Show #6923 - Wednesday, October 22, 2014


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Mike Harwood, a dermatologist from Westerly, Rhode Island

Ali Palmer, an analyst from Portland, Oregon

Alexander Persaud, a Ph.D. student in economics originally from Dubuque, Iowa (whose 3-day cash winnings total $61,000)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 11
In France, this film about good ol' boys Bo & Luke somehow became "Sheriff, Make Me Afraid"
    $200 1
"Othello" opens on a street in this Italian city
    $200 29
In an alliterative phrase, to get this "for your buck" means to maximize value received
    $200 6
A friend, or a partially opened flower
    $200 19
This Kansas senator was head of the RNC & living at the Watergate during the '72 break-in but was in Chicago that night
    $200 28
The luminescent effect that some minerals show is named this, for the mineral fluorite
    $400 12
The actual title name of this Julia Roberts crusader didn't work for Turkey, which went with "Sweet Trouble"
    $400 2
Cassio calls this drink "an enemy" that men put "in their mouths to steal away their brains"
    $400 30
Traditionally, to put in this amount is to give your opinion on an issue
    $400 7
To detect a weapon a police officer might do this "down"
    $400 20
Ironically, in 1969 Rose Mary Woods, this man's secretary, was the victim of one of the Watergate's first burglaries
    $400 27
Statuario is a slightly translucent type of this used in fine statuary
    $600 13
In Turkey this Christian Bale movie was called "Trickster"; in Quebec, "American Scam"
    $600 3
In Act II, Scene 3 he says, "I play the villain"
    $600 24
If your money is doing this combusting act in your pocket, it means you're eager to spend it
    $600 8
A climbing vine
    $600 21
In 1996 this Supreme Court justice from N.Y. & Watergate resident had her purse snatched outside the building
    $600 16
(Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from the California Science Center in Los Angeles.) More than 20,000 thermal tiles on the space shuttle Endeavour's underside protected it from the heat of re-entry. Ultra lightweight, they're 90% air & 10% fibers of this sand-based mineral compound
    $800 14
Germany knew this 1977 Woody Allen/Diane Keaton film as "The Urban Neurotic"
    $800 4
She pleads with Othello, "kill me tomorrow; let me live tonight"
    $800 25
Giving funds to be part of an organization, or struggling through challenges to earn your position
    $800 9
The side away from the wind
    $800 22
At the center of a pres. scandal herself, she left neighbors apology notes for the fuss she brought to the building in the '90s
    $800 17
A shade of gray is named for this rock originally used in blackboards
    $1000 15
In China this 1997 British comedy about unemployed guys becoming strippers became "Pig Six Strong Men"
    $1000 5
This prop embroidered with strawberries once belonged to Othello's mother &, to him, represents fidelity
    DD: $1,400 26
Like Annie says, if something's a sure thing, you can do this, put up the last money you have
    $1000 10
Knowledge or mental cognizance
    $1000 23
This Secretary of State often played chamber music piano accompanied by 4 friends in her apartment
    $1000 18
Also called "French chalk", this metamorphic rock is used by tailors to make marks on cloth

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Alexander Ali Mike
$2,800 $800 $4,800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Alexander Ali Mike
$5,400 $1,800 $6,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: We'll show you the picture.)
    $400 30
Jungle love is perfect for fans of these rockers
    $400 6
Like a lobster or a shrimp, a crab has one of these; unlike them, it keeps it curled under its midsection
    $400 28
This term for a type of keyboard is sometimes followed by "UIOP"
    $400 22
Years after his most famous exploit, this Kiwi climber built 27 schools & 2 hospitals in northern Nepal
    $400 29
Tucker & Lemoine are types of this 6-sided polygon
    $400 1
In a nursery rhyme, he runs "upstairs and downstairs in his nightgown"
    $800 13
These Seattle rockers appeared in the Matt Dillon film "Singles"
    $800 7
The robber crab of the South Pacific is also called this, from the palm product that's its principal diet
    $800 23
This cotton product was originally called Baby Gays
    $800 21
Before conquering Peru, he served as mayor & magistrate of Panama City from 1519 to 1523
    $800 27
A kite quadrilateral shares this other name with a muscle--both derived from a Greek letter
    $800 2
Some believe the spiral staircase in the Loretto Chapel in Santa Fe was built by this patron saint of carpenters himself
    $1200 8
He was born Marvin Aday in 1947
    $1200 11
Crabs of the genus Uca get this name from the male's habit of holding one oversized claw like a violin
    $1200 17
Summer temperatures in this country can rise above 120
    $1200 14
In 1661 priests Johann Grueber & Albert d'Orville became the first Europeans in 3 centuries to visit this Tibetan city
    $1200 18
This word for a really unequal triangle is from a Greek root meaning "unequal"
    $1200 3
In the second book in her series, she solved the mystery of "The Hidden Staircase"
    $1600 9
These funkmeisters formed in Chicago
    $1600 12
A crab's front legs develop into claws called chelae, better known by this "ouchy" name
    $1600 24
3-letter term meaning "which was to be shown"
    $1600 16
While living in Greenland in the 1890s, this African American adopted an Inuit child named Kudlooktoo
    DD: $2,600 20
It's a diamond-shaped rhombus, or a medicated sore throat candy
    $1600 4
One of the most famous movie scenes is the Odessa Steps sequence in this landmark film
    $2000 10
One of its members was also in Genesis
    $2000 26
Familiar but lonely name for crabs of the family Paguridae that often appropriate empty snail shells
    $2000 25
Scrabble players know it's an evergreen shrub of Arabia & its leaf is a stimulant
    $2000 15
Upon arrival in 1828, Rene Caillie called this Mali trading post "nothing but a mass of ill-looking houses"
    $2000 19
Also an optical device, it's a solid figure whose ends have the same shape & each of whose sides is a parallelogram
    DD: $3,400 5
The Keats-Shelley Memorial House in Rome is located near the foot of these famous stairs

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Alexander Ali Mike
$16,200 $12,000 $18,600

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Named around 1616, it's the world's fifth-largest island & the largest named after a person

Final scores:

Alexander Ali Mike
$8,400 $16,300 $4,799
2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $16,300 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Alexander Ali Mike
$16,200 $10,600 $19,000
19 R,
2 W
13 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
25 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $45,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2014-08-06
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