Show #7039 - Thursday, April 2, 2015

Kerry Greene game 2.


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Niels Hirschmann, a commercial property manager from Belmont, California

Sharon Boyd, a public health advisor from Washington, D.C.

Kerry Greene, a volunteer guardian ad litem from Manchester, New Hampshire (whose 1-day cash winnings total $19,201)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 2
Da "Monsters of the Midway" were dis NFL team
    $200 1
A 1913 amendment began direct election of this house; in 1914 all the incumbents running won despite the change
    $200 7
A swing & a drive, curving out of play--it's this, a term meaning disgustingly loathsome
    $200 17
(Kelly of the Clue Crew reports from the Western Reserve Historical Society in Cleveland, OH.) As far back as the early 20th century, you could access your inner hog by riding early motorcycle models like this 1919 one from this U.S. company
    $200 26
Germany &
    $200 12
Grandpa never played this sport, but we found a bat used for it
    $400 18
It was "America's Team" in the 1970s NFL
    $400 3
"Operation Inherent Resolve" was the 2014 name choice for the fight against this Mideast group
    $400 8
Also the hopefully fertile ground in which to grow crops, it can mean something done to damage one's good name
    $400 20
This company's corporate address is 1 Infinite Loop, Cupertino, California
    $400 27
Pakistan &
    $400 13
From a bygone vacation comes this hat; its name is from Spanish for "shade"
    $600 19
"Les Habitants", appropriate for this team that skates through life
    $600 4
On July 5, 1775 Congress adopted a petition named for this "branch", asking King George to reconcile; he refused to read it
    $600 9
Mire is a synonym for this 4-letter "M" word with which it is often paired
    $600 21
Ivory soap was the first branded product of this Ohio-based company
    $600 28
Norway &
    $600 14
We found this medal, awarded to all U.S. service personnel who suffer a wound requiring a medical officer
    $800 24
In 1950 this youthful MLB team was "The Whiz Kids"; in 1983, the not-so-youthful "Wheeze Kids"
    $800 5
In 1986 Reagan declared what became known as a "war on" these, saying, "Nancy had already made it her major role"
    $800 10
A chimney sweep business named "Dr." this claims, "We treat the flue"
    $800 22
This sock brand is the gold standard; you can tell because "Gold" is in its name
    $800 29
Namibia &
    $800 15
Joseph is missing an ear, but otherwise this nativity scene, a word from the French, is in pretty good shape
    $1000 25
Blake Griffin helped turn this NBA team into "Lob City"
    $1000 6
In the mid-1800s the Order of United Americans was big in this -ism, the promotion of the U.S.-born over immigrants
    $1000 11
Discoloration formed when silver reacts with sulfur compounds in the air
    $1000 23
Nike was founded by University of Oregon track coach Bill Bowerman & this runner of his
    DD: $3,000 30
Jordan &
    $1000 16
Way out of tune, there's this stringed instrument for which John Dowland mainly composed

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Kerry Sharon Niels
$3,400 $2,200 $2,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Kerry Sharon Niels
$9,400 $3,200 $2,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 1
During the Cold War, the CIA had this Pasternak novel printed in Russian & given to Soviet citizens as propaganda
    $400 10
This fictional libertine appeared in 1630's "El burlador de Sevilla" ("The Seducer of Seville")
    $400 9
Intensely bright, or a type of bulb with a warm yellow glow
    $400 16
April 4, 1968
in Memphis
    $400 7
In 2010 one of these measuring a whopping 8 inches across fell to Earth in Vivian, South Dakota
    $400 2
This husband of Barbra Streisand screen-tested to play Bond in "Octopussy"
    DD: $3,200 12
Familial titles from Chekhov include "The Three Sisters" & this one subtitled "Scenes from Country Life in Four Acts"
    $800 11
Term for a pair of beloveds, or the conversational candy seen here
    $800 17
The biblical golden calf is an example of this forbidden practice
    $800 21
November 24, 1963
at Parkland Memorial Hospital
    $800 8
In 1926, the year before his historic crossing, he twice parachuted to safety while delivering airmail
    $800 3
He's been "Luther" & "Mandela", & some say it's time to make him the first black Bond
    $1200 28
His verse novel "Eugene Onegin" is set in 1820s imperial Russia
    $1200 25
On the back of the envelope of a love letter, write "S.W.A.K.", short for this
    $1200 18
You can buy gold in coins or bars, which are often called these
    $1200 22
February 3, 1959
in an Iowa cornfield (one of 3 musicians)
    $1200 13
The Perseid meteor shower occurs each August, when the Earth passes through the orbit of Swift-Tuttle, one of these
    $1200 4
A candidate to play Bond at the start was this suave superstar who did capers like "To Catch a Thief" & "Charade"
    $1600 29
His "Notes from the Underground" was written in response to a utopian novel called "What Is to Be Done?"
    $1600 26
Perhaps a poem will be inspired by seeing in Greek the name of this muse of love poetry

    $1600 19
IPA, the golden brew originally shipped from England to Asia, is short for this
    $1600 23
October 31, 1926
in Detroit, of peritonitis from a stomach injury
    $1600 14
In 1966 71.8 inches of rain fell in 24 hours on this Indian Ocean island that sounds like where classmates might get together
    $1600 5
The rumors won't go away that this star of "The Knick" & "Children of Men" might be Bond
    $2000 27
Britannica calls this Roman poet's "Ars Amatoria" "a manual of seduction and intrigue for the man about town"
    $2000 20
Gilding was a big part of this process of adorning medieval manuscripts
    DD: $2,000 24
April 18, 1955
in Princeton, New Jersey
    $2000 15
Perhaps caused by a tornado, a strange rain of these sporting objects fell on Punta Gorda, Florida in 1969
    $2000 6
This Aussie actor does have a 4-letter "B" name, which would have made for great he "is Bond!" posters

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Kerry Sharon Niels
$16,600 $4,800 $11,800

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

50 years after San Francisco's cable cars became a National Historic Landmark, this city's street railway got the designation in 2014

Final scores:

Kerry Sharon Niels
$23,601 $9,599 $23,600
2-day champion: $42,802 3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Kerry Sharon Niels
$14,600 $4,800 $15,000
19 R
(including 1 DD),
0 W
8 R,
1 W
21 R
(including 1 DD),
6 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $34,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: Unknown
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