs
    $1000 21
Aloof, or removed from circulation, your honor

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Chris Laura Alex
$4,000 $0 $1,800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Chris Laura Alex
$5,600 $1,800 $5,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex Trebek: And you have to give us the missing number in Roman numerals.)
    $400 2
"S" is for this machine that records big earth vibrations
    $400 26
This spacey Florida cape is just east of the Banana River
    $400 1
Comments or observations; I will keep mine brief
    $800 11
"O" is for this gasoline additive with 8 single-bonded carbon atoms
    $800 20
Council Bluffs, Iowa lies across the Missouri from this Nebraska city & makes up part of its metro area
    $800 3
Up to 50% of babies have one of these called a salmon patch
    $800 24
Dan Whitney developed this blue-collar installer recently seen jet-skiing for Prilosec
    $800 21
The Shah Abbas period produced many great carpets in this style still on carpets but no longer on the map
    $800 23
By Elmore Leonard, "____ Pickup"
    $1200 6
"V" is for this, defined as the speed & direction of motion of a moving body
    $1200 5
Resorts in these barrier islands off North Carolina include Manteo & Wanchese on Roanoke Island
    $1200 4
When reporting a conversation, the British use single ones where we use double ones
    $1200 18
At a "Star Wars" event, this Robert Smigel-voiced dog asked a man, "How do you explain this to your imaginary girlfriend?"
    $1200 14
The apex of the namazlik, or prayer rug, should always be facing this
    DD: $4,000 22
From MCMXV, "The ____ Steps"
    DD: $8,600 7
"E" is for this hard outer body of an animal, like a mollusk's shell
    $1600 8
It's the highest peak in the Sierra Nevada
    $1600 10
Alliterative term for someone who's been singled out for an unpleasant fate
    $1600 17
Cassandra Peterson dated Elvis & was in the Groundlings before creating this "Mistress of the Dark"
    $1600 15
Madder, woad & sumac are plants that supplied this for making rugs
    $1600 25
HAL the computer returns in "____: Odyssey Two"
    $2000 12
(Kelly of the Clue Crew shows an animation on the monitor.) "P" is for this vascular plant tissue composed of specialized cells that moves food from the leaves
    $2000 9
The executive mansion in this state capital was the 19th century home of U.S. Senator James G. Blaine
    $2000 13
People buying sausage or strudel in Nazi Germany paid for it with these
    $2000 19
Hello, possums! For 6 decades, Barry Humphries was a total drag as this dame
    $2000 16
Small octagons are features of the rugs named for this "Younger" German painter

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Chris Laura Alex
$10,800 $1,800 $23,200
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

The subtitle of a biography about this early 20th century man is "The Saint Who Sinned"

Final scores:

Chris Laura Alex
$20,000 $100 $23,200
2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $23,200

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Chris Laura Alex
$10,400 $1,800 $20,200
15 R
(including 1 DD),
5 W
7 R,
2 W
25 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $32,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: Unknown
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