The 2 that are the components of rust |
iron & oxygen
In Concord, Massachusetts, you can tour the home where she wrote & set "Little Women" |
(Louisa May) Alcott
In 1944 the first political action committee sought funds for this president's re-election |
(Eric: Uh, who is Truman?) (Kate: Who--who is Eisenhower?)
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
This Handel oratorio begins "Comfort ye, comfort ye, my people, saith your God" |
The Messiah
"Taxi Driver" |
Robert De Niro
From the Latin for "one", it means one of a kind |
The first 2 transuranium elements |
neptunium & plutonium
Author of more than 200 works, Nora Roberts was the first inductee of the Hall of Fame for writers in this genre |
(Eric: What is children's literature?)
PACs must register with the FEC, short for this |
(Kate: What's the Federal Elections Commission?)
Federal Election Commission
This Verdi opera was inspired by a plot from French Egyptologist August Mariette |
(Eric: What is [*] ["AY-duh"]? A-I-D-A? I don't know how to pronounce it.) (Alex: [*], [*] ["eye-EE-duh"].) (Eric: Got it.) (Alex: That's all right.)
"The Usual Suspects" |
Kevin Spacey
Meaning unacceptable or forbidden in society, it's also a "Game of Unspeakable Fun!" from Hasbro |
Symbols Os & Ir, they are the 2 densest naturally occurring elements |
(Eric: What are osmium and iradium?)
osmium & iridium
Meg Cabot created the not-quite-ready-to-be-royal Mia in this young adult series of "Diaries" |
The Princess Diaries
Unveiled in 2014, the Freedom Partners Action Fund isn't a regular PAC but this kind that can give without limits |
a super PAC
Hokusai's painting "The Great Wave" graced the cover of the first edition of this Debussy work's sheet music |
(Alex: Eric? ... Nothing?) (Eric: I don't know.) (Alex: What is [*]. "The Great Wave", [*]. The sea.)
La mer
"March of the Penguins" |
Morgan Freeman
The name of this woodwind is from the French for "high" & "wood" |
The 2 that were discovered by the Curies |
(Jennifer: What are radium and curium?)
radium & polonium
The title of Maeve Binchy's novel "Tara Road" refers to a street in this world capital |
Lawrence Lessig's Mayday PAC reached a $5 million goal in this "Big Group" online way |
(Kate: What's Donors Choose?)
Brahms' "Wiegenlied: Guten Abend, Gute Nacht" is better known by this name |
"Brahms' Lullaby"
Seen here, it's Florida's state marine mammal |
a manatee
The first two metals, they're the two that are missing from the table |
(Alex: Jennifer, you knew the [**] but not the [*].)
lithium & beryllium
"The Hundred Secret Senses" is one of her novels exploring Asian-American family relationships |
Amy Tan
This architect of 2 George W. Bush presidential campaigns created the Conservative Victory Project PAC in 2013 |
(Karl) Rove
In 1953 this asst. conductor of the N.Y. Philharmonic became the first American to conduct at La Scala |
(Eric: Uh, who is Irving Berlin?)
Leonard Bernstein
"The Princess Bride" |
(Alex: [*], yes, reading the story.)
Peter Falk
One of the main characters in the opera "Rigoletto" is the duke of this city |