Show #4477 - Tuesday, February 10, 2004

2004 Teen Tournament quarterfinal game 2.


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Muhammad Meigooni, a senior from Springfield, Illinois

Brad Hoff, a senior from Pembroke, Massachusetts

Courtney Bennis, a senior from Virginia Beach, Virginia

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 26
Both Michelangelo, in 1504, & Donatello, around 1408, sculpted marble statues of this Biblical king
    $200 11
In the 2003 "Looney Toons" movie he starred live & supplied the voice of the Tasmanian Devil
    $200 14
Your taste buds help you distinguish between salty & bitter, & these 2 opposites
    $200 6
Wow! About 1,218 of these legumes go into every 28-ounce jar of Jif
    $200 21
Focus & Taurus
    $200 1
When it's really pouring down, it's "raining" these 2 animals
    $400 27
The Kamakura period, 1185-1338, is considered by many to be this country's great age of sculpture
    $400 12
In 2003's "Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas" he voiced Sinbad
    $400 15
It's reddish-brown, weighs about 3 pounds & is the body's largest internal organ
    $400 7
This American fast food chain's restaurants in Holland feature a crispy beef ragout burger called the McKroket
    $400 22
Civic & CR-V
    $400 2
To act frenzied is to behave like one of these farm residents "with its head cut off"
    $600 28
Copenhagen's famed "Little Mermaid" is a tribute to the work of this author
    $600 13
In 2000's "Sinbad: Beyond the Veil of Mists" he voiced Sinbad
    $600 16
It's the thin, sticky film that forms on teeth, or a deposit of fatty material in the linings of arteries
    $600 8
These Hershey candies may have been named for the smoochy sound made by the chocolate during manufactoring
    $600 23
Protege & Miata
    $600 3
A possession that is hard to get rid of is called a "white" one of these
    $800 29
His famous sculpture "The Thinker" resulted from his unfinished "The Gates of Hell" project
    $800 19
On "King of the Hill", he plays Boomhauer's brother Patch
    DD: $2,600 17
As opposed to ball-&-socket, your knee is this type of joint moving backwards & forwards
    $800 9
This ice cream company's website lets you beg for the return of departed flavors like Wavy Gravy & The Full Vermonty
    $800 24
S-Type &
    $800 4
One of these fish indicates a misleading or false trail
    $1000 30
Mateo Alonso's "Christ of the Andes" is a memorial to a settled border dispute between these 2 nations
    $1000 20
In "Monkeybone" he played a cartoonist trapped in an animated world of his creations
    $1000 18
Use your head & tell us it's the part of the skull, made up of 8 bones, that encloses the brain
    $1000 10
This pizza chain offers "Meat Lover's" and "Pepperoni Lover's" version of its P'zone
    $1000 25
Gallant &
    $1000 5
This term for an informant comes from a decoy once set out by bird hunters

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Courtney Brad Muhammad
$4,400 $800 $2,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Courtney Brad Muhammad
$6,400 $1,800 $7,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 25
The name of this lowest valued chess piece is from the Latin for "foot soldier"
    $400 4
"Don't Speak" evolved into a song of heartache after this group's Tony Kanal broke up with Gwen Stefani
    $400 18
In a high school football rivalry going back to 1907, Kirkwood & Webster Groves, Mo. play on this day each year
    $400 1
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew removes a bucket from a tree in Vermont and pours out its contents into another bucket.) It can take more than 40 gallons of this to make one gallon of maple syrup
    $400 2
Shango, the Yoruba god of storms, expresses his anger by hurling these
    $400 15
Not surprisingly, library comes from the Latin for "of" these
    $800 26
During WWI, the spiked pickelhaube was worn by soldiers of this European nation
    $800 5
Jessica Simpson is enjoying newlywedded bliss with this singer heard here
    $800 19
In 1997, to commemorate the events of 1957, this Arkansan ceremonially opened Central High in Little Rock
    $800 3
You'll meet up with Ethan Allen, or at least his statue, outside the capital in this city
    $800 9
Idun, the Norse god of this season, had a basket of magic apples that when eaten conferred immortality
    $800 17
This fruit traces its name back to the Sanskrit Naranga
    $1200 27
It's the nickname of T.E. Lawrence, who helped mobilize a revolt against the Ottoman Empire
    $1200 6
Part of his rap moniker comes from a childhood nickname
    $1200 20
A case brought by New Hyde Park, N.Y. parents led to a 1962 Supreme Court decision banning this in public schools
    $1200 11
Many skiers like to Stowe-away at a lodge owned by the Trapp family, who inspired this classical Julie Andrews musical
    $1200 10
Representing the Pharaoh's power, the Egyptian god Sobek took the form of one these deadly Nile River creatures
    $1200 22
Appropriately, this cardinal point comes from a word for "dawn"
    $1600 28
The men in this ancient city-state of Laconia were required to serve as soldiers up until the age of 60
    $1600 7
Chris Carraabba's hands on acoustic guitar playing, has, hands down, made this band a hit
    $1600 21
To fight obesity, as of Jan. 1, 2004 the L.A. Unified School District has banned the sale of these on campus
    DD: $78 12
This French explorer for whom a lake is named was the first European to see Vermont, in 1609
    $1600 13
When eclipses happened, the Incas believed Inti, their god of this, was angry
    $1600 23
This word for a mate comes from an old Norse word for "master of the house"
    $2000 29
Founded in 1899, this group of U.S. soldiers who have served overseas is abbreviated the VFW
    $2000 8
This hard rock group took its name from an Alice in Chains song
    $2000 30
1979 Nobel Laureates Steven Weinberg & Sheldon Glashow were classmates at the Bronx High School of this
    $2000 16
Founded in 1791, the U. of Vermont is known as UVM for "Universitas Viridis Montis", translating to this
    $2000 14
Top goddess Amaterasu of this religion is claimed as an ancestor of the Japanese royal family
    DD: $1,000 24
This smooth gait of a horse may be named for a place in England towards which Pilgrims rode at an easy pace

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Courtney Brad Muhammad
$11,400 $6,200 $15,322

Final Jeopardy! Round

This series of over 200 books began with "Kristy's Great Idea" in 1986

Final scores:

Courtney Brad Muhammad
$13,400 $700 $9,644
Automatic semifinalist 3rd place: $2,500 if eliminated 2nd place: $2,500 if eliminated

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Courtney Brad Muhammad
$12,400 $6,200 $13,600
18 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
10 R,
2 W
21 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $32,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2003-12-15
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