(Leonard Maltin delivers the clue.) During the plodding first hour of this elephantine western, I kept wondering why make the legendary title hero into a doofus & his noble Indian friend into a wisecracking Greek chorus |
The Lone Ranger
Oh my gods! It rises nearly 10,000 feet on a ridge dividing Thessaly & Macedonia |
Mount Olympus
P: Delilah betrays Samson to them |
the Philistines
Numerator's opposite (11) |
In 1881 the Cooper & Bailey Circus merged with his "Greatest Show on Earth" |
P.T. Barnum
Causes of an organic this, an abnormal sound in your heartbeat, include rheumatic fever, & we're not keeping that quiet |
a murmur
(Leonard Maltin delivers the clue.) If you had pulled me out of the theater an hour into this Tarantino film I would have raved... the mid-section with Leonardo DiCaprio as a plantation owner drains almost all the life out of the picture |
Django Unchained
About 100 miles south of Seattle, this volcano was inactive from 1857 to 1980 |
Mount St. Helens
G: Paul wrote an epistle to these people of Asia Minor |
the Galatians
Apartment with a mortgage (11) |
"Intolerance" was this director's answer to critics of his earlier film "Birth of a Nation" |
D.W. Griffith
Fish generally have a single one of these chambers that pump blood out of the heart; mammals, 2 |
(Leonard Maltin delivers the clue.) Javier Bardem sports blond hair & a lunatic grin as one of the more notable Bond villains of recent memory in this 007 film |
(Alex: With less than a minute to go, you are right.)
German words for "meadow" & "peak" combined to form the name we use for this Alpine mountain |
Z: This Old Testament book is last alphabetically |
Dancer synonym (13) |
Beatrix Potter's stories of dressed, talking animals influenced some "chronicles" by this author, 32 years younger |
C.S. Lewis
(Leonard Maltin delivers the clue.) Though it doesn't break any new ground, this 2012 film provides lively entertainment in the hitherto unexplored world of collegiate a cappella choirs |
Pitch Perfect
Time to play these Appalachian mountains in New York; the highest peak is Slide, at 4,200 feet |
the Catskills
B: Matthew calls him "a notable prisoner" |
(Ryan: Who is Barbaras?) (Jenica: Who is Bartholomew?) (Bill: Who is Barbaras?)
Conjuring by hand (16) |
This Nixon chief of staff went by "Bob" |
H.R. Haldeman
(Leonard Maltin delivers the clue.) Wes Anderson's filmmaking is inspired in this flamboyant movie mostly set between World Wars in Eastern Europe; I called it the first great movie of 2014 |
The Grand Budapest Hotel
U: The handwriting on the wall was "Mene, mene, tekel", this word |
19th century pic using silver & iodine (13) |
a daguerreotype
This Dutch artist created more than 2,000 drawings & sketches, like the one seen here |
M.C. Escher
This chest pain, sometimes a heart attack precursor, occurs when blood flow to the heart is limited |
[The end-of-round signal sounds.]