Show #810 - Friday, February 26, 1988


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Blanca Gallardo, a teacher from Syracuse, New York

Tom Gazzola, an assistant headmaster originally from North Mankato, Minnesota

Michael Shutterly, a bank officer from Elkridge, Maryland (whose 1-day cash winnings total $15,201)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 29
Including its headwaters, this tributary is longer than the Mississippi itself
    $100 10
The Aga Khan, leader of the Ismaili Muslims, is a direct descendant of this founder of Islam
    $100 23
"Fa la la la la, la la la la"
    $100 17
His adopted son
    $100 27
"Pen" is short for this type of large prison
    $100 1
The term plumbing comes from the Latin word "plumbum", which means this
    $200 28
The United States' 2nd busiest port is this city on the Mississippi
    $200 3
Black American choreographer Katherine Dunham is a high priestess of this religion
    $200 12
"His truth is marching on."
    $200 18
In his 1st film "Love is on the Air", he played one of these, a job he had in real life
    $200 26
According to the "Crime Dictionary", if you're "doing a nickel" you're serving this sentence
    $200 5
In new housing, this is the most common metal in hot water pipes
    $300 13
Only Major League baseball team named for a state that lies on both sides of the Mississippi
    $300 2
Legend says a German-born woman was once elected to this holy office but died in childbirth
    $300 11
"Now's the time to roll the barrel for the gang's all here"
    $300 16
In its section on his boyhood years, World Book refers to Reagan by this nickname
    $300 22
Under this religious group's 1790 plan in Philadelphia, prisoners were kept isolated from each other
    $300 4
Used for unclogging drains, a drain augur is often called this animal term
    $400 14
1 lawyer who argued the 1856 case to allow railroad bridges over the river was this future President
    $400 8
Denomination named for the father of the German Reformation
    $400 21
"Because it's June! June, June, June, just because it's June! June! June!"
    $400 20
Total number of times Ronald Reagan has won election to public office
    $400 24
With August '87 death of Rudolf Hess, its only inmate, it was reported this prison will now be torn down
    $400 7
Term for the crooked pipe under your sink, they come in P, U, & 198 more shapes
    $500 15
As the Broadway musical told you, Mississippi came from the Chippewa word meaning this
    $500 9
In this eastern religion, an "avatar" is an incarnation, sometimes in animal form, of a deity
    $500 30
"Follow, follow, follow, follow, follow, follow, follow, follow follow--"
    $500 19
From 1952-62, between his TV appearances, Reagan toured the U.S. as this company's spokesman
    $500 25
In 1971, this prison changed its name to Ossining, & in 1982, changed it back to the original name
    DD: $500 6
A plumbing system consists of these 2 separate sets of pipes

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Michael Tom Blanca
$2,400 $500 $0

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Michael Tom Blanca
$4,200 $1,600 $800

Double Jeopardy! Round

THE '40s
    $200 23
It's the force most responsible for creating dunes
    $200 25
For the Ayer Ad Agency, landing this fast food chain's account was a whopper of a deal
    $200 27
Leonardo painted Mona is this Italian city which also has a girl's name
    $200 19
If your litmus paper turns red, the substance you tested has this quality
    $200 30
Created as a result of a U.N. vote, this Mideast nation was admitted as a member in 1949
    $200 29
From the Latin for "unknown", it means "in disguise"
    $400 15
This adjective starts the name of Australia's Victoria & Sandy Deserts
    $400 8
In August '87, DOT Secretary Elizabeth Dole asked 6 of them to publish realistic schedules
    $400 26
Term for the de"light"ful art of decorating manuscripts with designs & pictures
    $400 18
With magnets, like poles do this to each other
    $400 28
The Big 3 Conference in July 1945 was delayed a day because he was late
    $400 1
You'll find these between the canines in your mouth
    DD: $2,000 5
Parts of these 2 countries are covered by the Sonoran Desert
    $600 7
With an interest rate of 13.5%, this co.'s Optima card set off a war in credit card industry
    DD: $4,500 12
Painter of the following, his jungles now inspire a series of Jaguar car ads:
    $600 6
From Greek for "amber", these subatomic particles were discovered in cathode rays in 1895
    $600 10
But most of all, I remember this play closed on Broadway in June 1946 after a record 713 performances
    $600 2
A spoken spell, such as "Double double toil & trouble; fire burn & cauldron bubble"
    $800 11
Deposits left on the desert floor from water that has come down from the mountains form this type of fan
    $800 21
Resembling a cross between a jukebox & soda vending machine, a VDM dispenses these
    $800 4
Pronounced one way, it's a grain, pronounced another, it's the French painter of "The Gleaners"
    $800 17
When magma cools, it can form obsidian, a natural form of this type of amorphous substance
    $800 24
In 1940, King Haakon fled Norway & this ruler fled from the Netherlands
    $800 3
A cozy alcove beside a fireplace, or the California wine you might drink there
    $1000 14
Cultivated for over 5000 years, almost all of this desert tree, the Phoenix dactylifera, is useful
    $1000 20
Since The Gap took it over in 1983, this travel clothing store has grown from 2 to 83 stores
    $1000 13
Van Dyck was among the famous assistants of this Flemish master artist
    $1000 16
1 of 2 elements in ammonia
    $1000 22
"Bull" who commanded the U.S. Naval Forces in the Nov. 1942 Battle of Guadalcanal
    $1000 9
A daughter of the King of Spain, whether or not she's a baby

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Michael Tom Blanca
$8,500 $200 $3,400
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

1 of 2 consecutive "Best Pictures"--1949 & 1950--whose titles begin with "All"

Final scores:

Michael Tom Blanca
$10,199 $400 $6,399
2-day champion: $25,400 3rd place: Stiffel pair of table lamps 2nd place: trip on Delta to Mexico & stay at Fiesta Americana Puerto Vallarta

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Michael Tom Blanca
$11,600 $200 $3,400
27 R
(including 2 DDs),
3 W
(including 1 DD)
13 R,
6 W
10 R,
1 W

Combined Coryat: $15,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1987-11-09
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