This Norse trickster god directed the blind Hodur's mistletoe toss that got Balder dashed |
"Can't you see me standin' here, I got my back against the record machine... ah, might as well jump (jump!)" |
Van Halen
The late "People's Princess" |
According to the United Negro College Fund, this "is a terrible thing to waste, but a wonderful thing to invest in" |
a mind
Perhaps taking a cue from the Swiss, Liechtenstein proclaimed itself this in 1868 |
Capital captured in 1865 |
Don't confuse this Egyptian mother goddess, sister & consort of Osiris, with a Mideast terrorist group of the same name |
"Take me down to the Paradise City, where the grass is green & the girls are pretty, oh, won't you please take me home?" |
Guns N' Roses
"The Lady with the Lamp" |
Florence Nightingale
The Hugo Awards are given annually by the WSFS, the World this Society |
Science Fiction
Liechtensteiners didn't much take to Luther; more than 75% practice this form of Christianity |
To increase isotopes in uranium |
Let's drink to the Greeks, who dedicated the Great Theater in Athens to this god, Bacchus' alter ego |
"If there's a bustle in your hedgerow, don't be alarmed now, it's just a spring clean for the May Queen" |
Led Zeppelin
"The Last King of America" |
(Colin: Who's George II?) (Alex: Missed it by one.)
George III
Members of this org. originally aimed at rural youth pledge their head, heart, hands & health for their greater community |
Most of the population speaks Alemmanic, a dialect of this language |
Powerful prelate pictured here |
(Alex: You made him sound like a rocker. Richie Lou!) [laughter] (Colin: Stick to my strengths.)
Cardinal Richelieu
For 14th century Aztecs, this god was the patron of priests & inventor of the calendar |
"The walls were shaking, the earth was quaking, my mind was aching, & we were making it, & you... shook me all night long" |
"The Hero of Trafalgar" |
This Utah institute is devoted to discovering & training new filmmakers, composers & theater artists |
(Alex: Say something.) (Martha: Uh, what is... Burning Man?) (Alex: No. "What is [*]?") (Martha: I almost said that.) (Alex: Oh. Well, you didn't. It cost you.) (Martha: Oops.) (Alex: Pick again.)
In 1924 Liechtenstein adopted the Swiss this as its currency |
French term for those with recently acquired wealth |
nouveau riche
A sleepless dragon helped these nymphs guard the golden apples Gaia gave Hera |
the Hesperides
"Girls, girls, girls... long legs & burgundy lips, girls, girls, girls... dancin' down on the Sunset Strip... girls, girls, girls" |
(Alex: Yeah, you knew all of those. Way to go.)
Motley Crue
"The Blind Poet" (1608-1674) |
(Alex: "When I consider how my light is spent"... darkness. [*].)
John Milton
More accuracy in family histories is the goal of this organization, NGS for short, whose roots go back to 1903 |
the National Genealogical Society
The Prince paid a furniture record $37 million to add a jeweled cabinet of this blackwood to his private art collection |
The 2-toed Struthio camelus |
an ostrich