Show #6928 - Wednesday, October 29, 2014


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Ryan Alley, a patent attorney from Alexandria, Virginia

Jenica Jessen, a student and writer from Riverton, Utah (whose 1-day cash winnings total $19,200)

Bill Albertini, a professor of English from Toledo, Ohio (whose 2-day cash winnings total $38,750)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: ...and you have to identify the country.)
    $200 5
Maybe this oldest Ivy League law school can teach you to beat a ticket if you illegally pahk ya cah in its yahd
    $200 1
This brand's Cranberry Juice Cocktail first appeared in 1933
    $200 15
"All That Matters" is this teen hit the Streaming Songs chart, not any egg-throwing events or possible deportation
    $200 20
Idi Amin
    $200 10
Paired with "skull" in a symbol of danger or death
    $200 18
In this novel Bella is told, "that's Edward...but don't waste your time. He doesn't date"; Bella wastes her time
    $400 6
Its law school is named for Utah native J. Reuben Clark, who rose to high posts in the State & Justice Departments
    $400 2
Alpine mountains appear on the label of this ConAgra brand of hot cocoa
    $400 16
As of Aug. 6, 2014 "Legend: The Best of" this man "and the Wailers" had spent 288 weeks on the Billboard top 200 albums chart
    $400 22
Slobodan Milosevic
    $400 11
A medieval version of this musical instrument was called a sackbut
    $400 19
Cathy marries Edgar, so Heathcliff marries Edgar's sis for revenge in this novel
    $600 7
Tulane was the USA's first law school to require this Latin-named work as a condition of graduation
    $600 3
Back in 1898 a guy named Edward created this biting "olde tyme" root beer
    $600 21
This down-under "Idol" country star duetted with Miranda Lambert on "We Were Us"
    $600 23
Augusto Pinochet
    $600 12
Show some internal strength & name this defining characteristic of vertebrates
    $600 27
This title woman takes a pregnant pause after having an affair with Count Vronsky
    DD: $1,600 8
White House counsels John Dean & Kathryn Ruemmler went to this law school not far from Pennsylvania Ave.
    $800 4
This juice brand calls itself "100% pure squeezed Florida sunshine"
    $800 24
This one-named performer was looking for bargains in the song heard here
    $800 28
Pol Pot
    $800 13
As seen here, it's a pattern used in flooring, not just suits
    $1000 9
"California Coast: Science, Policy and Law" can be of local interest at this u. whose campus is known as "The Farm"
    $1000 17
This soft drink once used the slogan "It'll tickle yore innards"
    $1000 26
"Operator" & "Time In A Bottle" are on this man's "Lost Recordings", found on the folk album chart
    $1000 25
In Africa:
Omar al-Bashir
    $1000 14
Substance for old corsets or scrimshaw
    $1000 29
Spoiler alert! Jane Austen had George become the Knightley in shining armor for this woman

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Bill Jenica Ryan
$800 $3,600 $3,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Bill Jenica Ryan
-$400 $6,000 $6,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Leonard Maltin, of course.)
(Alex: We need the initials.)
    $400 1
(Leonard Maltin delivers the clue.) During the plodding first hour of this elephantine western, I kept wondering why make the legendary title hero into a doofus & his noble Indian friend into a wisecracking Greek chorus
    $400 7
Oh my gods! It rises nearly 10,000 feet on a ridge dividing Thessaly & Macedonia
    $400 2
Delilah betrays Samson to them
    $400 12
Numerator's opposite
    $400 19
In 1881 the Cooper & Bailey Circus merged with his "Greatest Show on Earth"
    $400 26
Causes of an organic this, an abnormal sound in your heartbeat, include rheumatic fever, & we're not keeping that quiet
    $800 16
(Leonard Maltin delivers the clue.) If you had pulled me out of the theater an hour into this Tarantino film I would have raved... the mid-section with Leonardo DiCaprio as a plantation owner drains almost all the life out of the picture
    $800 8
About 100 miles south of Seattle, this volcano was inactive from 1857 to 1980
    $800 3
Paul wrote an epistle to these people of Asia Minor
    $800 13
Apartment with a mortgage
    $800 20
"Intolerance" was this director's answer to critics of his earlier film "Birth of a Nation"
    $800 27
Fish generally have a single one of these chambers that pump blood out of the heart; mammals, 2
    $1200 24
(Leonard Maltin delivers the clue.) Javier Bardem sports blond hair & a lunatic grin as one of the more notable Bond villains of recent memory in this 007 film
    DD: $2,600 9
German words for "meadow" & "peak" combined to form the name we use for this Alpine mountain
    $1200 4
This Old Testament book is last alphabetically
    $1200 14
Dancer synonym
    $1200 21
Beatrix Potter's stories of dressed, talking animals influenced some "chronicles" by this author, 32 years younger
    $1600 15
(Leonard Maltin delivers the clue.) Though it doesn't break any new ground, this 2012 film provides lively entertainment in the hitherto unexplored world of collegiate a cappella choirs
    $1600 10
Time to play these Appalachian mountains in New York; the highest peak is Slide, at 4,200 feet
    $1600 5
Matthew calls him "a notable prisoner"
    $1600 17
Conjuring by hand
    $1600 22
This Nixon chief of staff went by "Bob"
    $2000 25
(Leonard Maltin delivers the clue.) Wes Anderson's filmmaking is inspired in this flamboyant movie mostly set between World Wars in Eastern Europe; I called it the first great movie of 2014
    $2000 11
(Kelly of the Clue Crew shows a diagram on the monitor.) The Earth bulges in the middle, so the furthest point from the Earth's center is the top of Chimborazo in this South American country
    $2000 6
The handwriting on the wall was "Mene, mene, tekel", this word
    $2000 18
19th century pic using silver & iodine
    DD: $2,000 23
This Dutch artist created more than 2,000 drawings & sketches, like the one seen here
    $2000 28
This chest pain, sometimes a heart attack precursor, occurs when blood flow to the heart is limited

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Bill Jenica Ryan
$6,400 $8,800 $19,800
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

In 1915 his reasons for naturalization included "having lived and worked in England for the best part of forty years"

Final scores:

Bill Jenica Ryan
$12,798 $4,800 $19,600
2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $19,600

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Bill Jenica Ryan
$6,400 $8,800 $17,600
11 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
15 R,
2 W
22 R
(including 2 DDs),
1 W

Combined Coryat: $32,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2014-08-12
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