Show #725 - Friday, October 30, 1987


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Rich Kenney, a manufacturer's representative from North Branford, Connecticut

Alan Smith, a capitol administrator from Anchorage, Alaska

Mark Holmes, a lawyer from Hamburg, New York (whose 1-day cash winnings total $17,000)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Eh, eh, eh--hosers!)
(Alex: Remember that the correct response will be an anagram of one of the words found in the clue.)
    $100 6
Most autumns, Philadelphia hosts this annual football classic between service academies
    $100 18
It's the code a Navy signalman uses to convey a message, letter by letter, via blinker light
    $100 23
Troupes of these, pulling tiny wagons & doing other tricks, are featured in tiny "circuses"
    $100 22
How you might address a sleeping Mexican man if you're tired of listening to him snore
    $100 15
When they ring, "It's Christmas time in the city"
    $200 7
4 bridges link Philadelphia with this neighboring state
    $200 11
Name of the telegraphic instrument that reported stock market quotations on a paper tape
    $200 24
While most butterflies fly during the day, these, their closest relatives, tend to fly at night
    $200 21
Usually, attending one of these somber affairs is not "real fun" at all
    $200 25
Johnny B. Goode "could play a guitar just like" this
    $300 8
Philadelphia, like Paris, has an entire museum devoted to the works of this sculptor, I think
    $300 12
The reason "magic slates" were used as communication devices in our Moscow embassy in April 1987
    $300 4
Of all bees that can do this, only the honeybee can't do it twice
    $300 17
In 1961, he was the singing M.C. of the Miss Canada pageant, but you won't hear him sing on "World News Tonight"
    $300 1
Pressing 100 pounds would be a mere this for a 300-pound weight lifter
    $300 26
1 of 2 Fifth Dimension "bell" songs that made the Top 10
    $400 9
A bronze statue of this founder of the city stands atop Philadelphia's city hall
    $400 13
The "fax" in a telephone fax machine is short for this word
    $400 5
3 syllable name of this grasshopper comes from love call of some of the males when they're mating
    $400 19
Late actor whose brother, Vincent Massey, was Canada's governor-general
    $400 2
The motto for this company might be "no wire unsent"
    DD: $1,400 27
Title of the following, which was used as a theme in a memorable 1973 horror film:
    $500 10
1 of the 2 rivers that meet at Philadelphia
    $500 14
She delivered her acceptance speech at the 1987 Oscars in sign language
    $500 16
Lice, flies & locusts were the 3rd, 4th & 8th of these, respectively
    $500 20
Born Edna Mae Durbin in Winnipeg, she was in "100 Men & a Girl" -- as the girl
    $500 3
It's how a deli delivery boy with nothing to do might be described

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 10):

Mark Alan Rich
$1,200 $0 $1,200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Mark Alan Rich
$3,500 $100 $3,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Boy, did they have a wonderful time in the Bible!)
    $200 4
In January 1962, this organization voted to exclude Cuba
    $200 25
Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Yale, Dartmouth, Princeton, Harvard & University of Pennsylvania
    $200 7
The Latin "praefatio", a foretelling, gave us this word for a book's forepiece
    $200 15
On a hospital P.A. system, "stat" means this
    $200 1
Genesis tells us Abraham made a great feast the day this child was weaned
    $400 8
Napoleon's "Continental System" tried to stop continental Europe from trading with this country
    $400 12
Because of its Mormon affiliation, this Provo, Utah U. doesn't serve tea or coffee on campus
    $400 9
In Latin it originally meant "to drive off the stage by clapping"; now it's what a bomb does
    $400 16
In May 1986, Dr. Robert Gale of UCLA traveled to this country to perform bone marrow transplants
    $400 2
King Solomon sacrificed 120,000 sheep & 22,000 oxen for a gigantic 14-day feast at the dedication of this
    $600 22
Until 19th C., this Asian country's foreign ministry was called the Hall for Governance of Barbarians
    $600 19
1st Greek letter fraternity in U.S., since early 18th C., its membership has been "keyed" to scholarship
    $600 10
From the Latin "to live or keep company with"; it's an oral exchange
    $600 14
Cerebral palsy is caused by trauma to this system
    $600 3
When Herodias' daughter danced at Herod's birthday party, he lost his head
    $800 23
While the Mongol Empire was centered in Mongolia, the Mogul Empire was centered here
    DD: $2,500 20
Guinness credits U. of Karueein, found in 859 A.D. at Fez, Morocco, with this world record
    $800 11
In Latin, it's the thigh, but in English, it's the thighbone
    $800 26
Laverne & Shirley's last names on the show
    $800 17
This specialty, not surgery, has seen a recent rise in malpractice ins. premiums
    $800 5
At the banquet she threw, Haman fell on her bed & the king thought Haman was about to ravish her
    $1000 24
This Frenchman failed to build a canal across Panama after succeeding at Suez
    $1000 21
After Luther posted 95 theses on a church in this town, it became a center for study of theology
    $1000 13
Synonym for "trip", it's root is the Latin "diurnus", meaning "of one day"
    DD: $700 27
1 of 3 individuals to win an Emmy for Acting in the '77 landmark miniseries "Roots"
    $1000 18
Edema is more simply described as this
    $1000 6
Babylonian king Belshazzar's party came to an abrupt halt & his knees started shaking when he saw this

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Mark Alan Rich
$10,300 $2,700 $11,400

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

After finding a new way to make this sound in 1709, John Dennis accused another play of stealing it

Final scores:

Mark Alan Rich
$15,200 $3,100 $20,601
2nd place: Lehigh All-Wood bedroom furniture + a Helix 4-in-1 TV/clock/radio combination 3rd place: an Action Spoiler rocker/recliner by Lane New champion: $20,601

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Mark Alan Rich
$10,300 $2,700 $9,000
25 R,
2 W
6 R,
2 W
20 R
(including 3 DDs),
1 W

Combined Coryat: $22,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1987-08-24
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