A rasp or a Rolodex |
a file
3 gals predict big things for the title guy; he's iffy but his wife has big plans; both learn to be careful what you wish for |
Shortly after his 1609 marriage, this artist known for his voluptuous women painted himself & his young wife Isabella |
(Peter Paul) Rubens
Alright, alright, alright, for 2013, these 2 guys for their roles as Ron & Rayon in "Dallas Buyers Club" |
Jared Leto & Matthew McConaughey
Hyphenated term used to describe someone practical & realistic |
A heart or a Hammond |
an organ
Title guy denies a promotion to his aide; aide gets revenge-y; title guy gives new meaning to the term "death bed" |
In the 1770s he painted cartoons, or preliminary paintings, for tapestries for the Spanish crown |
(Mehmet: Who was Velázquez?)
1993: Tom Hanks as Andrew Beckett, a lawyer with AIDS, in this movie |
(Amanda: What is Forrest Gump?)
A temporary loss of consciousness, or utter darkness caused by a massive power outage |
a blackout
A type of fastener, or a community's basic food |
The plot? Potters plot; mid-March gets dangerous; main plotter ends up committing Strato-cide |
Julius Caesar
A wagon is the subject of "The Hay Wain", an 1821 work by this English landscape painter |
(Alex: ...with less than a minute to go.)
(John) Constable
2005: This actor as Truman Capote |
[Alex imitates Truman Capote while reading his name.]
Philip Seymour Hoffman
One of Syfy's most watched shows is the WWE's Friday Night this |
A 1920s mayor, he said "Congress--every time they make a joke, it's a law, & every time they make a law it's a joke" |
Will Rogers
A deep red color, or what a pirate might do to a captive instead of giving him the deep six |
Buckingham gets the boot from the palace, as does a wife; title guy is not a cardinal fan; on to wife 2! |
Henry VIII
"The Cardinal" by this master, who was born 31 years after Leonardo but died just one year after him, is based on the "Mona Lisa" |
1969: John Wayne as this grumpy U.S. marshal in "True Grit" |
Rooster Cogburn
For Butch Cassidy, Hole in the Wall in Wyoming was one of these |
a hideout
You may recognize the Beverly Hills hotel known as "The Pink Palace" from the cover of a 1976 album from this band |
the Eagles
A lively country dance, or a projectionist's spool |
a reel
It's totally goth; act I, scene 1 sees the title Roman kill his son & the deaths don't stop; ends with the worst dinner ever |
Titus Andronicus
In 1912 he went to Paris to learn Cubism; in 1914 he returned to the Netherlands & showed his 16 new works |
[The end-of-round signal sounds.]
Piet Mondrian
1983: This actor as a country singer in "Tender Mercies" |
Robert Duvall
In 1920 H.G. Wells turned to nonfiction & published one of these "of History" |
an outline
In Asia, Laos, Burma & Thailand form this geometric area; in Beverly Hills, it's Canon Dr., Wilshire & Santa Monica Blvd. |
the Golden Triangle