Mom, you're gonna give me this, a group of associated ideas, like the Oedipus one |
a complex
He put on his "top hat" & flew down to D.C., not Rio, in 1978 to pick up his award, as did George Balanchine |
Fred Astaire
February 7, 1999 in Amman, Jordan |
King Hussein
This organization was founded in 1909 by activists who had initially called themselves the National Negro Committee |
In 1883 Twain published "Life on the Mississippi" & in 1884 this novel about life on the Mississippi |
(Robert: What is Mark Twain?)
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Someone you know only slightly is a "nodding" one |
The image of this man, born in Switzerland in 1875, has entered our collective unconscious |
(Lillie: Who is Freud?)
Carl Jung
"Yes, I can" name this dancer, singer, entertainer, Mr. Wonderful, 1987 honoree |
(Lillie: Who is Bob Hope?)
Sammy Davis, Jr
August 22, 1485 Bosworth, England |
(Robert: Who is Richard II?)
Richard III
Guinness called his December 1999 concert at Liverpool's Cavern Club the biggest Internet concert ever |
Paul McCartney
The title character of this children's classic is taken to Frankfurt but pines for the Alps |
Term for simultaneously talking on the phone, working on your computer, cleaning your gun, etc |
About 40% of schizophrenics belong to this subtype having delusions of persecution |
He kicked back with his award in 1982, 2 years after starring in "Xanadu" |
Gene Kelly
January 23, 1516 in Madrigalejo, Spain |
A law discovered by Galileo let Christian Huygens in 1656 make an accurate clock using one of these |
a pendulum
This sonneteer to the Statue of Liberty also published "Songs of a Semite" |
Emma Lazarus
This word meaning "vast or enormous" contains a prefix meaning "star" |
(Robert: I don't know.)
From the Latin angere, "to torment", it's defined as the anticipation of danger or problems |
When born in Riga back in 1948, this ballet star probably never figured he'd turn out to be a 2000 honoree |
Mikhail Baryshnikov
4 B.C. in Jericho, Judea |
(Robert: Who is Solomon?)
Herod the Great
The word "textile" is derived from a Latin word that means to do this |
This Cuban poet & martyr lived in New York most of the decade & wrote essays on Emerson & Whitman |
Jose Marti
It's the term for the absorption of a minority group into the surrounding culture |
Leon Festinger said people who smoke knowing it's not healthy experience "cognitive" this |
(Robert: What is disorder?) (Tom: What is displacement?)
This prima ballerina of Native American descent was a 1996 honoree |
Maria Tallchief
June 7, 1329 Dunbartonshire, Scotland |
(Tom: Who is Macbeth?) (Lillie: Who is Duncan?)
Robert the Bruce
The 4 rings in this company's logo represent the 4 companies of the Auto-Union Consortium of 1932 |
His novel "La Terre" portrayed peasants as so crude & vile that his former disciples rejected him |
(Tom: Who is Hugo?)
Emile Zola