3 days after a fertilized chicken egg is laid, this organ begins to form & function within |
He points out his "classic nose" in a commercial for Classic wine cooler |
Ringo Starr
Dateline on news items from the Reagan Ranch |
Santa Barbara
He owned the Double R Bar Ranch |
Roy Rogers
Of spring rolls, Eskimo rolls, or rollmops, the ones you don't eat |
Eskimo rolls
Aug. 8 was date Nixon announced his resignation in 1974 & this man sailed for St. Helena in 1815 |
Napoleon Bonaparte
The 2 chief functions of this communication are to claim territory & attract mates |
calls or songs
3 of the 1st 4 Billboard #1 hits for The Beatles had this word in their titles |
(Alex: "She [*]s You", "Can't Buy Me [*], "[*] Me Do".)
Tallest building in Boston is named for this 1st elected governor of state of Massachusetts |
John Hancock
In film "Tin Men", the family in this western was described as "A 50-year-old father with 3 47-year-old sons" |
Of a dingus, dinghy or dingo, the animate object |
(Alex: Yes, the Australian dog.)
As the east is called the Orient, the west is called this |
It's "waiting...", "hoping...", "coming...", & "dying to take you away" |
"The Magical Mystery Tour"
Calle Ocho is the main street of the section of Miami frequently called this |
(Richard: What is Little Cuba?)
Little Havana
Richard Boone not only played this role but co-wrote his ballad |
(Alex: Wire, [*], San Francisco. Yes, Have Gun – Will Travel.)
Of a conjugation, congregation, or conjuration, the 1 most likely to begin "amo, amas, amat..." |
While American "pyramid" pool is played with 16 balls, billiards is played with this many |
On March 21, 1987, 4 Beatles albums held the top 4 positions on this new Billboard chart |
CD chart (Top CDs)
New Orleans jazz legends play nightly in this legendary structure at 726 St. Peter St. |
Preservation Hall
Each season this show started out from St. Joseph, Mo. & reached California in the spring |
Wagon Train
Of a sniffle, snaffle, or snuffle, the 1 that isn't a rhinal condition |
(Alex: It's a bit for a horse.)
When a ship's bell is used to denote time, it's struck not every hour, but his often |
every half hour
The oldest known ornamental bird, wild species kill & devour small snakes |
Song that tells the story of Desmond & Molly Jones |
"Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da"
Flags of these 3 countries have legally flown over St. Louis |
United States, France & Spain
From 1956-59, on separate shows, these 2 characters were billed as "Marshal of Dodge City" |
(Carol: Who are Matt Dillon & Bat Masterson?)
Matt Dillon & Wyatt Earp
Of goa, koa, or moa, the 1 that's extinct |
(Alex: [*] is the bird, yes.)
In 1935, he founded the American &, in 1936, the British Institutes of Public Opinion |
[The end-of-round signal sounds.]
(George) Gallup