In January 1962, this organization voted to exclude Cuba |
OAS (Organization of American States)
Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Yale, Dartmouth, Princeton, Harvard & University of Pennsylvania |
the Ivy League
The Latin "praefatio", a foretelling, gave us this word for a book's forepiece |
On a hospital P.A. system, "stat" means this |
(Alan: What is status?) (Alex: Also immediately, right now, do it.)
in a hurry
Genesis tells us Abraham made a great feast the day this child was weaned |
(Alan: Who was Israel?)
Napoleon's "Continental System" tried to stop continental Europe from trading with this country |
Great Britain
Because of its Mormon affiliation, this Provo, Utah U. doesn't serve tea or coffee on campus |
(Alex: Nor soft drinks with caffeine.)
Brigham Young University
In Latin it originally meant "to drive off the stage by clapping"; now it's what a bomb does |
In May 1986, Dr. Robert Gale of UCLA traveled to this country to perform bone marrow transplants |
(Alex: As a result of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster.)
the Soviet Union
King Solomon sacrificed 120,000 sheep & 22,000 oxen for a gigantic 14-day feast at the dedication of this |
the Temple at Jerusalem
Until 19th C., this Asian country's foreign ministry was called the Hall for Governance of Barbarians |
1st Greek letter fraternity in U.S., since early 18th C., its membership has been "keyed" to scholarship |
Phi Beta Kappa
From the Latin "to live or keep company with"; it's an oral exchange |
Cerebral palsy is caused by trauma to this system |
(Alan: What is the brain?) (Alex: Be more specific.) (Alex: Yes. The brain is part of [*].)
the nervous system
When Herodias' daughter danced at Herod's birthday party, he lost his head |
John the Baptist
While the Mongol Empire was centered in Mongolia, the Mogul Empire was centered here |
Guinness credits U. of Karueein, found in 859 A.D. at Fez, Morocco, with this world record |
(Rich: What is the oldest university in the world?) (Alex: Be a little more specific.) (Rich: What is [*]?) (Alex: All right, that's the important part--existing educational institution.)
the first university founded in the world that is in continuous operation
In Latin, it's the thigh, but in English, it's the thighbone |
(Mark: What is the ulna?) (Alex: Mark got his body parts mixed up -- by a longshot!)
Laverne & Shirley's last names on the show |
De Fazio & Feeney
This specialty, not surgery, has seen a recent rise in malpractice ins. premiums |
At the banquet she threw, Haman fell on her bed & the king thought Haman was about to ravish her |
This Frenchman failed to build a canal across Panama after succeeding at Suez |
(Alex: We've got less than a minute to go.)
Ferdinand de Lesseps
After Luther posted 95 theses on a church in this town, it became a center for study of theology |
(Alex: In East Germany now.)
Synonym for "trip", it's root is the Latin "diurnus", meaning "of one day" |
1 of 3 individuals to win an Emmy for Acting in the '77 landmark miniseries "Roots" |
[The end-of-round signal sounds.]
(1 of) (Lou) Gossett, Ed Asner or Olivia Cole
Edema is more simply described as this |
Babylonian king Belshazzar's party came to an abrupt halt & his knees started shaking when he saw this |
the handwriting on the wall