Nigeria's chief port, it lies on the Bight of Benin |
By Diana Ross in 1972 |
Billie Holiday
Tesserae are the small, colored pieces, usually tiles, that are used to make this type of picture |
a mosaic
The U.S. military used these animals to aid the clearing of underwater mines during the 2003 invasion of Iraq |
Simple Simon asked him, "Let me taste your ware" |
the pieman
In 1936 Francisco Franco began his fight against the Spanish Republic from his base in this archipelago off NW Africa |
(Faith: What is Ethiopia?)
the Canary Islands
By Sissy Spacek in 1980 |
Loretta Lynn
Around 1630 Mogul ruler Shah Jahan ordered this built as a memorial to his favorite wife |
the Taj Mahal
(Video of Vanna White) In several books, I share tips and some of my favorite designs for crocheting this cozy type of blanket |
an afghan
The lesser pandas of Asia are related to this "masked" North American mammal of the genus Procyon |
the raccoon
It's one who induces others to follow by means of false promises |
a pied piper
This river which empties into the Atlantic carries more water than any river in the world except the Amazon |
the Congo
By Jennifer Lopez in 1997 |
In 1622 he became a Cardinal; 6 years later he became First Minister of France |
Depending on what you weave, you might use the rigid heddle or 4-harness type of this |
a loom
Plentiful in the Eurasian steppes in the late Pleistocene, these animals stood 16 feet high & had tusks 16 feet long |
(Luke: What are woolly mammoths?) (Joe: What are mastodons?)
In "The Preacher and the Slave", Joe Hill wrote, "Work and pray, live on hay, you'll get" this "when you die" |
pie in the sky
In the 1500s this European power established bases in Angola, which it used as a source for slave labor for Brazil |
[The end-of-round signal sounds.]
By Lou Diamond Phillips in 1987 |
(Luke: [No response])
Ritchie Valens
Because it dealt with religious hypocrisy, his French comedy "Le Tartuffe" was banned until 1669 |
In this form of needlework, X's shown on fabric create pictures, like the lovely Paula Vaughan design seen here |
cross stitch
A traditional Uzbek meal might include shurpa, the meat of this "timid" animal served with vegetable soup |
a lamb (or sheep)
This hat has a low crown, flat top & flexible brim |
a pork pie hat
By Dennis Quaid in 1989 |
Jerry Lee Lewis
In 1653 Izaak Walton reeled readers in with this treatise on fishes & fishing |
The Compleat Angler
Many Hopi people earn part of their income from the crafting of jewelry, baskets & these sacred dolls |
kachina dolls
Like the last passenger pigeon, the last captive Carolina parakeet died in the 1910s in this Ohio city's zoo |
Velvet Brown's horse in "National Velvet" got its name from this black & white marking |