Show #4373 - Wednesday, September 17, 2003

Game data retrieved from an alternate archive.


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Marybeth Meakim, a seventh grade teacher from Glenside, Pennsylvania

Sylvia Parker, a freelance editor from New York, New York

Brian Hindelang, an electronics technician from San Antonio, Texas (whose 1-day cash winnings total $30,800)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 15
He's the patron of Scotland & of fishermen
    $200 10
Jack Nicholson teamed up with Adam Sandler for this 2003 film
    $200 1
At Mach 2, a plane is traveling at twice the speed of this
    $200 17
Duke Emanuele Filberto brought it to Turin in 1578; it's now housed in the Cathedral of San Giovanni
    $200 26
Willam Herschel also discovered 2 moons orbiting this planet that he had discovered in 1781
    $200 6
When Kafka was born in this city in 1883, it was the capital of Bohemia
    $400 22
This marytyr who was cooked to death on a gridiron has a river, gulf & seaway named for him
    $400 11
Mel Gibson got in touch with his feminine side in this 2000 comedy
    $400 2
According to author James M. Cain, it's who "always rings twice"
    $400 18
While touring Turin, stop into the Biblioteca Reale, and you'll be drawn to this artist's self-portrait
    $400 27
Look, up in the sky, it's not a bird or a plane, it's this constellation, also known as the Little Bear
    $400 7
After discovering his religious roots, Kafka began studying this language in 1917
    $600 23
Born a Jew, he became the "Apostle of the Gentiles"
    $600 12
She returned as Elle Woods in "Legally Blonde 2: Red, White & Blonde"
    DD: $1,000 3
Number of horses who have won the Kentucky Derby twice
    $600 19
This opera that made its debut in Turin in 1896 probably helped Puccini pay his "rent"
    $600 28
Last time we checked, Jorge Batlle was still this country's leader
    $600 8
Kafka called those who inspired him, like this "Karamazov" author, his "blood relatives"
    $800 24
There are women saints named this of Bologna, of Genoa & of Siena
    $800 13
Sandra Bullock calls it quits as Hugh Grant's attorney in this 2002 romantic comedy
    $800 4
The 22nd Amendment puts a limit of twice on this
    $800 20
Turin's Egyptian Museum has a well-known statue of this "Let my people go" pharaoh
    $800 29
Since the VIII in 1644, the Popes have let this name lapse; it must be up for "renewal" by now
    $800 9
In "Wedding Preparations in the Country", Raban turns into one of these insects, yeah, yeah, yeah ...
    $1000 25
Saints from this country include 2 11th century kings, Stephen & Ladislas the First
    $1000 14
In this 1979 comedy Bill Murray says, "It just doesn't matter if we win or if we lose. It just doesn't matter"
    $1000 5
Majolica, a type of this, is fired twice
    $1000 21
For most of the time, from 1720 to 1861, Turin was capital of this fishy-sounding kingdom
    $1000 30
This author who had his Genesis August 3, 1924 published his "Exodus" in 1958
    $1000 16
Kafka used this special initial for the land surveyor in "The Castle" & the last name of Joseph in "The Trial"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Brian Sylvia Marybeth
$2,200 $3,800 $1,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Brian Sylvia Marybeth
$7,600 $3,800 $2,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 26
This now autonomous region of China got its first Buddhist monastery around 775
    $400 21
I cannot tell a lie, he's the only George to take home a gold heavyweight boxing medal
    $400 7
First class passengers got to sample this beverage, & some bottles of Cliquot 1900 were recovered
    $400 2
Siberian jasper has alternating bands of these 2 yuletide colors
    $400 12
In 1920 he said that "The Italian proletariat needs a blood bath for its force to be renewed"
    $400 1
Potamic means of these, such as the Rio Negro & the Cuyahoga
    $800 27
The Sui Dynasty cemented the system of exams to qualify for the coveted jobs in this service
    $800 22
You lose a point in this game if your team makes more than 3 contacts with the ball in succession
    $800 17
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew presents from the California Science Center Titanic Artifact Exhibit.) In a third class cabin, the sound of the 29 of these was constant; when they stopped, it meant bad news
    $800 3
The largest of the Cullinan diamonds is currently in her scepter
    $800 13
In "The Jazz Singer", he ad-libbed, "You ain't heard nothin' yet, folks"
    $800 8
Groats & groschens are old ones of these used in Europe
    $1200 23
Of the 2 main types of softball, Olympic women's softball is this type
    $1200 18
The orchestra had a repertoire of some 350 pieces, including this tune they're said to have played near the end
    $1200 4
An opal is silicon dioxide & this, which explains why they tend to dry out
    $1200 14
In a 1925 book, Anita Loos wrote, "Gentlemen always seem to remember" these people
    DD: $2,000 9
The corbicula is the small pollen basket below the knees on these
    $1600 24
At the 1924 games Finland barred him from defending his 10,000 m gold to give teammate Ville Ritola a chance
    $1600 19
(Sofia of the Clue Crew presents from the California Science Center Titanic Artifact Exhibit.) Some of the dishware brought up from the deep bore the logo of this, the Titanic's shipping line
    $1600 5
An emerald is a beryl colored by this metal, which some people take to try to build muscle & lose fat
    $1600 15
Architect Le Corbusier said that this "is a machine for living"
    $1600 10
Add one letter to etiquette to get this word for acceptable online behavior
    $2000 25
This "seasonal" swimmer qualified for 5 events at the 1992 games & swam away with 4 medals
    $2000 20
One artifact brought up was this type of bag, named for a Prime Minister, Disraeli's rival
    $2000 6
On seeing this large diamond, Nadir Shah said this, meaning "mountain of light", & the name stuck
    DD: $1,000 16
In 1925 he told a Dayton, Tenn. courtroom that it wasn't an insult, but a "compliment to be called an agnostic"
    $2000 11
From the Greek kolpos, "the bosom", comes this term for an indentation in a coast

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Brian Sylvia Marybeth
$10,800 $2,400 $3,800
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

"Chicago" was the first musical to win the Best Picture Oscar since this film won for 1968

Final scores:

Brian Sylvia Marybeth
$12,000 $100 $3,000
2-day champion: $42,800 3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Brian Sylvia Marybeth
$10,800 $5,000 $3,800
23 R,
4 W
13 R
(including 1 DD),
5 W
(including 2 DDs)
7 R,
2 W

Combined Coryat: $19,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2003-07-23
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