Show #7014 - Thursday, February 26, 2015


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Jose Garriga, a communications specialist from Washington, D.C.

Lily Foss, a future law student from Manchester, New Hampshire

Laura Gallo, an internal medicine physician originally from Brooklyn, New York (whose 1-day cash winnings total $8,799)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 25
Poiana Brasov is a resort best known for this winter activity; an uplifting time is guaranteed
    $200 13
A certain problematic situation
    $200 1
Episodes of this sitcom included "The Yada Yada" & "The Serenity Now"
    $200 4
Meaning able to find one's way back to the nest, it can be found before "pigeon" or "instinct"
    $200 18
An overseas tour of duty, it's been divided into 5 stages for soldier & family, with months 2-5 being "sustainment"
    $200 7
In roulette you can bet "dozens", "columns" or these 2 main colors
    $400 26
Visit the prison tower in Biertan, where couples considering this were locked up together to reconsider
    $400 14
We won't find that ball; he really did this
    $400 2
The cast of this sitcom included Mila Kunis, Ashton Kutcher & in supporting roles, Brooke Shields & Tommy Chong, man
    $400 8
Drop the "S" from the end of a Southern dish to get this substance that helps pet birds' digestive process
    $400 19
You maggots! Drop & give me 20 if you don't know that maggots are this stage in the life cycle of houseflies
    $400 11
The only move in chess in which 2 pieces can move on the same turn, it moves the prize out of danger
    $600 27
The Marriott in this city is right by the Palace of the Parliament
    $600 15
Heinrich Hertz studied them
    $600 3
'90s shows based on movies included "Robocop: The Series", "Clueless" & this pair's "Excellent Adventures"
    $600 9
Sullen name for a hen sitting on eggs in a nest
    $600 20
Karl Marx said this economic system was the stage of society during which he was writing, but that it was doomed
    $600 22
Yakutsk & Irkutsk are 2 territories to conquer & control in this game of attrition
    $800 28
Head to Sibiu to dine in Romania's oldest restaurant, Butoiul de Aur or the barrel of this
    $800 16
In TV commercials, Henry Winkler thinks you should look into it
    $800 5
Annette O'Toole was Don Johnson's estranged wife on this San Francisco-set police drama
    $800 10
Birds can be categorized by how much they wander as either sedentary or this word that also ends in "ry"
    $800 21
Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross' list of the 5 stages of this begins with denial & ends with acceptance
    $800 23
A little-known rule in Monopoly is that this "Chance" card usually kept until needed may be sold to another player
    $1000 29
Bring binoculars; 300 species of birds live in this river's delta on the Black Sea
    $1000 17
Many people wear them in January
    $1000 6
Just between you & me, CBS had us "Eye to Eye with" this woman on a Thursday night newsmagazine from 1993 to 1995
    $1000 12
It's the process of growing feathers; followed by "success", it means the percentage of hatchlings that leave the nest
    DD: $1,200 30
In Freudian theory, it's the first stage of human development & breast-feeding plays a big part
    $1000 24
(Sarah of the Clue Crew demonstrates a game.) This stacking game, similar to Jenga, uses bidding and odd-shaped pieces, to build increasingly precarious towers

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Laura Lily Jose
$2,800 -$1,000 $2,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Laura Lily Jose
$4,600 $1,000 $3,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 1
She stars as suburban mom Agnes in a 2014 revival of Albee's "A Delicate Balance"
    $400 12
The second sentence of this speech begins, "Now we are engaged in a great civil war"
    $400 6
"The answer my friend" is that Peter, Paul & Mary won 1963 Grammys for this Bob Dylan song
    $400 7
Sightseeing in this city should include the admiralty, Russia's naval headquarters
    $400 17
Please have your cell phones on this, to shake rapidly
    $400 22
Sam Worthington became blue in this 2009 movie that made a buck or 2
    $800 2
Maria Vasilyevna is the mother of this Chekhov title character
    $800 13
This middle name of Civil War general Sherman honored a Shawnee chief
    $800 27
His song "Alice's Restaurant" was the basis of a 1969 film in which he starred
    $800 8
Built as a hotel, the Patee House Museum in this Missouri city was the Pony Express headquarters
    $800 18
Inoculate to produce immunity
    $800 23
Mark Frankel, Tom Galassi & Matt Ramsey are part of this performance trio that doesn't speak
    $1200 3
Linda is mom to Biff & Happy in this drama
    $1200 14
Camp Sumter was the formal name for this Georgia prison, the largest in the South
    $1200 28
"Hey, there!" The Seekers reached No. 2 with this title tune from a 1966 Lynn Redgrave-James Mason film
    DD: $2,000 9
This British island in the south Atlantic once served as a refuge for liberated African slaves
    $1200 19
To willfully deface property
    $1200 24
Michael Rooker, of "Walking Dead" fame, donned the blue to play one of Star-Lord's many foils in this 2014 movie
    DD: $1,200 4
Mama buys a home in a mostly white neighborhood in this drama about the Youngers, a poor black family
    $1600 15
In August 1863 he & his guerrilla band irregularly attached to the Confederate army sacked Lawrence, Kansas
    $1600 29
Dave Guard, Bob Shane & Nick Reynolds were the original members of this "Tom Dooley" folk trio
    $1600 10
Doggedly hanging on, a hospice on this pass on the Swiss-Italian border has been a travelers' refuge for centuries
    $1600 20
To vituperate is to abuse verbally, this "v"erb means to make slanderous or defamatory statements
    $1600 25
The first Friday in March is Dress in Blue Day to raise awareness of cancer of this largest part of the large intestine
    $2000 5
In a William Inge play, Flo is upset when a drifter named Hal comes to this title event & charms Flo's daughter
    $2000 16
The Battle of the Monitor & the Merrimack is also called the Battle of this Virginia channel
    $2000 30
In 2013 this indie/folk harpist & singer known for the album "Ys" married funnyman Andy Samberg
    $2000 11
Control of this island nation of the east Caribbean changed hands many times before its 1979 independence
    $2000 21
This word for a seductress can also mean "to improvise"
    $2000 26
The Romans noted that these Scottish adversaries liked to use blue paint

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Laura Lily Jose
$8,200 $2,600 $12,000

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

On February 25, 1956, he gave a speech "On the Personality Cult and Its Consequences", seen as an attack on his predecessor

Final scores:

Laura Lily Jose
$13,200 $600 $16,401
2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $16,401

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Laura Lily Jose
$10,200 $2,600 $13,600
13 R,
1 W
(including 1 DD)
12 R,
3 W
20 R
(including 1 DD),
5 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $26,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: Unknown
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