Show #772 - Tuesday, January 5, 1988

Bruce Seymour game 4.


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Eric Elfman, a dialogue author from Los Angeles, California

Robert Michaels, an economist originally from Chicago, Illinois

Bruce Seymour, a writer from Piedmont, California (whose 3-day cash winnings total $39,989)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 26
On some chipmunks, the pouches found here can extend as far back as their shoulders
    $100 27
Samuel Pepys recorded having his 1st cup of this September 25, 1660; there was no mention of crumpets
    $100 22
Newspaper section in which Brian Basset, Mell Lazarus & Milton Caniff ply their trade
    $100 8
Type of food "the Noid" likes to ruin
    $200 1
The 500 pound tridacna, found on reefs of the Indian & Pacific Oceans, is largest of these bivalves
    $200 5
Nero is said to have played this instrument now associated with Highlanders
    $200 10
A type of sword, or a type of Oldsmobile
    $200 21
One of these might hand Jan Stephenson an iron, but not an ironing board
    $200 9
In a 1987 Smith Barney commercial Teddy Ruxpin, not John Houseman, delivered this tag line
    $300 2
These parts of the African elephant act like car radiators, dissipating heat from their vast surfaces
    $300 6
As a gift for Albert, Victoria reportedly commissioned a nude statue of this tax protestor
    $300 12
Expendable soldiers are referred to in slang as fodder for this type of weapon
    $300 16
The U.S. Dept. of Labor code for this odd job is 139.087-010; no across or down is listed
    $300 14
The 2 "A"s in NASA
    $300 20
Joining the ranks of Brooke, Cybill & Jaclyn, Cecilia Gouge became the new "Girl" for this shampoo in '87
    $400 3
Term for a female fox
    $400 7
1 of 4 royal family members who took part in a '87 celebrity version of the game show "It's a Knockout"
    $400 13
This phrase, meaning "the whole of anything", is taken from the 3 main parts of a firearm
    $400 17
When Zelda Fischer charges $50,000, she'll go around the world to find a single client one of these
    $400 15
The telegraph agency of the Soviet Union is better known by this acronym
    $400 25
U.S. auto company who in July 1987 ads admitted their error in disconnecting odometers in test cars
    $500 4
The gecko was named onomatopoetically, from this
    $500 11
June 1987 event referred to in British tabloid headline "Super Mag Wins Her Hat Trick"
    $500 19
This weapon is pictured on the seal of the Department of Defense
    $500 18
In July 1987, Catherine Woodward became this tournament's 1st ball girl from the U.S.
    DD: $900 23
Of the most popular TV series of the 1979-80 primetime season, 1 of the 2 with acronyms for titles
    $500 24
Japanese electronics corp. who in July '87 ads apologized for a subsidiary's dealings with the Soviet bloc

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 13):

Bruce Robert Eric
$2,000 $800 $400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Bruce Robert Eric
$3,300 $1,900 $2,100

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 5
Body of water crossed when ferrying from Dover to Calais
    $200 25
A proverb says "he that is his own lawyer has" this "for a client"
    $200 21
From Greek "skhole", "leisure", it's an institution where you work hard to learn
    $400 6
In New York City on April 29, 1889, his Wall Street inauguration was re-enacted
    DD: $3,000 22
According to 1st line, time you'd hear the following being sung:

"We're drinking, my friend /
To the end /
Of a brief episode /
Make it one..."
    $400 2
Once part of Lake Bonneville, this lake, fed by freshwater streams, is more saline than the ocean
    $400 11
Title of the head of the U.S. Department of Justice
    $400 16
It's from "ostrakon", the potsherd a Greek used to cast his vote whether to banish someone
    $600 7
In 1893, Sanford B. Dole became president of this area he declared a new U.S. protectorate
    $600 9
Total, in years, of a millennium, a century, a decade & a year
    $600 1
The oldest bridge in Rome, dating back before the birth of Christ, spans this river
    $600 12
Person to whose back lawyer Brendan Sullivan was referring in July 9, 1987 quote, "Get off his back!"
    $600 15
From the Greek for "narrow writtng", it's the art of shorthand
    $800 8
Horace Greeley was among those who guaranteed $100,000 bail for this ex-president May 13, 1867
    $800 10
Made up of several eras, it's the largest division of geological time
    $800 3
Country which lies across the Gulf of Bothnia from Sweden
    $800 13
He's Jim & Tammy's "PTL"--pretty tough lawyer
    $800 24
One of his most popular books, "Hondo", was made into a 3-D film starring John Wayne
    $800 18
As the English alphabet runs from A to Z, the Greek runs this way
    $1000 17
Name of 1862 act which granted 160 acres to U.S. citizens who would occupy & improve the land
    $1000 19
Meaning "for the time being", this Latin phrase can be found on Sen. John Stennis' job description
    DD: $2,700 4
2 of the 3 main passages into the Mediterranean
    $1000 14
The 5th Amendment says no one shall "be deprived of life, liberty, or property without..." this
    $1000 23
Chris, Vin, Chico, Harry, O'Reilly, Lee & Britt
    $1000 20
From its Greek roots, the name of this occupation means "one who talks about the stars"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Bruce Robert Eric
$9,500 $6,400 -$100

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

2 of the 3 19th c. authors on whose stories the last 3 Tony Award winning musicals were based

Final scores:

Bruce Robert Eric
$15,000 $0 -$100
4-day champion: $54,989 2nd place: a week's trip for 2 to Bluebeard's Castle aboard Eastern Airlines + either the Jeopardy! boxed game or the computerized version 3rd place: the 12-volume, 20-million-word The Motion Picture Guide to more than 53,000 films + either the Jeopardy! boxed game or the computerized version

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Bruce Robert Eric
$9,500 $7,300 -$100
22 R,
0 W
15 R
(including 2 DDs),
2 W
(including 1 DD)
6 R,
3 W

Combined Coryat: $16,700

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1987-09-22
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